The sickly girl became famous when she went to sex with a baby girl, and the actor’s ex-boyfriend as

Chapter 47 Xia Ran’s cooking skills are not as good as Fu Jinye’s

Chapter 47 Xia Ran’s cooking skills are not as good as Fu Jinye’s

"How do you feel now?" Fu Jinye suppressed his emotions and asked with concern.

Xia Zhi pretended to be relaxed and said, "After taking the medicine, the pain is no longer as painful as before."

It actually still hurts.

This is medicine, not spiritual liquid.

It takes time for medicine to take effect.

But she didn't want to worry these two people, so she subconsciously hid the matter.

Fu Jinye was not stupid, so he naturally saw through her illusion.

Xia Ran was not stupid, but he lacked life experience and did not see through Xia Zhi's disguise.

Hearing Xia Zhi say that she was much better, the worried expression on Xia Ran's face improved a lot.

He walked to the bed and put his little hand on Xia Zhi's palm, "Mom, you must get well soon. I will give you lots and lots of delicious food."

When you are sick, you are at your most emotionally vulnerable.

Hearing Ranbao's words, Xia Zhi's eyes instantly turned red. She choked with sobs and said, "Even if it's just to eat the delicious food made by our baby earlier, my mother will get better soon."

Xia Ran nodded, "Yeah."

Seeing that Xia Zhi's tears were about to fall, Fu Jinye slipped Xia Ranti aside.

That's right, it's Tiliu.

He picked up Xia Ran by his collar and carried her away, "Your mother needs to rest now."

Xia Qiangzi looked at the man who separated her from her mother and tried to occupy her, "You also leave, my mother doesn't want to see you!"

Fu Jinye was frustrated, this little guy knew how to make people angry.

"How about you two go outside to argue?" Xia Zhi said weakly.

The warm emotions just now were swept away.

Don't hold back her tears, and she no longer has the urge to cry.

After hearing her words, Fu Jinye and Xia Ran stared at each other and left the room one after another.

Standing at the door of Xia Zhi's room.

Fu Jinye lowered his head and told Xia Ran, "This afternoon you should stay in your room or the living room and study, and don't disturb your mother, okay?"

Xia Ran snorted at him, turned around and walked downstairs.

Stubborn little guy.

After Xia Ran came downstairs, he did not follow Fu Jinye's instructions.

Instead, he went directly out to find the staff.

Fortunately the staff are around.

Fan Yimin happened to come here for dinner and was a little surprised to see Xia Ran appear.

"Xiaoran, why are you here?" Fan Yimin put down the lunch box in his hand and asked curiously.

Xia Ran walked over and said seriously, "Uncle Director, my mother is sick. I want to make chicken soup for my mother. Is that okay?"

"Sick?" Fan Yimin was shocked, "What's the disease? Is she okay?"

After speaking, he made a gesture to leave.

Xia Ran reached out and grabbed his trouser leg. His strength was not strong, but Fan Yimin stopped.

Xia Ran said, "Mom is fine, just take a nap and you'll be fine."

Hearing this, Fan Yimin felt relieved.

He is also concerned about chaos.

There is also an adult named Fu Jinye at home.

If something really happened to Xia Zhi, he would probably be the least calm person.

After calming down, Fan Yimin began to pay attention to Xia Ran, "So, what does Xiao Ran want the director to do for you?"

"Nanran wants to make chicken soup for mom." Xia Ran said seriously, "Uncle director, can you give Ranran a chicken?" Fan Yimin nodded directly and agreed, "Okay."

Although they are filming a variety show, they are not inhumane.

In order to ensure fairness and not to offend other guests, Fan Yimin's staff went to the village to buy three prepared old hens and gave one to each of the three families.

When Fan Yimin brought the chicken to Fu Jinye's house, he was playing on his mobile phone in the living room.

Seeing him appear, Fu Jinye was a little confused.

Fan Yimin shook the chicken in his hand, "Xiao Ran asked me for chicken, saying he wanted to make soup for Xia Zhi."

"How's it going? Is Xia Zhi's condition okay?"

Fu Jinye stood up and asked Fan Yimin to enter the room, "It's okay, I just have a stomachache."

"That's good." Fan Yimin nodded, "I've delivered the chicken. You two can decide what to do with it."

Fan Yimin did not disturb the two people's interaction, and left without even drinking water after putting down the chicken.

Xia Ran pretended to go to the kitchen to process the chicken and make soup.

Fu Jinye was one step ahead of him, "Go and learn."

Xia Ran stared at Fu Jinye with a serious face, as if he wanted to confront him.

Fu Jinye was unmoved at all, "You are a smart boy, you should know what it means to act within your capabilities."

Xia Ran was not to be outdone at all, "How do you know you are not good at some things if you don't do them?"

"You can talk to me about this when you grow up." Fu Jinye moved out of Xia Zhi directly, leaving Xia Ran speechless, "You probably don't want your sick mother to worry about you."

Hearing "Mom", Xia Ran murmured in her heart.

He really doesn't know how to make soup.

But it shouldn't be very difficult.

It's just that they only have one chicken, and there is no extra chicken for him to do experiments. If it doesn't taste good, it will be a waste of chicken.
Although he was a little reluctant, Xia Ran had to give in again. He looked at Fu Jinye firmly, "Xia Ran will learn how to make soup!"

Ranran will learn everything her mother needs.

Mom doesn’t need to be with anyone other than Ranran, no one!
"Okay, I'll wait for you to learn." Fu Jinye did not dissuade Xia Ran's enthusiasm and said seriously, "Now, go and learn."

Even though he was unwilling to do so, Xia Ran had to admit that this person's cooking skills were pretty good.

It's just that he has the advantage of being older, otherwise he might not be worse than this person!

"I heard that Xia Zhi is sick. Let's go see her later." Ye Qi and Shen Jiangqi were watching a movie in the living room.

The two of them didn't communicate much. When the staff delivered the chickens just now, Ye Qi asked a lot, and then he knew the reason.

When Shen Jiangqi heard this, his expression suddenly became tense, "What's wrong with her? Is she okay?"

Ye Qi shook his head, "I heard it was a stomachache, so I took medicine and went to sleep."

"That's good." Shen Jiangqi breathed a sigh of relief, "It must be because I ate ice cream in the morning, that's why I have a stomachache."

Ye Qi looked at Shen Jiangqi curiously, "Old Shen, how come you know so much about Xia Zhi's affairs? Could it be that you are?"

"Ahem, don't make random guesses. I don't think it will be what you think." Shen Jiangqi explained in a subtle way.

Although he was explaining, his ears were flushed.

This expression clearly explained a lot of problems, but he still denied it.

She really should find a mirror and let Shen Jiangqi take a good look at what he looks like now.

Ye Qi saw through it and said directly, "In that case, let's go see Xia Zhi later."

Shen Jiangqi nodded, "Should we call Qi Mo and the others?"

This question stumped Ye Qi.

In any case, they are one.

"Scream." Ye Qi said, "After all, we have to record a show together."

(End of this chapter)

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