Chapter 48

Qi Mo and Zhou Yiran also received chicken from the director team.

But the two of them didn't feel very happy.

After all, not everyone can make chicken delicious.

Especially Qi Mo doesn't know anything about cooking, and Zhou Yiran is just a newcomer in the culinary world.

So the two of them put the chicken sent by the director team in the refrigerator in a tacit understanding.

As for when to eat, just let it happen.

When Ye Qi and Shen Jiangqi came over, they had just packed their things and were about to go back to their rooms.

As they appeared, the live camera was turned on again.

【what happened? 】

[Ah, what a surprise, I didn’t expect to actually watch Qiqizi’s live broadcast]

[There are so few people in the live broadcast room. Why did the director team suddenly start the live broadcast again?

[Didn’t you say you have a rest this afternoon? 】

[Hey, where is this?What are Qiqizi and Qi Ge going to do? 】

[Great, I can watch Qiqizi’s live broadcast this afternoon while doing my homework! ! ! 】

Because the live broadcast started very suddenly, people in the live broadcast room slowly poured in.

The comments all expressed great surprise.

Unexpectedly, the program team found out and started a live broadcast for them.

"Sister Ye, why are you here?" Zhou Yiran was a little surprised to see Ye Qi.

However, being able to have a good relationship with Ye Qi is also part of her plan.

Among the guests participating in the show, apart from Fu Jinye, the most popular one is Ye Qi.

Although Qi Mo is also quite popular, his status is still a little lower than that of Ye Qi.

Ye Qi directly stated his intention to come, "The staff just told me that Xia Zhi is sick. I wanted to ask if you would like to go over there to see her."

Zhou Yiran felt disgusted when she heard Xia Zhi's name.

Why is it Xia Zhi again?

But her good acting skills prevented her from revealing any of her inner thoughts in front of the live camera.

Zhou Yiran pretended to be surprised and asked with concern, "Why is she sick? Is she okay?"

Ye Qi shook his head, "I don't know either. Shen Jiangqi and I are about to go see her and wanted to ask you two if you want to go."

"Well, go ahead." Qi Mo said.

After all, they are one body.

Even Ye Qi came to the door, and they couldn't refuse.

"Okay, then you guys clean up, and we'll meet at Xia Zhi's place later." Ye Qi said.

Zhou Yiran nodded, and then asked, "Would you like to bring something to see her?"

Ye Qi also had some difficulties.

Normally, she would definitely bring some good things.

But now that she is recording the show, she has nothing to offer.

Shen Jiangqi responded first, "No, Xia Xia doesn't care about this. What's more, we can't protect ourselves now. I believe Xia Xia will understand us."

The second half of the sentence is somewhat of a joke.

But it also happened to solve a few people's difficulties.

It's not that easy to pretend to be fat.

Xia Ran sat obediently in front of the coffee table, and the book in front of her had been changed to Chemistry.

The previous Mathematical Olympiad question has been completed.

Xia Ran's attention was not entirely focused on the textbook. He looked up from time to time to see if the chicken soup was ready.

Fu Jinye sat aside, picked up the newspaper on the coffee table, crossed his legs, and started reading carefully.

When Xia Ran looked up at the kitchen again, Fu Jinye's calm voice sounded, "Be serious when you study."

Xia Ran rolled his eyes and replied, "Be careful when reading the newspaper."

Fu Jinye put the newspaper on his lap and looked down at him, "Why, have you learned all the knowledge above?"

Naturally there is not.

Xia Ran raised his head, unwilling to be outdone, "When will the chicken soup be ready?" "I will take care of it when it's ready. You don't have to worry." Fu Jinye said.

Xia Ran looked disdainful, "Just let Ranran take care of mom, and uncle doesn't have to worry."

It is rare to say uncle, but there is something in the words.

Are you trying to distance yourself from yourself?

Fu Jinye sneered, "Your temper is not like your mother's."

Although Xia Ran was young, he somehow understood Fu Jinye's hidden meaning.

What he means is: burning like dad.


Could it be him?
"Ranran was born to mother." Xia Ran said.

The two men were in a stalemate for several seconds.

In the end, no one paid any attention to anyone.

One continues to read and study, and the other picks up the newspaper again and reads it.

This was what Ye Qi and Zhou Yiran saw when they came over with their two children.

At both ends of the coffee table, Xia Ran and Fu Jinye occupied a corner.

Those who didn't know thought the two were having a cold war.

It looks extremely funny.

Hearing the movement at the door, Fu Jinye put down the newspaper in his hand.

He raised his eyes and was slightly stunned when he saw the six people appearing in the room, "Come in and sit down."

He almost immediately guessed the purpose of these people coming.

Visit Xia Zhi.

However, Xia Zhi is sleeping now and it is not convenient to see guests.

Fu Jinye asked a few people to sit down, then stood up to pour water for them.

"I'm here to help." When Zhou Yiran saw Fu Jinye going to the kitchen to get a cup, she immediately ran over to help, "Thank you for your hard work, Best Actor Fu, let me do this."

Fu Jinye looked at Zhou Yiran who was trying to be attentive in front of him, with no emotion in his calm eyes.

He said calmly, "The visitor is a guest."

As a host, how can you let your guests do things?

Zhou Yiran's hands stood awkwardly in the air, neither helping nor not helping.

In the end, it was Ye Qi who came to the rescue, "Just let Fu Jinye do it. It's rare to see him serving others. Opportunities like this are rare."

Zhou Yiran walked down the steps and complimented, "I didn't expect that Best Actor Fu is not only good at acting, but also has perfect life skills."

You can never go wrong with compliments.

It just depends on whether the person being praised will buy it or not.

Ye Qi raised his eyebrows and did not continue to answer.

"What are you doing?" Ye Heng approached Xia Ran.

He followed Xia Ran's example in reading, but the symbols on the book were like those from heaven.

He couldn't read it at all.

"Sister Jiajia, can you understand?" Ye Heng turned to look at Zhou Jiajia.

Zhou Jiajia shook her head honestly, "Jiajia doesn't understand either."

Shen Jiangqi was close to the child. He lowered his eyes and glanced at the book on the coffee table, a little surprised. If he read it correctly, it should be a chemistry book.

"Xiao Ran, are you studying chemistry by yourself?" Shen Jiangqi asked doubtfully.

This question doesn't matter, everyone's eyes turned to Xia Ran.

Only Fu Jinye, as if nothing had happened, calmly prepared water for everyone.

Ye Qi leaned over curiously, and after seeing the content in the book, he exclaimed, "Can you understand it?"

Xia Ran was not used to so many people staring at him.

Thinking of what his mother had said before, he reluctantly responded, "Yes."

"Isn't our Xiaoran a child prodigy?" Ye Qi turned to look at Fu Jinye, "Old Fu, do you want to take Xiaoran to have his IQ tested?"

(End of this chapter)

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