Chapter 58: Just be sullen, kid.

"Old Fu, Fu Jinye!" The helpless voice of Fu Jinye's agent Tao Yuan rang out from the empty room. Even through the mobile phone screen, his urgency could still be felt.

Tao Yuan said sincerely, "Did we agree when you first participated in this variety show that you should be reserved no matter what and don't let any scandals spread?"

"Why is it that in less than two days, your CP fans are all over the world?"

"Brother Fu, don't you really like that person named Xia Zhi?"

Fu Jinye sat on the sofa and turned on the sound on his mobile phone.

Hearing Tao Yuan's furious voice, he drank tea leisurely.

After Tao Yuan vented all his dissatisfaction, Fu Jinye said slowly and slowly, "Are you done?"

"Yeah." Tao Yuan immediately turned off the engine.

He knew that as long as it was something Fu Jinye believed in, no matter what he said, nothing could change it.

But he didn't quite understand, "Old Fu, tell me the truth, what exactly do you think about that Xia Zhi."

Understand the artist’s thoughts so that he can make next steps.

He investigated Xia Zhi and found nothing unusual.

When there were so many CP fans on the Internet, he thought it was Xia Zhi who was deliberately trying to catch Fu Jinye's fans.

Who would have thought that they didn't do this at all.

It seems that he has a villain's heart and a gentleman's heart.

"She is mine." Fu Jinye said bluntly without concealing his thoughts, "There is no need to clarify the scandal between me and her for the time being."

Having been with Fu Jinye for so many years, Tao Yuan has a general understanding of him.

It is not surprising that Fu Jinye can say such things.

Tao Yuan nodded, "If that's the case, then I'll find a marketing account to guide public opinion. I see that there are quite a few people who hate Xia Zhi on the Internet. Do you want to help solve it?"

A few seconds later, Fu Jinye's voice came, with only one simple word, "Yeah."

Tao Yuan thought to himself: Just be a sullen kid!

"There is another question." Tao Yuan suddenly said, "Xia Ran."

In fact, he wanted to ask Xia Ran if he was Fu Jinye's child.

The two of them looked so similar, if it weren't for Xia Ran's age, he would have thought that Fu Jinye was already married and had children without telling him.

Judging from Xia Ran's age, it should have happened before the two of them met.

Tao Yuan didn't know much about Fu Jinye's past.

I just vaguely knew that he seemed to have a girl he liked very much, but other than that, he never revealed anything to outsiders.

Fu Jinye said calmly, "You don't have to worry about his affairs."

"You should pay attention to online public opinion." Fu Jinye continued, "In the next six months, apart from this variety show, try not to arrange too much work for me."

"Okay." Tao Yuan agreed decisively.

After all, the boss wants to pursue his wife, so they must help him.

"Old Fu, do you want me to help you find other variety shows?" Tao Yuan seemed to have thought of something and asked, "Similar to a romantic variety show or something."

These days, it's much easier to make money on variety shows than in movies. ,

It's a pity that his artist's ambition is not this, otherwise he would have made a lot of money long ago.

Tao Yuan has never met Xia Zhi, but based on his intuition as a gold medal manager, Xia Zhi will definitely become popular after this show ends.

The momentum is even stronger than that of traffic florets.

Especially her face, bright appearance, and stunner-like figure, there are few meal replacements in the entertainment industry.

"No need for the time being." Fu Jinye said, "She shouldn't be involved in the entertainment industry."

Hearing this answer, Tao Yuan felt a little regretful.

However, he still did not give up hope and discussed, "How about I ask her?"

"It's up to you." Fu Jinye did not comment on Tao Yuan's behavior.

If Tao Yuan could convince Xia Zhi to join the entertainment industry, it might not be a bad thing for him.

"Is there anything else?" Fu Jinye asked.The implication is that he is hanging up the phone.

Tao Yuan briefly reported what happened in the studio recently, and then prepared to hang up the phone.

Before hanging up the phone, he suddenly thought of something, "By the way, I've found your new assistant for you, and he should be able to come to your place tomorrow."

"Yeah." Fu Jinye responded without paying attention.

His former assistant successfully returned to campus after taking the postgraduate entrance examination, and he has been without an assistant for the past two days.

The next morning.

Xia Zhi climbed out of bed early.

She touched her phone and looked at the time. It was only five o'clock.

It had been a long time since she had been so awake at this point.

Sometimes she plays games, sometimes binge-watches TV shows, sometimes she works, and inevitably stays up late. She basically doesn't wake up naturally at five in the morning.

Xia Zhi stretched, feeling full of energy after waking up early.

It's summer and it's bright outside.

On a whim, Xia Zhi changed into sportswear and put on sneakers. After a brief wash, she decided to go out for a run on the beach.

"Why are you so early?"

Xia Zhi was a little surprised when she saw the photographer standing at the door.

Could it be that she got the wrong time?
The photographer did not expect that Xia Zhi would come out of it.

Seeing her asking questions, one of the photographers said, "Good morning, Miss Xia."

Xia Zhi nodded and saw the photographer checking the equipment, so she stopped disturbing him and prepared to go for a run.

The photographer who just spoke saw that she was about to leave and asked with some confusion, "Don't Miss Xia wait for Best Actor Fu to come with us?"

Fu Jinye?
Does he want to run too?
Before Xia Zhi had time to think, Fu Jinye's voice sounded from behind, "Morning."

Turning around, Xia Zhi saw Fu Jinye standing behind her in sportswear.

He is obviously almost reaching the age of Ben San.

Fu Jinye, who was wearing sportswear, directly let Xia Zhimeng return.

Handsome and vigorous, exuding the unique vitality of young people.

In a daze, Xia Zhi seemed to see Fu Jinye waving to her.

"Why are you so weak?"

"Come to the park at five o'clock every morning from now on, and I will take you running."

"Zhizhi, your running posture is wrong!"

"Zhizhi, I will take you running every day from now on. When you get old and can't run anymore, we will hold hands and walk in the park together."

"I like the wind in the morning, the clean air in the morning, the soft sunshine in the morning, and I like you next to me in the morning."

Scenes of past events echoed in my mind.

Xia Zhi's eyes couldn't help but soften.

However, memories can only be memories after all.

Fu Jinye's voice brought Xia Zhi back to reality, "Let's go, together."

Xia Zhi couldn't even say a word of rejection.

Fu Jinye was not asking at all, but directly made a decision for her.

After glancing at the staff who were packing up their equipment and getting ready to set off, I couldn't say any words of rejection in the end.

Xia Zhi nodded, "Okay."

Let's go for a run together.

At 05:30 in the morning, we bathed in the morning light at the beach together.

(End of this chapter)

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