Chapter 59 BG Light
Xia Zhi hadn't run for a long time. She started slowly, leisurely, and didn't seem to be in a hurry.

Fu Jinye on the side matched her pace, giving the impression of walking quickly.

Xia Zhi said with some embarrassment, "How about you run away first?"

"It doesn't matter." Fu Jinye's voice followed, "It's not bad to slow down occasionally."

Xia Zhi glanced at him doubtfully, feeling that Fu Jinye was particularly gentle today. ,

Yes, gentle.

Since meeting Fu Jinye again, Xia Zhi never thought that one day she would associate the word gentleness with Fu Jinye.

The atmosphere was a little awkward, so Xia Zhi started to chat with him, "Do you run often?"

Fu Jinye's answer was somewhat beyond her expectation, "Occasionally."

Doesn't he love running in the morning?
Seemingly seeing through Xia Zhi's inner thoughts, Fu Jinye explained, "The filming time is not fixed. Sometimes we film until midnight or even all night long, so we don't have much time to go out for a run."

"So that's it." Xia Zhi understood.

She suddenly realized that Fu Jinye was now a big star known to all ages.

Even during non-filming periods, going out for a run will probably attract many people to watch.

Xia Zhi suddenly felt that entering the entertainment industry was not a good thing.

While being loved, he also completely exposed his private life to the public.

If you are not careful, you will fall off the altar and be stepped on so that you can't get up.

"What are you thinking about?" Fu Jinye asked when he saw that Xia Zhi was distracted.

Xia Zhi blinked, "Let's go to the front and take a rest."

She is a little tired.

Well, the problem of poor physical strength cannot be improved in a short while.

What's more, she has exercised only a handful of times over the years.

Fu Jinye nodded in agreement and no longer had to pull her to run a fixed distance before resting like before.

Xia Zhi was a little uncomfortable with Fu Jinye like this, but she felt that this was how the two of them should get along now.

Xia Zhi's pace gradually slowed down, and she simply started walking.

Fu Jinye followed her steps and started walking.

The two of them walked around the seaside, and the golden light reflected on the sea level, making the water sparkling.

Many people on the island are also walking on the beach, but most of them are older people.

They hold the maza in their hands. If they feel tired from walking, they sit down and rest for a while. The main thing is to be casual.

"Director, why did you suddenly decide to start a live broadcast?" The assistant director was confused, "There shouldn't be many people in the live broadcast room so early."

Fan Yimin looked at the man and woman in the camera. They looked so beautiful and had the atmosphere of an idol drama.

He couldn't watch this scene alone, he had to share it!

"The purpose of our live broadcast is not only for traffic, but also to shorten the distance between celebrities and audiences." Fan Yimin explained, "Listen to me, you are right!"

"Okay." The assistant director had no way to argue and had no choice but to follow the director's arrangements.

Although I don’t know what the director is doing.

But their program has become more popular than ever before, so it doesn’t matter if they start live streaming now.

As a result, the staff received news from the program team.

When they learned that the live broadcast was about to start, the staff were a little surprised, but they still dutifully told Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye about it.

The two said it made no sense.

The live broadcast is on.

Some people started to arrive.

[Damn it, it’s not even six o’clock yet, are the program team working so hard now? 】

[Family members, who knows? As soon as I woke up and turned on my phone, I saw a message indicating that the broadcast was about to start. As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw my husband. I couldn’t be happier! 】

[No, who in the family would understand? I was woken up by the broadcast notification message. I was so sleepy, but I was so excited.] [This scene is so beautiful. Are Xia Zhi and Lao Fu filming an idol drama? 】

[Can anyone please cut it out? If I can watch the idol drama produced by the old master in my lifetime, it will be worth it even if I have to work all the time for the rest of my life! 】

[I would like to give out ten test papers in exchange for Lao Fu’s idol drama]

[Can CP fans please enclose themselves and not accept any of his rumored girlfriends before Lao Fu’s official announcement]

[Such a self-disciplined Fu is worthy of being the youngest winner of a Grand Slam Film Award; Fu Jinye, you deserve it! ! ! 】

The number of people in the live room is increasing.

It's definitely incomparable to daytime.

Xia Zhi suddenly realized something. She looked at Fu Jinye timidly, "I don't have makeup on. Will the camera make me look particularly ugly?"

“I should have known better to wear a mask when going out.”

Xia Zhi thought to herself while walking forward.

Fu Jinye lowered his eyes to look at her. The morning light seemed to add a soft light to her profile. Her delicate facial features, perfect lines, and fair skin were still incredibly beautiful even without makeup.

She never seemed to know how beautiful she was.

Xia Zhi's complaints were not only ineffective, but more like Versailles.

"It's beautiful." Fu Jinye suddenly said.

Xia Zhi was shocked by his comment.

"What did you say?" She raised her eyes and stared at Fu Jinye in confusion.

The bright facial features came directly into his sight.

Because she wanted to go out for exercise, Xia Zhi tied her loose hair into a high ponytail. Her eyes were bright and youthful, like an elf in the sunshine.

Fu Jinye's eyes darkened and he repeated, "It's beautiful."

Xia Zhi didn't expect him to be so direct.

The cheeks were unconsciously stained with a blush.

It's like applying light pink rouge, crystal clear and looks delicious.

"Ahem." Xia Zhi pretended to be arrogant, "I'll take it as what you said is the truth."

Under the bright morning sun, the sparkling waves, and the endless sea, handsome men and beautiful women walk side by side, occasionally looking at each other, and the air seems to be filled with pink bubbles.

It's just standard for idol dramas.

Especially the atmosphere between the two people directly fills the feeling of love.

[Look, there seem to be two dogs over there! 】

[Show me this when you wake up early in the morning? ? ? 】

[Kicking over the dog bowl in front of you means you don’t accept dog food! ! ! 】

[What we are saying is, Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye, why don’t you two just join the romance variety show? Parent-child variety shows are no longer suitable for you. 】

[Old Fu, hold on! ! ! ! 】

[I can finally see that Fu Jinye really likes Xia Zhi. I have never seen him look at other girls with such tender eyes]

[A carnival feast for CP fans! ! ! 】

[Benyangou has already screamed, and strongly recommends Fu Jinye and Xia Zhi to act in idol dramas to save the BG market! ! ! ! 】

[Fu Jinye is so beautiful, he takes her away without making a date. These are all scripts, scripts! ! ! ! ! 】

[Civil Affairs Bureau: I’m here, I’m here, I’m here with my documents]

【The hatred of seizing my wife!Fu Jinye, you boy is so lucky! 】

[I have already begun to brainstorm the plot of the novel. Have you started writing it yet? 】

[You two just stay together, I will take care of the burning treasure! 】

(End of this chapter)

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