Chapter 76 Power On Password

Xia Zhi pinched Xia Ran's face and said, "Baby, you're so good."

After putting the paintings away, Xia Zhi led the three little ones back to the room.

Fu Jinye and others are eating fruit.

After the three children came in, Ye Heng rushed to the coffee table and picked up a peach to eat.

Zhou Jiajia was a little cautious. With Xia Zhi's encouragement, she slowly walked over and picked up a peach as well.

Xia Ran didn't take any action, and Xia Zhi didn't urge him. Instead, she led him and walked over together.

Both mother and son like to eat peaches.

The director team prepared butter peaches and peaches, both of which are sweet and delicious.

"Xia Xia, what are you holding in your hand?" Shen Jiangqi asked curiously when he saw Xia Zhi holding something in her hand.

Xia Zhi spread the paintings and explained, "These three paintings were painted by the children just now and are now given to me."

There was a hint of showing off in her tone, but it was not annoying at all.

On the contrary, it makes people feel very cute.

Ye Qi pretended to be jealous, "Why don't you give it to me? Don't the babies like Aunt Ye?"

Seeing this, Zhou Jiajia waved her hands quickly, "No, no, Jiajia doesn't like Aunt Ye."

"Just. Just"

After all, Zhou Jiajia is just a five-year-old child.

Average language organization ability.

I stammered for a long time and couldn't find the right words.

His little face turned red, as if he had made a huge mistake.

This look made Ye Qi heartbroken.

She quickly took Zhou Jiajia into her arms and said, "Jiajia is fine. Auntie didn't blame you. Auntie was joking with you just now."

"Our Jiajia is the most well-behaved. It's Auntie's fault. Jiajia can forgive Auntie, okay?"

Zhou Jiajia glanced at Ye Qi uncertainly, and after confirming that she was indeed not angry, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

"If Auntie likes it, Jiajia will paint it for Auntie again." Zhou Jiajia said.

After confirming that Ye Qi was not angry, she seemed less panicked and quickly thought of a countermeasure.

"It's okay." Ye Qi said, "If Jiajia has time, just paint. It doesn't matter if she doesn't have time. Don't tire yourself out, you know?"


Zhou Jiajia nodded obediently and let Ye Qi hold her.

Xia Zhi's worried eyes fell on Zhou Jiajia.

Her and Ye Qi's eyes met in the air, and in an instant, they both understood the emotions in each other's eyes.

After eating the fruit, the two men went to the kitchen to wash vegetables and cook.

Xia Zhi and Ye Qi were sitting on the sofa chatting.

The three little ones were sent to play games.

Even though Xia Ran was a little reluctant, she was obedient and looked back three times pitifully, as if she was about to be separated from her mother.

Looking at his son's impatient back, and seeing Xia Ran turning around every step of the way, Ye Qi couldn't help but sigh, "You are still happy, but you are a caring little cotton-padded jacket, unlike my naughty son who only leaks wind."

Xia Zhi smiled and said, "I hope Xiao Heng can bring more burning treasures with him to make him more cheerful."

"It would be great if the two of them could reconcile." Ye Qi felt the same way.

After talking about their children, the two of them changed the topic to Zhou Jiajia.

The staff went to the kitchen to film Fu Jinye cooking, but the live broadcast footage was not given to them.

Ye Qi sighed softly, "You must have noticed something is wrong with Jiajia's appearance."

Xia Zhi nodded uncertainly, "She seems to be too cautious, for fear of doing something wrong."

If you are an adult who has just joined the company, it is understandable to be cautious in an unfamiliar company environment for fear of doing something wrong.It is normal to have such emotions in other strange places.

But she is only a five-year-old child.

You are at an age when you are curious about everything, so why are you so well-behaved and sensible?
Even sensible people feel distressed.

"I've also heard about Zhou Yiran." Ye Qi spoke again, "I didn't expect that she would do such a thing."

The "fake faint" incident has been widely circulated on the Internet.

Some people believe that Zhou Yiran was really scared and fainted, but some people think that she was pretending and her acting skills were too poor to convince the audience.

As a movie queen, Ye Qi's acting skills are naturally beyond doubt.

It's no problem for her to judge acting skills.

The moment she saw the video of Zhou Yiran fainting, she realized that Zhou Yiran was pretending to faint.

Especially, there is a scene before she faints.

When she encounters danger, her first concern is her own safety, completely regardless of whether her five-year-old daughter is in danger.

As a mother, Ye Qi is not very able to understand her behavior.

So I instinctively rejected Zhou Yiran.

Xia Zhi said, "I also watched that video. There are mixed reviews on the Internet. In fact, what netizens say is less important than what Jiajia thinks."

Faced with the fate of being abandoned by her mother, can five-year-old Jiajia realize that something is wrong?
"He is also a poor child." Ye Qi couldn't help but sigh, "If I had such a well-behaved and sensible daughter, I would have spoiled her to such an extent that she would never be like Jiajia."

Xia Zhi feels the same way.

Maybe because both of them only gave birth to one son, they loved the girl more.

It's just that some people don't know how blessed they are.

"Let's take more care of Jiajia from now on." Xia Zhi suggested.

This is the only thing they can do now.

After all, Zhou Yiran is her biological mother.

"What are you talking about? Why has there been no response after calling for a long time?" Shen Jiangqi came over and looked at the two of them curiously.

He seemed to hear the name "Zhou Jiajia".

Ye Qi raised his eyebrows, "We girls are chatting, do you also want to participate?"

Shen Jiangqi waved his hand and refused, "I'll forget it."

"Which one of you two should call Qi Mo and ask him to come over and have dinner together." Shen Jiangqi added, "My mobile phone is on the coffee table. Xia Xia knows the power-on password and Qi Mo's contact information is on it."

"Okay, I'll beat him." Xia Zhi agreed.

Ye Qi looked like he was watching a good show and poked Xia Zhi with his elbow, his eyes full of teasing.

Xia Zhi had no idea what Ye Qi was thinking, so she opened Shen Jiangqi's cell phone with ease, found Qi Mo from the contacts, and made a call.

A few seconds later, Qi Mo answered, "Brother Qi?"

"I'm Xia Zhi. Brother Qi and Sister Qi are at my house now. The meal is almost ready. You can come over and have dinner with me soon."

"Okay." Qi Mo agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Zhi locked the phone screen and put it back on the coffee table.

"You have such a good relationship with Shen Jiangqi." Ye Qi said pointedly, "You even know his power-on password."

Xia Zhi choked and didn't know how to explain.

In fact, does she believe this is all a misunderstanding?

There was just one time when her phone ran out of battery, but at that time she had something important to tell Rong Yun.

Shen Jiangqi happened to be nearby, so he borrowed his mobile phone from him.

Xia Zhi didn't expect that he would tell her the power-on password.

The reason why she still remembers it until now is simpler.

Because Shen Jiangqi’s power-on password is: 123456.
(End of this chapter)

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