Chapter 77 Collective Poisoning
Naturally, Xia Zhi would not tell Shen Jiangqi's power-on password in public.

"Seventh brother is indeed like a real brother to me sometimes." Xia Zhi said.

She didn't want others to misunderstand the relationship between her and Shen Jiangqi.

Ye Qi understood what she meant instantly and stopped teasing her.

Qi Mo came very quickly.

When he arrived, Fu Jinye and Shen Jiangqi were preparing to stir-fry.

Qi Mo was stunned for a moment when he saw the two men busy in the kitchen.

After greeting Xia Zhi and Ye Qi, he went straight to the kitchen.

"Need help?" Qi Mo asked.

Fu Jinye was cooking without looking at him.

Shen Jiangqi thought for a moment and said, "Then you wash the plate and put the dishes on it later."

"Okay." Qi Mo nodded in agreement.

[I simply don’t love this scene too much! 】

[Three men are cooking and a woman is chatting on the side, I will really cry]

[If anyone is envious, I won’t tell you]

[From the time we got married to now, let alone cooking in the kitchen, my husband has never even cleaned up the dishes]

[It would be great if this were true, but unfortunately not many men in reality can cook]

[Don’t say it so absolutely, my husband is the one who cooks in our house]

[The camera turns to Xia Zhi and Ye Qi. I want to know what gossip they are talking about! 】

[Aren’t these fungi poisonous? ? ? ? 】

[As someone who has been there, you don’t know whether the fungi are poisonous or not until you eat them]

Soon, the meal will be ready.

In order to prevent the three little ones from eating the mushrooms by mistake, Fu Jinye specially divided the dishes into portions. The adults ate at the table while the children were placed on the coffee table.

It's rare that there are only adults at the dinner table, and a few people are chatting happily.

Almost all the food on the table was eaten.

Especially fungi.

Xia Zhi couldn't help but sigh, it's really delicious!
No wonder so many people love to eat it.

She must pick more next time she goes up the mountain!
"Why did the wind suddenly pick up?" Xia Zhi asked doubtfully, "I'm so dizzy. Where is the helm? Will we yaw?"

Fu Jinye walked up to her and grabbed her wrist, "Xia Xia, don't worry, I will protect you."

"Pirates, where are you running!" Ye Qi shouted.

Take out your own weapon--chopsticks--and assume a position of fending off the enemy.

Qi Mo is at the helm, "Don't panic, I'm here and you won't veer off course!"

Shen Jiangqi also walked up to Xia Zhi and said, "Xia Xia, when the pirates come soon, just hide behind me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fu Jinye pushed him aside.

Fu Jinye took Xia Zhi's hand and declared his sovereignty, "She is mine!"

Shen Jiangqi looked at the two of them blankly. When he saw their hands held together, his face was filled with loneliness.

Soon, he regained his composure, "Impossible! I will never give her to you again this time!"

"You two, stop arguing, the pirates are coming!" Ye Qi reminded.

When the director team saw that these people were starting to feel strange, their first reaction was that they were poisoned by fungi.

So he quickly stepped forward to hold them back and dialed the ambulance number at the same time.

Unexpectedly, these people actually mistook the directing team as pirates.

Not only did he not obey their arrangements, he even wanted to drive them away.

Xia Zhi said, "Pirates, where are you running away!"

After saying that, she hit the director team.

Seeing this, Fu Jinye also followed her.Shen Jiangqi and Ye Qi also fell into the melee.

As the helmsman, Qi Mo must ensure the safety of the ship. "Slow down and don't capsize the ship!"

As a result, the guests and the program crew started a game of chasing each other.

This scene was all caught on camera.

When the program team thought of turning off the live broadcast, it was too late.

The audience burst into laughter.

[I was actually poisoned]

[Here I go, the brain circuits of these people can still be together after being poisoned]

[Are they performing One Piece? 】

[Qiqizi and Xia Zhi are so cute, hahahahahahahahahaha]

[The part where Fu Jinye and Seventh Brother compete for Xia Zhi was also super fun, and the screen has been recorded]

[They won’t have any problems, right? It feels like the show crew is so perfunctory this season. How long has it been since filming started? How many things have happened to the guests? 】

[Don’t worry, according to my experience, they only experience hallucinations and are slightly poisoned, and there won’t be any big problems]

[This can’t be entirely blamed on the program team. After all, they didn’t provide the bacteria and they didn’t cook the dishes. Fans should be more sensible]

[A bit sad, but also a bit funny]

[Hahahahaha, Ye Heng looked like he saw a ghost, it made me laugh so hard]

【Hey hey hey? ? ?Why is the screen black in the live broadcast room】

[Don’t close it, I really want to know the follow-up]

[Director team, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have doubted you. Please turn on the live broadcast, please? ! 】

[Director team, please, please start the live broadcast, the children want to know the follow-up]

No matter how many netizens called, the live broadcast was never started again.

Ye Heng looked at the crazy adults with a look of horror on his face, "Are they crazy?"

Xia Ran glared at him, full of energy, "Mom is not crazy!"

He trotted to Xia Zhi's side, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing her son's voice, Xia Zhi quickly picked him up and protected him in her arms, "Ranbao, are you on the boat too? Mom told you to stay at home. When mom comes back from the sea, you can make a lot of money. You can buy whatever you want and go wherever you want!"

Xia Zhi's body shook tremblingly, but her arms hugged Xia Ran tightly.

Ranbao was so strangled in her arms that he could hardly breathe.

But he still clung to Xia Zhi, "Mom is not afraid, Nuanran is here, and Nuanran will protect her."

Xia Ran knew that something was wrong with Xia Zhi's situation, but this strangeness touched upon his knowledge blind spot.

Yes, the most important thing now is to call 120 and call an ambulance.

"Call an ambulance quickly." Ranbao said these words with difficulty in Xia Zhi's arms.

Ye Heng and Zhou Jiajia heard this and looked for their phones in a panic.

Fan Yimin immediately stood up and explained, "Don't be afraid, kids. My uncle has called 120 and the ambulance is on the way. Your mother and uncle are fine."

Xia Ran's little face turned red from being strangled, but his arms hugged Xia Zhi's neck tightly, and his face was pressed against hers.

No matter what crisis his mother encounters, he will always be by her side.

When the ambulance arrived, they saw a group of people wandering around the room.

The scene could be described as a chaotic dance of demons.

Fan Yimin briefly explained the situation, and after the doctor performed simple treatment, he took several people into the ambulance.

The three little ones were only worried about their mother's comfort, so they also got into the ambulance together.

Zhou Yiran never expected that someone would come to accompany her while she was just staying in a hospital.

Seeing Ye Qi in the next bed and Xia Zhi in the other bed, Zhou Yiran was confused, "Director Fan, this is"

Fan Yimin held his forehead and said, "I was poisoned by eating fungi. The doctor said I need to be hospitalized for observation for a period of time."

(End of this chapter)

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