Chapter 78 Professional counterpart

"Poisoned?" Zhou Yiran's face was complicated, and she looked at the two people on the bed next to her. Even though they were lying on the hospital bed, their mental state still seemed a little wrong.

They are immersed in their own world and seem unaware of what is happening around them.

Fan Yimin said sarcastically, "The doctor said that fortunately the fungi they ate were not very toxic, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Zhou Yiran forced a smile and said, "As long as they are fine."

Fan Yimin also felt extremely lucky.

At the same time, he felt that he needed to make arrangements next time and never pick up random things from the wild and take them home to eat.

At the same time, the public relations officer of the program also posted a message on Weibo, accompanied by a video, indicating that these people were fine and their lives were not in danger.

Who would have known that the painting styles in the comments below are so diverse.

[I often eat mushrooms. Can I not know whether they are poisonous?It must be undercooked! ! ! 】

[Hahahahahaha, no one is suffering from collective food poisoning. I am suddenly very interested in this show. I want to know what other weird things these people will encounter! 】

[Dear guests, just be fine. Don’t eat wild mushrooms casually in the future. If you want to eat them, let professionals handle them!The key is to be familiar with the way to the hospital! ! ! 】

[Fortunately, the three little ones were not given food. They are still very defensive about this.]

[The level of collective poisoning seems to be 0%, and seeing their reaction after eating fungi is 10000000% funny]

[The program team must be careful in the future and cannot let the guests do whatever they want. What if something happens! 】

[I feel sorry for my brother. It’s all Xia Zhi’s fault. I have to try some fungi. If it weren’t for her, everyone wouldn’t have been collectively poisoned! 】

[Resolutely resist Xia Zhi’s entry into the entertainment industry! 】

[Although it was Xia Zhi who proposed mushroom picking, she didn't force anyone else to eat it. What's more, Shen Jiangqi and Fu Jinye were the ones handling the mushrooms. Why didn't you say that they were not cooked?And Xia Zhi didn’t force anyone else to eat, so don’t let one person take the blame for this kind of thing]

[Next time anyone wants to eat mushrooms, come to my place. I have been professionally handling mushrooms for 20 years and have never made any mistakes]

Except for three children, the guests all had an accident this time.

The original recording plan can only be put on hold temporarily.

For a while, he couldn't think of anything new to record.

While he was worrying about this matter, the assistant director suddenly suggested, "How about we play a new one?"

"What?" Fan Yimin asked.

The assistant director explained, “Usually adults take care of children, and it is rare to see children taking care of adults.

Why not take advantage of this time when everyone is sick and let the three children take care of the adults. "

"It is indeed a good idea." Fan Yimin nodded, and then, as if something had occurred to him, he reluctantly said, "There are actually scenes of children taking care of adults."

The assistant director choked.


Hasn't Xia Ran been taking care of Xia Zhi?

"It's also a good subject, let's record it like this." Fan Yimin made the decision directly.

Even if Ranbao takes care of Xia Zhi, there are two other children.

There will definitely be no shortage of material by then.

In order to match the height of the three children, the program team directly built a children's version of the "stove".

For safety reasons, the program team will arrange for personnel to stand by to avoid further accidents.

"Children, your mother and uncle are currently recovering in the hospital and won't be able to go home for a while." Fan Yimin patiently explained, "Can you prepare a sick meal for them?"

"Can you all cook?" Fan Yimin asked.

I expected someone to shake their heads.

Unexpectedly, the three little ones all nodded and said in unison, "Yes!"

This surprised Fan Yimin.

Ye Heng said proudly, "Xiao Heng grew up watching the Master Chef cartoon!" Xia Ran naturally went without saying, Zhou Jiajia said the same, "Jia Jia has cooked porridge."

"Okay, then you can start preparing sick meals." Fan Yimin said, "If you need anything, you can talk to your uncles and aunts."

[Do children play house? 】

[It feels quite fun, much like playing house when I was a kid]

[This is not a collision with the muzzle of the gun. We, Ranbao, are probably the most handy.]

[Is it true that a five-year-old child won’t get hurt when cooking?Can the directing team take some responsibility? 】

[Didn’t you see the staff at the back? They must have been prepared to prevent the children from getting hurt. Some people didn’t see clearly, so please stop talking nonsense! 】

[Hahaha, Hengzi, just because you grew up watching Master Chef, it doesn’t mean you can cook! 】

Sure enough, just as everyone expected.

Xia Ran is the most handy among the three.

Stir-fried vegetables and porridge, he can do almost everything at his fingertips.

Zhou Jiajia seemed to be playing house, moving slowly, but also started chopping vegetables.

Only Ye Heng stared at the chopping board with a blank expression.

He seems to have never cooked before. How did he act like this in the cartoon?

After Zhou Jiajia cut the vegetables, she started washing the rice.

She grabbed several handfuls of millet with her little hands, then suddenly paused with a confused look on her face.

She glanced at the director team and then at Xia Ran.

After hesitating for a moment, he trotted over to Xia Ran.

"Brother Xia Ran, can you tell Jiajia how much rice to add?"

"How many people are you going to feed?" Xia Ran asked.

Zhou Jiajia stretched out two fingers and said, "Two."

She added, "Jiajia made it for Uncle Qi and my mother."

"Half of this bowl." Xia Ran handed Zhou Jiajia a bowl that was much bigger than his fist, "Add three bowls of water."

"Okay." Zhou Jiajia nodded obediently, "Thank you, brother Xia Ran."

Xia Ran responded coldly, "You're welcome."

"Hey." Ye Heng raised his chin, "Are you good at cooking? Do we want to compete? I grew up watching the chef!"

Xia Ran glanced at the provocative Ye Heng inexplicably, said "Oh" lightly, and completely ignored him.

Ye Heng frowned, looking unhappy, "Are you scared?"

Xia Ran ignored him and started to choose dishes.

Not to be outdone, Ye Heng followed him and chose with him.

Looking at these green leafy vegetables, Ye Heng's little face suddenly fell.

He doesn't like to eat vegetables, he likes to eat meat.

Yes, why can't he cook meat dishes?
This way, it’s better than Xia Ran, and you can also cook your favorite dishes!
Just do it.

Seeing that almost all the vegetable baskets were vegetarian, Ye Heng approached the director and asked, "Uncle, Xiao Heng wants to make meat dishes for his mother. Can you prepare the meat for Xiao Heng?"

Fan Yimin was a little surprised, "Can Xiao Heng know how to cook meat dishes?"

"Of course!" Ye Heng said proudly, "Xiao Heng likes meat the most!"

In his world, knowing how to eat = knowing how to cook.

The corner of Fan Yimin's mouth twitched, and based on the principle that meat and vegetables are not easy to handle, he said seductively, "Xiao Heng, mom is still very weak and cannot eat greasy food. How about we make preserved egg and lean meat porridge?"

(End of this chapter)

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