Chapter 81 I will definitely come back

No matter how Xia Zhi tried to defend herself, she could not get rid of her werewolf identity.

Helpless, she could only lower her head and reflect inwardly. She must not do this again next time!

When it was Ye Qi's turn to speak, Ye Qi said, "There are two werewolves in total, and one of them has been confirmed. How about we throw her out first. The prophet should have tested one last night, and will test another one tonight." , if we’re lucky, we should be able to detect another werewolf.”

It was Zhou Yiran's turn to speak, and she said, "First of all, I declare that I am a good person, and then, I follow the vote."

Qi Mo spoke concisely and to the point, "Good people, follow the vote."

It was Shen Jiangqi's turn to speak. He looked at Xia Zhi with a smile, and then said, "I will vote too."

Fu Jinye's tone was calm and he spat out two words from his thin lips, "Follow the ticket."

During the voting session, no surprise, Xia Zhi was voted out.

Fan Yimin looked at her and asked with a smile, "Does the werewolf have any last words?"

Xia Zhi nodded, and then said the classic wolf saying, "I will definitely come back!"

[Hahahahaha, Big Big Wolf’s classic lines]

【Xia Zhi is so fun】

[Big Big Wolf: You idiot, you really disgraced our wolf face]

[Big Big Wolf: Don’t Q]

[Xia Zhi is playing a very new kind of werewolf killing]

[Come on Fu Jinye, even if you are the only werewolf, you have to work hard to win~]

Fan Yimin coughed lightly, "Please close your eyes when it gets dark."

Everyone closed their eyes, and Xia Zhi looked straight at everyone. She wanted to know the identities of these people. ,

At present, except for Fu Jinye, the identities of others cannot be determined.

"Wolfman, please open your eyes."

As Fan Yimin's voice fell, Fu Jinye slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes fell on Xia Zhi, his eyes were gentle, with a touch of endearment.

Xia Zhi was a little embarrassed to be stared at by him.

She was still brooding over her self-destruction just now.

"Werewolf, please kill someone." Fan Yimin spoke again.

Fu Jinye's eyes swept across everyone in turn, and finally fell on Ye Qi.

"Wolfman, please close your eyes."

"Witch, please open your eyes." Fan Yimin said, "She is the one who died tonight. You have a bottle of poison in your hand. Do you want to use it?"

Ye Qi's eyes suddenly widened. She never thought that she would be stabbed.

who can that be?

Her eyes glanced at everyone suspiciously.

Finally fell on Xia Zhi's sight.

Xia Zhi innocently spread her hands, saying that she had nothing to do with her.

However, after she finished the action, she glanced at Qi Mo, whether because of a guilty conscience or something.

Her eyes were quick, but she was still caught by the keen Ye Qi.

Ye Qi reacted instantly.

She said she was going to use her own poison and took Qi Mo away.

"Witch, please close your eyes." Fan Yimin continued, "Prophet, please open your eyes."

Qi Mo opened his eyes.

Fan Yimin, "You can choose one person to verify your identity. Who do you choose?"

Qi Mo's eyes fell on Fu Jinye.

Fan Yimin held up the werewolf's identity card.

"It's dawn." As Fan Yimin's voice sounded, everyone opened their eyes, "Two people died tonight, and the game continues." Two people died, but the game continued.

When he heard the words "game continue", Ye Qi looked at Xia Zhi in disbelief.

"you are not"

Xia Zhi smiled at her and said nothing.

The game was still going on, and Ye Qi couldn't ask any more questions.

However, netizens who clearly saw everything passing by were not calm.

[Killing someone with a borrowed knife, this is a wonderful move! ! ! 】

[Fu Jinye’s IQ is indeed at its ceiling. I thought he was flirting with Xia Zhi just now, but it turned out that he was passing on confidential information]

[Let me tell you, why did Fu Jinye look at Qi Mo after looking at Xia Zhi? It turned out to be to put the blame on Qi Mo! 】

[666, there are three people left now, the chances of the good guys winning are slim]

[Qiqizi’s shocked expression is enough to make me laugh for 100 years]

[Ye Qi said: My stupid Xia Xia has learned to lie! 】

[Xia Zhi and Fu Jinye are in perfect harmony with each other! ! ! 】

[Qi Mo died unjustly, my poor prophet]

[Have you noticed that Qi Mo has successfully verified his identity as a werewolf twice in a row? He is simply a prophet of destiny! ! ! 】

[What’s the use of predictions? The first prediction was successful for Xia Zhi, but she blew herself up; the second prediction was successful for Fu Jinye, but she was drugged. It’s so unlucky! 】

There were three people left, starting with Zhou Yiran.

Zhou Yiran said, "I declare again that I am a good person, a civilian, and have no other identity."

When it was Shen Jiangqi's turn, he also said that he was a good person.

"Fu Jinye, are you a werewolf?" Shen Jiangqi pointed his finger at Fu Jinye.

Fu Jinye said calmly, "Actually, I am a prophet."

Xia Zhi blinked and could only say that he was indeed Fu Jinye, and he didn't even have to draft a lie!
Ye Qi instantly understood who the last wolf was.

No wonder Xia Zhi deliberately lured her to poison Qi Mo. It turned out there was a military advisor behind it!
Fu Jinye continued, "On the first night, I tested Ye Qi's identity and she was a witch."

"On the second night, I verified Zhou Yiran's identity. She is a civilian."

"There are three people left on the field. I know that I am a prophet, and I also know that Zhou Yiran is a civilian. Since there is still one werewolf left, I know who it is without verification."

Seeing that Zhou Yiran had already believed it, Shen Jiangqi immediately regretted it.

Unfortunately, it is no longer his time to speak.

"Now for the final vote, name the werewolf you think you are."

Shen Jiangqi pointed at Fu Jinye, and Fu Jinye also pointed at Shen Jiangqi.

Now, the pressure was on Zhou Yiran.

Zhou Yiran was very confused.

"I think there is nothing wrong with the self-reports of Brother Qi and Best Actor Fu, but if you really want to say it, the credibility of Best Actor Fu should be higher." Zhou Yiran analyzed, "Sister Qi and Qi Mo died together, so they must One was poisoned by a witch, and the other was killed by a werewolf's knife."

"Actor Fu also said just now that he verified that Ye Qi is a witch. And, the most important thing is, he knows my identity."

"So, this time I'm with Movie Emperor Fu. Brother Qi, I'm sorry."

In the end, Zhou Yiran voted for Shen Jiangqi.

Seeing Zhou Yiran pointing at him, Shen Jiangqi expected the ending of the story.

"The game is over, the werewolf wins." Fan Yimin's voice sounded.

Zhou Yiran looked confused.

So, she had reasoned so much and said so many things, but they were all wrong? !
Ye Qi was finally able to speak and could no longer hold back his words, "Fu Jinye, you are so scheming! You actually tricked Xia Xia into deceiving me and taught our simple Xia Xia to lie!"

Xia Zhi said silently: The adjective "simple" is used very well. Don't use it again next time!

She has already self-destructed once and evolved. In the next game, she will take back everything that belongs to her!
(End of this chapter)

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