Chapter 82 I will turn into a prophet to protect you
Zhou Yiran felt her face burning up.

She actually gave an analysis just now. The audience in the live broadcast room must think that there is something wrong with her IQ!
How could this be? !

Zhou Yiran, who has always been concerned with saving face, looked a little embarrassed. ,
In fact, she should understand it if she thinks about it carefully. It's just that Fu Jinye talks too much and his acting skills are off the charts.

Otherwise she would not have been blinded.

"Actor Fu is so awesome." Zhou Yiran said sincerely, "If it hadn't been for your final analysis, maybe I wouldn't have been fooled."

[Hahahaha, Yiran is so innocent]

[Yi Ran, actually your previous analysis is quite good, but don’t do it next time]

[Actually, Zhou Yiran is quite nice, a bit stupid, and I feel her IQ is not very good]

[With this IQ, I think her pretending to be dizzy before may have been fake. After all, she shouldn’t have the brains to think about this]

[Hahahaha, stupid beauty? 】

[Speaking of stupid beauties, Xia Zhi is actually more suitable]

[Xia promised to be stupid, but she is actually beautiful, I like it very much]

[Emperor Dog, stop daydreaming, your Xia promised to be in my bed right now]

"Players are asked to draw identity cards."

As Fan Yimin's voice sounded, the second game of Werewolf began.

Everyone got their new identity badge.

"Please close your eyes when it gets dark.

Werewolves, please open your eyes and confirm each other's identities. "

This time, it was Ye Qi and Xia Zhi who opened their eyes.

Yes, Xia Zhi is a werewolf again.

When Xia Zhi drew this identity card, she never expected it.

She is out of luck.

After confirming the identity of his partner, a moment of astonishment flashed across Ye Qi's face.

The smile on his lips was a little forced.

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene, they laughed like crazy.

[Sure enough, where there is a crouching dragon, there must be a phoenix chick]

[Xia Zhi is poisonous, why does it feel like being with her makes Qiqizi become stupid?]

[Family members, who knows, I’m laughing like crazy]

[Xia Zhi is really lucky, she got the werewolf identity twice in a row]

[Next, please enjoy the interpretation of a good man, ah no, a good wolf]

[Hahahahaha, are you going to laugh me to death and inherit my ant flower?]

"Werewolf, please kill someone." Fan Yimin tried his best to control his facial muscles to remain calm.

He didn't expect that Xia Zhi had so many tricks on her.

This is the right guest!
Xia Zhi's eyes fell on Fu Jinye.

Ye Qi understood instantly and expressed his agreement with her decision.

In the last one, Fu Jinye, a werewolf, lived his best life. Such a person must be killed first.

"Werewolf, please close your eyes.

Prophet, please open your eyes. "

After finishing his words, Fu Jinye slowly opened his eyes.

"Whose identity do you want to verify?"

Fu Jinye glanced at everyone in the room, and finally fixed his gaze on Xia Zhi.

"Her identity is" Fan Yimin held up the werewolf's identity card.

“Prophet, please close your eyes.

Witch, please open your eyes. "

This time, it was Zhou Yiran who opened her eyes.

"He was the one who was stabbed tonight. You have a bottle of antidote in your hand. Do you want to save him?"

Fu Jinye was stabbed?
This was something Zhou Yiran didn't expect.

Since he was stabbed, it proves that he is not a werewolf.Whether she is a prophet or a commoner, as long as Fu Jinye is in her camp, her chances of winning will increase.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yiran nodded and expressed that she wanted to save him.

"You have a bottle of poison in your hand. Do you want to use it?" Fan Yimin spoke again.

This time, Zhou Yiran shook her head.

The identity of the other players is not yet known, so I will keep the poison for now, it may be of great use if necessary.

"Witch, please close your eyes.

Tonight is Christmas Eve and no one dies.

Players please speak. "

Fan Yimin hesitated for a while, but finally decided to start with Xia Zhi first, "Start with Xia Zhi and speak in order."

[Director, what are you hesitating about? 】

[Is this half-second of hesitation due to uncertainty about Xia Zhi’s IQ? 】

[Director Fan, you understand the connotation! 】

[The current Xia Zhi is no longer the original Xia Zhi, she is Niu Hulu Xia Zhi! ! ! 】

"Ahem." Xia Zhi cleared her throat, "No kidding, I am a good person and have no identity."

"Hey, our Xia Xia has made progress." Ye Qi joked with a smile, "I have an identity, not a civilian, but the details are kept secret for the time being, and it may be dangerous to tell them."

Zhou Yiran didn't get any useful information from the two people's words.

She had no choice but to say, "I am also a good person. I don't know who the werewolf is yet. I will listen to your analysis and follow the vote."

When it was Qi Mo's turn, he stated simply and concisely that he was a good person and had no idea who the werewolf was, so he had nothing to say.

"You four say you are good people, so Fu Jinye and I are werewolves." Shen Jiangqi said half-jokingly.

Then, he said seriously, "Although I'm not sure which one of the four of you has lied, I can be sure that one of you must have lied."

"So, one of you four must be a werewolf, who could it be?"

Shen Jiangqi glanced at everyone, but he was undecided in his heart.

But his face was very calm.

When it was Fu Jinye's turn to speak, he was silent for a long time.

It took so long that everyone thought he was offline.

But they are real-life werewolves and have nothing to do with network cables.

Xia Zhi felt inexplicably panicked.

For some reason, she always felt as if Fu Jinye's eyes were always lingering on her.

Could it be that he saw through that she was lying?

Or is Fu Jinye a prophet who verified her identity last night?
The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became. Xia Zhi felt like a drowning person, sometimes sinking to the bottom of the water, sometimes rising up to take a few breaths of fresh air, lingering around.

The moment of death is actually not scary.

But the process of waiting for death is full of fear.

Fu Jinye narrowed his eyes and said calmly, "I'm not a werewolf, I think what Ye Qi just said is a bit strange.

Therefore, I speculate that she has two identities, either a prophet or a werewolf.

Although I have no clue who is the werewolf in this round, if Ye Qi is not stabbed in the next round, then she must be the werewolf. "

[Fu Jinye, what are you doing? 】

[Oh my god, what kind of divine love is this?]

[One day, Xia Zhi’s prince charming will wear the identity of a prophet to verify her identity. Even if he knows that she is a werewolf who will kill him, he still wants to cover it for her; this life, since you want it , give it to you]

[Fu Jinye, what you did is going too far]

【I was so moved! 】

[After seeing her for a long time, Fu Konno, a woman with a low body insulation, actually became enlightened]

[Fu Jinye, don’t be too doting! ! ! 】

[The prophet openly betrayed the good guys, how can we still play this game? ! 】

[I love you, even if you are a werewolf, I will turn into a prophet and protect you forever]

[I just told you not to look at Internet cafes when it comes to love. It’s over, and my condition has worsened again]

(End of this chapter)

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