Chapter 92 You Feed Me

After the disinfection was completed, Xia Zhi took out gauze to bandage Fu Jinye's wound.

"Try not to touch the water these two days." Xia Zhi warned while bandaging.

Fu Jinye raised his eyebrows, his tone slightly doubtful, "What about taking a shower?"

He pretended to be in a difficult situation, and then said, "Why don't you help me."

Xia Zhi frowned and looked at him, "Uncle Fu, you are injured, not incapable of living."

Fu Jinye said "Oh", and his tone was a little aggrieved, "Didn't you say you shouldn't touch the water these two days?"

Xia Zhi was speechless and didn't know how to refute for a long time.

She kept moving her hands, wrapping the gauze around and around, and finally wrapped Fu Jinye's hand into an oversized chicken drumstick.

Fu Jinye looked at her lovingly and allowed her to move.

Xia Zhi looked down at her "masterpiece" and said sarcastically, "It seems to be a bit too much."

"As long as you are happy." Fu Jinye said.

Finally, Xia Zhina cut the gauze short and tied it with a bow, which was indescribably cute.

Don't tell me, don't tell me, Fu Jinye and Ribbon are a perfect match.


Seeing Fu Jinye's hand, Xia Zhi couldn't help laughing.

The tense mood has eased a lot, and I don't feel as panicked as before.

"Are you feeling better?" Fu Jinye asked with concern, "If you want to go out at night, I will accompany you."

Fu Jinye did not advise her to go out less at night, or not to order takeout.

He just said that he would always stay with her and protect her.

Xia Zhi's heart moved slightly, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but rise.


The untimely stomach growl sounded again.

Fu Jinye was a little helpless, "Are you hungry?"

Xia Zhi nodded, "Yeah."

I was so nervous just now that I forgot about hunger.

If the fear in her heart is calmed, her body becomes honest.

Ordering takeout again is out of the question.

Although she most likely thought nothing would happen again, Xia Zhi just didn't want to order takeout.

What just happened still left a shadow on her.

"Let's go out to eat." Fu Jinye suggested, "There should be a convenience store near the hospital. Don't you like eating rice balls?
If you're lucky, you might even get some Guandong cooking. "

Xia Zhi likes to eat rice balls and oden from convenience stores.

"Don't you think it's unhygienic?" Xia Zhi retorted weakly.

When she went to the convenience store to buy rice balls, Fu Jinye spotted her several times.

Every time she was caught, she was punished by copying books.

She didn't like writing, but seeing Fu Jinye's cold face, she could only sit next to him and copy the book carefully.

Later, Fu Jinye would personally make rice balls for her.

It's just that he rarely does it, but Xia Zhi will still go to the convenience store when she's greedy.

Then he was discovered again, copying books.

This happens over and over again, but the boys and girls never tire of it.

Fu Jinye shook his head, "No."

He didn't tell Xia Zhi. In fact, he just found a reason to want her to stay with him.

17-year-old Xia Zhi is the wind of freedom. He cannot hold it, so he can only rely on some unscrupulous means to keep her by his side.

Fortunately, she liked him and was willing to create a prison for him.

Two people came to the convenience store wearing hospital gowns.

Xia Zhi specially prepared a mask for Fu Jinye.

But his superior body proportions still attracted the attention of many people.

Maybe it was because it was late when I arrived at the convenience store. There was only one waitress in the store and no other customers.

Xia Zhi motioned Fu Jinye to find a corner to sit down, while she went to choose the rice balls.

"What do you want to eat?" Xia Zhi asked Fu Jinye, "How about instant noodles?"

Fu Jinye knew Xia Zhi so well that as soon as she opened her mouth, he knew what she actually meant.

Xia Zhi wants to eat both rice balls and instant noodles.She couldn't eat it by herself, so she asked him if he wanted to eat it.

"Okay." Fu Jinye nodded without revealing Xia Zhi's little thoughts.

The waitress kindly helped her heat up the rice balls. Taking advantage of this interval, Xia Zhi chose oden again.

After a while, the table was filled with food.

Instant noodles, oden, rice balls, chicken feet and other snacks.

"Eat quickly." Xia Zhi urged.

She was already extremely hungry, but she resisted eating first and let Fu Jinye take the initiative.

Fu Jinye didn't change his movements, he just raised his bandaged hand that looked like a drumstick, "How do you eat it?"

Xia Zhi blinked and looked at him innocently.

She is also kind-hearted, but the package is a bit excessive.

"Feed me." Fu Jinye ordered.


Xia Zhi was very confused.

They are ex-boyfriends and girlfriends. Is it really okay to be so close?

"Huh?" Fu Jinye sighed softly, "Oh.

It is said that those who act bravely will be rewarded.

Unexpectedly, I can’t even eat now. "

His self-pitying words instantly made Xia Zhi frown.

Yes, Fu Jinye was injured just to save her.

She shouldn't let it go regardless of emotion or reason.

She was still struggling just now, she was really heartless!
After feeling disgusted with herself, Xia Zhi looked at Fu Jinye with a smile, "What do you want to eat? I'll feed you."

Fu Jinye suppressed the slightly raised corners of his lips and glanced at the food on the table.

He said casually, "Let's eat instant noodles first, they will be lumpy in a while."

"Okay." Xia Zhi nodded.

She opened the instant noodle box, and the hot steam came out. The aroma of instant noodles instantly aroused her greed.

However, she had to take good care of Fu Jinye first before thinking about anything else.

Xia Zhi rolled up the instant noodles with a fork and prepared to feed it to Fu Jinye's mouth.

When taking off Fu Jinye's mask, she could look around and make sure no one was around before carefully taking it off for him.

Seeing the masks, Xia Zhi suddenly thought of an excellent idea.

"How about I open a hole in the middle for you?" Xia Zhi was eager to give it a try.

Fu Jinye shook his head and refused, "No."

Xia Zhi was a little disappointed.

But he quickly picked himself up again and took on the important task of feeding Fu Jinye.

Unexpectedly, when it came to his mouth, he didn't open his mouth and just said one word, "Hot."

Xia Zhi patiently let it dry for a while, and then fed it to Fu Jinye again.

"Is it delicious?" Xia Zhi stared at him curiously.

Fu Jinye nodded reservedly, "That's it.

Not particularly tasty either. "

Xia Zhi fed him another mouthful, and it was still eaten quickly.

Judging from the speed at which he eats, it's not as "unpalatable" as he said.

Halfway through the meal, Fu Jinye suddenly closed his mouth and said, "Suddenly I don't want to eat instant noodles anymore. Please break a rice ball for me."

"Okay." Xia Zhi can be said to be asking for everything.

Fu Jinye looked at Xia Zhi who was working hard and couldn't bear it. "I'm not hungry for the time being. You can eat first."

"Are you really not hungry?" Xia Zhi looked at the half-eaten instant noodles and said with some emotion, "Being an actor is really hard.

Both men and women must control their appetite.

Just because of this, I have no connection with the entertainment industry in my life. "

Fu Jinye shook his head helplessly, "Let's eat first."

Her brain circuit is always so strange.

(End of this chapter)

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