Chapter 93 Kiss. ​​Kiss!
Xia Zhi didn't dislike Fu Jinye and ate the remaining half of his instant noodles.

It was as delicious as she imagined.

When she opened the lid just now, she smelled the aroma.

After eating half of the instant noodles, Xia Zhi not only didn't feel full, but became even hungrier.

She opened two more rice balls and handed one to Fu Jinye.

"You hold it with both hands and eat it," Xia Zhi said.

Fu Jinye's hands were wrapped into chicken drumsticks and he couldn't do any delicate work, so it shouldn't be a problem to hold them and eat them.

"No need." Fu Jinye looked at Xia Zhi, "Don't you have two hands?"

So, Xia Zhi took a rice ball in each hand.

Fill yourself with one hand and feed Fu Jinye with the other hand.

The movements are very strange.

Under Xia Zhi's hands, all the food on the table was eaten by the two of them.

When he stood up, Fu Jinye even felt as if his eight-pack abs had temporarily disappeared.

Xia Zhi took out a tissue and wiped it for Fu Jinye without waiting for him to remind him.

Through the tissue, Xia Zhi could still feel the elasticity of Fu Jinye's thin lips.

My heartbeat was inexplicably fast, and I felt shy.

Xia Zhi coughed lightly, wiped her mouth quickly, and then helped Fu Jinye put on the mask again.

After paying the bill, I left the convenience store.

It was close to morning.

Road damage has almost disappeared from vehicles.

The evening breeze was getting colder, and the two of them walked side by side on the street, walking at a casual pace.

"Fu Jinye." Xia Zhi suddenly called his name.

Fu Jinye responded lightly, "Huh?"

"Why did you enter the entertainment industry?" Xia Zhi asked curiously.

"You've asked this question before." Fu Jinye was a little helpless.

Xia Zhi looked at him blankly, "Is there any?"

Why can't she remember?

They say that one pregnancy makes you stupid for three years. She has been in a daze for five years and she still hasn't recovered.

Pregnancy: Don’t blame everything on me!

Fu Jinye nodded, "Yes."

"Then you say it again?" Xia Zhi tilted her head and looked at him, as if she was being coquettish.

I haven’t seen Xia Zhi like this for a long time.

Fu Jinye stretched out his hand to rub her hair.

But when he saw his "chicken legs"-like hands, he gave up.

"I remember you said you wanted to work in the financial industry before, didn't you?"

"Do you still remember?" Fu Jinye was a little surprised.

Xia Zhi was speechless and silent.

A smile appeared on Fu Jinye's lips. He did not force her, but patiently explained, "There is no conflict between entering the entertainment industry and engaging in finance."

Apart from acting, he also takes time to manage the company.

So, there is no conflict.

People like Xia Zhi who can only concentrate on one thing at a time obviously can't understand his behavior.

"Facts have proven that excellent people are excellent no matter what they do." Xia Zhi said seriously, "Even in the entertainment industry, you are doing very well."

She didn't dare to lie that Fu Jinye was number one in the entertainment industry.

But he is also a top-notch existence.

Just like in school, he is always the first in his grade.

Excellent people are never limited by their environment.

"The little girl speaks very nicely." Fu Jinye joked, "Do you want your idol to sign your autograph?"

Xia Zhi didn't expect that Fu Jinye would still joke.

I thought he had always had an ice face in the past few years, but he really turned into an ice cube.

"Okay, idol." Xia Zhi's eyes fell on his hand, "But is it convenient for you?"

Fu Jinye looked at his hands and nodded, "It's indeed not very convenient.

There is another way to sign, do you want it? "

"What?" Xia Zhi looked up at him.

next second.

Fu Jinye leaned forward and put their lips together.The man's kiss fell in small pieces, and the gentle kiss gradually turned into the intertwining of lips and teeth.

Xia Zhi's hands subconsciously circled Fu Jinye's waist, but the other party held the back of her head and kissed her deeply.

In a daze, a surge of familiarity and unfamiliarity overwhelmed his mind.

The surroundings were quiet, and Xia Zhi could even hear the beating of her own heart.

After a long time, he finally stopped the lingering kiss.

Xia Zhi looked up at him, her eyes blurred, her cheeks flushed, and her lips as moist as jelly.

This appearance was reflected in Fu Jinye's eyes, and his eyes darkened instantly.

Does she know how confusing she is now?
Xia Zhi's heart was "beating fast."

On the way back, the two didn't speak a word.

One was restraining himself, while the other was stunned by the kiss.

Everything happened unexpectedly.

Until she returned to the ward, she still had not recovered.

Ye Qi was still awake and was a little surprised to see the two people coming back.

She had seen the news online and immediately stood up to defend Fu Jinye and express her support.

"Xia Xia, are you okay?" Ye Qi whispered.

When Xia Zhi heard Ye Qi's voice, she came back to her senses for a moment, her eyes still filled with confusion, "Huh? Oh, I'm fine."

She didn't look like she was okay no matter how she looked.

Xia Zhi really doesn't know how to face Fu Jinye now.

She left "I'm going to wash up" and hurried to the bathroom.

Ye Qi looked at her back in confusion, and then looked at Fu Jinye, "I asked uncertainly, is she really okay?"

Fu Jinye smiled and nodded, "Well, maybe something is wrong."

Ye Qi felt more and more strange as he looked at the two people who were behaving abnormally.

Something happened to Xia Xia, why was Fu Jinye smiling so happily?
Could it be that she guessed wrong?
Fu Jinye doesn't like Xia Xia?

Impossible, but any normal person would not be able to smile so happily after knowing that the other party had an accident.

Unless something happened between the two of them later.

Come to the bathroom.

Xia Zhi looked at her red face in the mirror, lowered her head and rinsed it with cold water.

My heart still couldn't stop beating.

I always feel like I'm going to jump out of my chest the next second.

Why did Fu Jinye kiss her suddenly? !

Xia Zhi's mind was filled with the kiss just now.

Even though she forced herself not to think too much, she still couldn't stop her thoughts from flying around.

After a brief wash, Xia Zhi returned to the ward.

Fu Jinye sat beside the bed, wondering what he was thinking.

When she looked over, Xia Zhi quickly returned to her hospital bed and closed the curtain, blocking Fu Jinye's view.

She lay down, and Ranbao, who was sleeping, seemed to feel her arrival. He nuzzled his little face in her arms and fell into a sweet dream again.

Xia Zhi held Ranbao in her arms, her eyes were clear and there was no sign of sleepiness at all.

Tonight, doomed to sleepless.

It’s not just Xia Zhi.

The next morning.

Xia Zhi was awakened by the noise from everyone.

She opened her phone and looked at it. It was only seven o'clock.

Xia Zhi turned over and continued to sleep.

She touched her arm under the quilt, where is Ranbao?

"Ranran, can you wake up your mother?" Fan Yimin's voice sounded.

Xia Zhi yawned and closed her eyes tightly, unwilling to open them.

She stayed up almost all night last night, and she barely fell asleep until it got slightly brighter.

That kiss was so devastating.

Now, she just wants to sleep well.

Fuck the weird kiss.

Fuck Fu Jinye!

Nothing matters more than sleep!

(End of this chapter)

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