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Chapter 277: The son of destiny dies, heaven is in despair, and the eternal world surrenders

Chapter 277: The son of destiny dies, heaven is in despair, and the eternal world surrenders

Fang Laomo can be said to be in high spirits.

Thinking back then, when he faced Qin Tian, ​​he was directly humiliated by him.

Look at now, he has achieved an unprecedented realm of immortality.

This feeling is really comfortable.

At this moment, Eternal Heaven is so speechless.

It chose this child of luck to break through the limitations of the world and hit the high plane.

Let the Eternal Great Thousand World be completely promoted to the highest plane.

To this end, it has prepared a lot, and opened a lot of links for this son of luck.

Everything was going well, but Heavenly Court suddenly appeared and broke all its plans.

Now, Eternal Tiandao always feels that his mind is not normal when he chooses this son of luck.

Don't you really think that a realm of eternal life is invincible in the world?

Don't you really think that in the realm of immortality, you can suppress both Heavenly Court and Heavenly Emperor?
You bastard, stupid pig, you haven't fought yet, you don't even know what the opponent's strength is.

You're so proud of it, don't know what you're so proud of?
Eternal Heaven thinks, even if Heaven does not come.

It wants to rely on this child of luck to hit the high plane, and it is afraid that it will fail.

Without it, this child of luck is too stupid.

Now the eternal heaven is also seen.

Heavenly Court and Heavenly Emperor, this is obviously from a higher level plane.

The realm of eternal life is invincible in this realm.

But in higher planes, it's a piece of shit.

Eternal Heaven is desperate, and it feels that it is so unrealistic to put its last hope on the child of luck.

This son of luck, obviously his brain is not normal.

In the beginning, it had thousands of choices, how could it choose such a fool?

In fact, Eternal Tiandao does not understand Fang Laomo's mentality.

Wealth and nobility do not return home, such as walking in brocade clothing at night.

Fang Laomo was very powerful in his previous life, and he was the artifact of the Eternal Gate.

But an artifact, what do you know?
In this life, Fang Laomo is just a humble servant.

From a slave, he broke through the realm of eternal life and became the unprecedented No. 1 in this world.

Isn't Fang Laomo very proud?
When he sees his old friend, can he not pretend to be coercive?

Not to mention, this old friend.

It was the one who robbed the goddess in his mind in front of him.

Fang Lao Mo controls the gate of eternity, and suppresses Qin Tian with high spirits.

"Hahaha! You didn't expect it, right? Let's see how I wash away the shame of the past. The shame of the past, I will give back ten thousand times today."

Fang Laomo laughed heartily, and the gate of eternity and the distance reflected each other.

For a while, above the sky, there was that terrifying aura.

Qin Tian said indifferently, "Kneel down."

This voice is now a pardon.

Fang Laomo, who was in the realm of eternal life, rolled down directly on the gate of eternity.

Then he knelt down in front of Qin Tian.

Fang Laomo, who was in high spirits, was ordered to kneel in front of the Heavenly Emperor.

Everything happened in that instant.

Qin Tian said disdainfully, "Come! Tell me, how do you wash away the shame of the past?"

"Tell me, what do you mean 30 years in the east of Hedong and 30 years in the west of Hexi? A fool will always be a fool. Don't tell me if I give you 30 years, if I give you 3000 years, you will still be a fool."

Fang Laomo is not bad among the children of luck.

Ruthless and ruthless, he is an absolute hero.

But still can't get rid of the mentality of the little people, the pattern of the little people.

More importantly, because the way of heaven is a bit big.

This time, Fang Laomo didn't have so many complicated experiences.

Even the heroic mentality has not been cultivated.

Now he is, at best, a clown-like thing.

Fang Laomo knelt down in front of Qin Tian, ​​and he still used all his strength to resist.

"Impossible, how can you be so strong? I am the realm of eternal life, I am invincible,
"No one is my opponent."

Fang Laomo was almost insane.

"Fake, it's all fake."

I originally thought that he had broken through the realm of immortality and had no rivals.

That's why he was so arrogant.

But in this Eternal Life Realm, facing the Heavenly Emperor, he has no resistance at all.

This made him unacceptable.

Being humiliated like this twice, Fang Laomo hated and went mad.

In the last time, when Qin Tian came.

The seed of luck has been planted in Fang Laomo's body.

This was an accidental move.

Because with Qin Tian's current strength, Fang Laomo broke through the realm of immortality, but he was just an ant.

In this world, there is absolutely nothing that can threaten his existence.

To deal with a Fang Laomo, there is really no need for him.

However, the existence of the Seed of Luck allows Qin Tian to refine Fang Laomo into a puppet in a single thought.

Fang Lao Mo did not understand from beginning to end.

As long as Qin Tian thought about it, he could only be a chess piece.

Qin Tianyi said sullenly, "You can kill yourself."

When he reached his realm, it was because of this son of luck, so much nonsense.

That's a waste of time.

Invincible for too long, in this world, there is no enemy of his.

But as Qin Tian's words fell, Fang Laomo couldn't control himself and killed himself.

Fang Lao Mo shouted in horror, trying to stop all this.

But it's simply not possible.

He broke through an unprecedented realm, and he became a powerhouse in the realm of immortality.

However, when he reached the peak of his life.It was he who killed himself with his own hands.

The son of luck, Fang Laomo, can't rest in his eyes.

As for the gate of eternity, Qin Tian waved his hand and put it away.

This gate of eternity has reached the level of spiritual treasures in the prehistoric world.

It is not bad to use it to refine a higher-level cross-border gate.

The Tao of Heaven in the eternal world, seeing this scene, is desperate.

This son of luck is a stupid pig.

Fortunately, it also put hope on this stupid pig.

In the eternal world now, all the strong immortal kings are suppressed.

Child of Luck is also stupid.

It is the eternal heaven, the gate of eternity that is ready to be used to attack the highest, and there is no more.

Now the eternal heaven, uncomfortable want to cry.

Why, this damn fate, just fell on its head.

Qin Tian suppressed Eternal Heaven and said, "Submit, or perish."

Eternal Heaven helplessly lowered its arrogant head and chose to surrender.

It's not that it doesn't want to resist, it's just that the enemy is too powerful.

This is the supreme being from a higher plane.

It's not at all that this world can resist.

Heaven is immortal, but in the face of such a strong man.

I am afraid that if someone takes action, it will be able to erase this heavenly way.

Faced with the choice of life and death, Eternal Heaven is counseled.

Eternal Heaven surrenders, the luck of this world is slowly connected with the luck of the prehistoric world, and the luck of heaven.

And after connecting to the Heavenly Court's luck, Eternal Heavenly Dao immediately felt the benefits.

Eternal Heaven, doing so much, is to promote the eternal Daqian world and make it stronger.

However, over and over again, the world is still unable to advance.

It is too difficult for the top-level Daqian world to transform.

Now surrender to the Heavenly Emperor and join Heavenly Court.

It actually felt that under the blessing of heaven's luck.

The essence of its world is getting stronger.

Although it is said that this becomes stronger, it is very slow.

But at the level of the top-level Daqian, even if it is slow, it is very rare.

At least let Eternal Heavenly Dao see the hope of promotion in his own world.

Eternal Heaven, who was very unwilling to give in just now.

At this moment, when I felt the benefits, my attitude changed greatly.

The vision of heaven and earth shrouded the people of heaven, especially the emperor of heaven.

A large amount of merit has come and distributed to the emperor of heaven and everyone in the heavenly court.

Eternal Heaven, this is the incarnation of a licking dog without hesitation.

Naturally, the way of heaven can't, just drop merit.

But as Heavenly Dao, he can still open the back door several times.

Now the Eternal Heaven will bring all the merits and virtues within its authority.

These merits, for Qin Tian, ​​are better than nothing.

After all, Qin Tian had too much merit.

Establish heaven, establish order, unify the three realms, and control the heavens.

Each of these is a great merit.

If Qin Tian wanted to prove Dao with merit, he could do it right away.

Therefore, these merits, for Qin Tian, ​​are just sprinkles of water.

And the dog-licking Tiandao that Qin Tian encountered was no longer the same, he was used to it.

But for many saints in heaven, these merits are still good things.

After all, in the prehistoric world, merit has always been the most difficult to obtain.

The eternal world, although not as good as the prehistoric world.

But how to say, it is also the top big thousand world.

Therefore, these merits can still bring a lot of benefits to Honghuang.

Eternal Tiandao was so easily subdued, and it directly became the licking dog of the Emperor of Heaven.

Yes, the way of heaven is always this reality.

Of course, Qin Tian is not afraid of betrayal by Eternal Heaven.

Connected with the luck of heaven, as long as the eternal heaven has the idea of ​​betrayal.

Qin Tian can directly use the power of luck to erase the eternal heaven.

This is the mystery of the heaven of luck.

Under the connection of luck, whether it is the courtiers of heaven or the way of heaven, they will only become more and more loyal.

The reason why Qin Tian gave Eternal Heaven a chance.

I don't want to delay the evolution of this top-level Great Thousand World.

Erase a heaven, and the heaven and earth will give birth to the next heaven.

However, that takes a long time.

In the eternal world, many immortal kings have been suppressed, and the Tao of Heaven has surrendered.

As I said earlier, under the coordination of Fang Qingxue, the Heavenly Court army stepped into one world after another.

In the face of the Heavenly Court army, these worlds have no resistance at all.

After all, in these worlds, the real top powerhouses and the invincible Immortal Kings are all in the upper realm.

And these Immortal Kings have been suppressed by Heaven.

Therefore, these worlds were soon conquered by the Heavenly Court army.

The fairy world, the devil world, etc., all surrender to the heaven.

One world after another was soon incorporated into the rule of heaven.

Many worlds surrender, and Heaven surrenders.

A top-level Daqian world has become the territory ruled by the heavenly court.


(End of this chapter)

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