I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 278 If God won’t take away the evil people in the world, I will take them away.

Chapter 278 If God won’t take away the evil people in the world, I will take them away.
Heavenly court battles the eternal world.

The eternal world is brought into the rule of heaven.

This is a huge blessing for Heavenly Court's luck.

Because in the eternal world, there are many small worlds.

The top-level Great Thousand Worlds on this side are already on the verge of promotion.

And in the Eternal Thousand World, there are many Immortal Kings of the Era who surrendered.

As quasi-sage-level existences, their combat power cannot be ignored either.

These Era Immortal Kings tried their best to break through the realm of immortality, that is, the realm of saints.

But there was no way at all.

Now entering the heavenly court, there is a way to break through the realm of saints.

As long as they are given a period of time, they can naturally break through the sage.

Because they were trapped in the realm before the saints, for many years.

Their accumulation is enough, all they need is an opportunity.

In heaven, there are such opportunities.

After these people broke through, it was another increase in the strength of Heavenly Court.

With the addition of the Eternal Thousand World, Qin Tian gained nearly a trillion in luck.

Qin Tian has already started to break through the realm of the Great Dao.

All in all, this time because of conquering the eternal world.

Whether it is Heavenly Court or Qin Tian, ​​he has obtained enough benefits.

After conquering the Eternal Great Thousand World, the Heavenly Court army returned to the Great Desolate World.

Qin Tian, ​​on the other hand, gave different rewards according to his contribution.

The people of heaven began to digest the gains from this time, conquering the eternal world.

Therefore, Heavenly Court fell into a frenzy of cultivation again.

It is conceivable that after a while.

The strength of the Heavenly Court will surely usher in another outbreak.

All-day chat group.

Ling'er, the descendant of Nuwa: "Sisters, now the Hei Miao people have killed my Xianling Island, and I have already shot and killed them. What should I do next?"

In the past, the Moon Worshiping Cult falsely accused Lin Qing'er, Ling'er's mother, of being a witch and forced Lin Qing'er to death.

Lin Qinger was originally the queen of the Black Miao tribe, but was slandered as a snake demon.

The point is, all the black Miao people still believe it.

Under the control of the Moon worship leader, Lin Qinger was forced to death.

And because Linger is Lin Qinger's daughter, she was also hunted down by the Moon Worship Sect and the Black Miao people.

In order to avoid the pursuit of the black Miao people, Ling'er hid in Xianling Island.

Ling'er is on Xianling Island, learning spells in order to get revenge one day.

In fact, the Black Miao people have never given up on chasing and killing Linger.

Xianling Island has long since entered their vision.

It is a pity that the Black Miao people were unable to break through the formation of Xianling Island.

No, at this time, Li Xiaoyao, the spirit of luck, came.

Black Miao people can't break it, but the son of luck can break it.

Because of Li Xiaoyao's appearance, the Heimiao people opened the formation on Xianling Island.

In the script, the tragedy of Xianling Island was created by Heimiao people.

But the fundamental reason was that Li Xiaoyao gave the Miao people a chance.

The child of luck always has such magic power.

Wherever they appear, there is always disaster and death.

And this dead person, not their own, but someone else.

Therefore, whether it is a brother or a friend of the son of luck, it is always full of danger.

Now Li Xiaoyao was killed, but the Miao people still followed Li Xiaoyao and found a way to open Xianling Island.

But this time, the Heimiao people couldn't do anything.

By the time the Heimiao people came, it was Ling'er who had long expected this, and Ling'er had already made all the preparations.

With Linger's current strength, killing these black Miao people is like playing.

Ling'er made a strong move and killed all these black Miao people.

These people, bewitched by the Moon Worship Cult, forced her mother to death.

And now, don't let her go.

It can be said that these people, everyone, are murderers.

None of the people here are innocent.

The Moon Worship Sect and the Hei Miao people were all part of her mother's death.

When faced with death, these Black Miao people knew they were afraid and began to beg for mercy.

"Forgive your life! Forgive your life! Princess spare your life!"

"Princess, we are your clan, princess spare your life!"

"Princess, we are here to pick you up, how can you be so cruel?"

"You are the princess of our clan, you should protect your clan, how can you harm your clan?"

At the last moment of their lives, these Black Miao people would kneel and beg for mercy.

Or speak words to deceive, or directly speak out accusations.

All kinds of ugliness, staged one by one.

What are they for?

It is based on the descendants of Nuwa, who are born with kindness and kindness.

In the past, they used this method to force their mother to death.

But her mother sacrificed herself to protect these murderers.

In Linger's view, these people are so indistinguishable from black and white.

My mother, why did she seal the water monsters to save them?
It would be better to just let them all die.Everyone has to pay the price for their stupidity.

But these stupid and ugly people live well.

It was her mother who paid the price.

It is said that good is rewarded for good, and evil is rewarded for evil?
But why is this world so unfair?

Her mother is a descendant of Nuwa, how kind?

In the end, he was forced to death by these people and turned into a statue.

And these people, not a single innocent person, have their hands covered with sin.

But these people are alive and well.

Thinking of this, Linger's killing intent was even more serious.

"Now I know that I am the princess of the Miao ethnic group? Why didn't you say that I was the princess of the Miao ethnic group when you were chasing me? When you killed my mother, why did you forget that I was the princess of the Miao ethnic group?"

Ling'er sneered and said disdainfully, "You executioners, you forced my mother to death, do you still want to live?"

"My Ling'er swears here that all those who kill my mother, whether directly or indirectly, will pay the price."

"Every murderer cannot escape."

"There is no justice in this world, so the descendants of my Nuwa will come to do this justice."

"And now, getting justice starts with you."

Ling'er started, more decisively, and killed all these Black Miao people.

At this time, those Miao people also knew that there was no hope of escaping.

They said frantically.

"Hahaha! Little princess, you are too naive. All those who forced the queen to death must pay the price? Did you know that not only the high priest, but all the Black Miao people, but also yours, forced the queen to death? Father - The Witch King."

"You want them to pay the price, can't you still exterminate the Hei Miao clan?"

"Little princess, you will end up in the same fate as the queen. This is the fate of your lineage."

"Little princess, you can't escape, hahaha, I'll be waiting for you below."

"The high priest will not let you go, you can't escape, you can't escape."

These Black Miao people, in desperation, issued the last curse.

And they were right.

Lin Qinger was framed as a snake demon and was forced to death.

It was a carnival for everyone.

The participants included the leader of the worship of the moon, all the Hei Miao people, and Linger's father.

Are there any sober among them?

Of course there are.

But they don't care, they still participate in the carnival.

Most people's trials make naked sin seem reasonable.

This also made the murderer feel more at ease.

In the end, Lin Qinger wanted to protect those who forced her to death, protect these murderers, and sacrifice herself.

Therefore, Linger felt unworthy of being her own mother.

I don't know, these people who forced their mothers to death.

Do these murderers have nightmares when they sleep at night?

Wouldn't they feel the slightest bit of shame?
Ling'er pinched out the immortal formula, and all the Hei Miao people present were executed.

"Whoever participates in this false accusation or kills my mother will pay the price, and no one can escape."

Ling'er said indifferently, "I will find him to settle the account."

Let all those who forced Lin Qinger to death pay the price.

This is definitely not Linger, just talk.

But Linger is ready, she has exchanged the technique of karma.

The art of cause and effect is very difficult to learn.

But as a descendant of Nuwa, Ling'er has this talent, and quickly mastered the technique of cause and effect.

When her karma technique is complete, she can directly use karma.

According to the size of the cause and effect, all those who forced Lin Qinger to death would have to pay different prices.

In this world, bad people are arrogant and proud, and good people die in pain.

Since there is no cause and effect in this world, there is no retribution.

Then she Nuwa Linger will do it, everyone's retribution.

These wicked people, God does not accept them, she will accept them.

After Linger killed these black Miao people, her mood changed a lot.

But Linger, after all, is the first time to do such a big thing.

Her heart is very complicated.

So after killing these black Miao people, they sent a message to the group members.

After killing the Heimiao people, this Immortal Spirit Island cannot stay.

What will she do next?
Linger was confused for a while, so she spoke to the members of the group.

Demon God Liu Xiaogu: "Of course, I will kill the leader of the Moon Worship Cult first, and take revenge."

Demon God Liu Xiaogu: "This Moon Worship Cult Master has turned black and white, deceives people's hearts, and has vicious methods. To deal with this kind of person, you must kill him with one blow, otherwise, if you want to kill him in the future, it will be a little troublesome."

Moon worship leader is not a brainless villain, looking at his actions, he is a rare villain with mind and means.

The Witch King, the Black Miao, all of them can be his pawns.

He hides behind and pushes these pieces to achieve his purpose.

To deal with such a big villain, of course, it is best to kill with one blow, and the sooner the better.

However, even if there is an accident, it doesn't matter.

With the Zhutian chat group behind, even if there is an accident, it can be made up.

The emperor's daughter Su Xiaoyu: "Kill the moon worship leader, establish a party, and join the heavenly court."

The Emperor's Daughter Su Xiaoyu: "Or, you can first establish your power, join the Heavenly Court, and improve your strength. By then, it will be easier to kill the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult."

(End of this chapter)

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