I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 37 Taiyin Star Lord, Xi and Wangshu

Chapter 37 Taiyin Star Lord, Xi and Wangshu

Old Ancestor Ming He, Zhen Yuanzi, etc., they have different harvests.

This is God, the supreme power who sits in the 33rd heaven.

Therefore, he enjoys the most luck in heaven.

And the rest of the powerful people present are also hot in their hearts.

They also felt that this conferred god was different from the previous conferred gods.

Fengshen, Fengshen, Fengshen turned out to be luck.

With the power of luck, they themselves can expect a great road.

Qin Tian looked down at the immortals and continued to speak.

"Xihe and Wangshu are the goddesses of the yin in the heavens, the masters of the stars of the yin, and they lead the fairy goddesses in the heavens."

Xihe and Wangshu?
Here are two more quasi-sages.

At this time, everyone is numb.

No wonder, back then Di Jun and Dong Huang Taiyi wanted to marry Xihe and Wangshu, but they couldn't.

It turned out to be because the gods made a move.

This Xihe and Wangshu have been hidden by the Heavenly Emperor until now?

Who dares to say that the Heavenly Court Heavenly Emperor has no power?
Only the twelve ancestor witches, plus this Xi and Wang Shu.

These quasi-sages are enough to sweep all living beings.

"Under the heavenly court, there are four great generals of the heavenly court."

"The Erlang God Yang Jian is the god of justice in the heavenly court, Xingtian is the god of war in the heavenly court. Zhao Gongming is the god of war in the heavenly court, and the six-eared macaque is the god of war in the heavenly court."

"Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao enter the Heavenly Court Yaochi to coordinate the Heavenly Court Heavenly Palace."

"Heaven has set up ten kings."

"The first king of heaven - Taoist Ran Deng. The second king of heaven - Taoist Duobao. The third king of heaven - Kong Xuan, and the fourth king of heaven - Guangchengzi."

Qin Tian's words fell, and the golden dragon of luck appeared again.

Purple Qi comes from the east, and good fortune comes.

Those immortals who have been on the Conferred God List all feel that the source of their loss has all been made up for.

They are still, can climb the avenue again.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for the re-creation."

On the Conferred God List, he died once and lost part of his origin.

Although for the time being, there is no problem with these people.

But when they preach, it will become a hindrance.

And now, the Emperor of Heaven is using supreme means to shape the origin for them.

Qin Tian wrote a god one by one, and one name after another appeared on the list of gods.

This is different from the previous Fengshen.

Through the Conferred God List, Qin Tian can of course control the life and death of these creatures.

However, Qin Tian did not bother to do such a thing.

The most crucial role of the Conferred God List is to divide the air luck.

The bigger the god position, the more luck that one will enjoy.

The more luck you have, the stronger you will be.As long as Heaven continues to be strong in the future, the immortals in Heaven will enjoy luck earlier and more.

In the same way, the stronger the immortals of Heavenly Court are, the more luck they contribute to Heavenly Court.

It's a perfect way to complement each other.

Qin Tian glanced at Zhao Gongming and San Xiao, the disciples who intercepted the teaching.

Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao were the younger generation.

But they all possess the strength of quasi-sage.

Under the blessing of heaven's luck, it is not a problem for them to prove the Tao of heaven and saints in the future.

There are also Yang Jian and so on, they all have the appearance of saints.

In the past, Jiang Ziya was enthroned.

Like Zhao Gongming, he was named a God of Wealth in Heaven.

A woman such as Sanxiao, who is astonishingly talented, beautiful, and peerless, has only been named a god of sending children.

How ridiculous is this?
Such as the generation of Boyi Kao, was actually named a Great Emperor Ziwei?
A mortal with no strength.

Above the personality, with him, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, is the same as the Six Royals.

Isn't that funny enough?

This is simply an insult, his God.

So, now Qin Tian has put them in a suitable position.

In a word, the capable go up, and the mediocrity go down.

There is no strength, so get out as soon as possible.

Heavenly Court does not accept it, and eats and waits for death.

As for the people like Bo Yi Kao, they are just ordinary people.

If he can have the current cultivation base, he will not take away their cultivation base.

But as for the rest, forget about it.

Qin Tian finished sealing the immortals, and said to those immortals who had not been sealed.

"If you haven't been conferred, don't be disappointed. On the list of conferred gods, there are many more gods. As long as you make contributions to the heavenly court, your own gods will come, and you will have good luck."

"I have re-refined the Conferred God List. As long as you contribute to the heavenly court, the Conferred God List will be able to sense it and descend to the divine position."

Qin Tian looked down at the world and looked in the direction of the human world.

He continued, "The Heavenly Court is re-established, the gods and gods are conferred, and the Three Realms should be in order."

"In the human world, those who are stronger than the earth immortals will all fly to the heaven. The immortals cannot go down to the world for no reason and interfere in the affairs of the human world."

"The three emperors of the human race preach in the lower world, restart the cultivation of the human race, and strengthen the strength of the human race. The Kunpeng of the monster tribe educates the monster tribe and enhances the strength of the monster tribe. The twelve ancestral witches enhance the strength of the witch tribe.

"I want everyone in the world to be like dragons. Everyone, go to the world as soon as possible, and within three days, you must return, and you must not interfere with the affairs of the world."

Three days in the sky and three days in the ground.

In fact, they were given three years.

"The immortals in the heavenly court began to set up a flying platform in the heavenly court, and those who were above the realm of the earthly immortals would ascend to the immortal world."

"The 33rd heaven and the lower six heavens are the habitats of these ascended immortals."

(End of this chapter)

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