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Chapter 38 The Queen of Heaven.Empress Houtu

Chapter 38 The Queen of Heaven.Empress Houtu

Qin Tian's orders, all the immortals in the heavenly court, each took their place and began to get busy.

The heavenly court is re-established, the conferred gods are restarted, and order is re-established.

Everything is in order now.

And from today onwards, Heavenly Court rules the world.

Since then, there has been no Buddhism, no interpretation, no interception, only heaven.

Of course, in the heavenly court, these former saint disciples can still hold together.

This is also the God of Heaven, happy to see it.

There is struggle and competition, and there will be motivation.

But no matter what kind of battle, everything is based on obeying the commander of heaven.

The immortals in the heavenly court began to disperse.

And the impact is just beginning.

All the mighty ones know that an unprecedented big world is coming.

This is the age of heaven.

Of course, now is their time.

They were amazed at the means of Heavenly Emperor.

The Twelve Ancestral Witch, Xihe and Wangshu appeared one after another.

Let them have no resistance to obedience to heaven.

And the new Conferred God List, blessed with luck, made them frantic.

Today, all living beings think about how to make a contribution, get on the Conferred God Ranking, and get the divine position.

And just after this, above the heaven, a figure in a white dress appeared.

Her face was hazy, and she couldn't see her true face.

I can only see that she carries the wisdom of heaven and earth all over her body.

In the noble, with a cool look.

She seems to be leaping over the years.

This is a gorgeous woman.

She stood there, looking at the world with contempt.

"Your Majesty, why don't you have this palace?"

In the cold voice, there is doubt and a bit of charm.

More avenues of sound.

Seeing the visitor, Qin Tian's calm expression changed slightly.

"Fenghou Tu Niangniang is the master of the realm, sits in the underworld, and is in charge of the affairs of the underworld in the realm."

Qin Tian coughed lightly and continued, "Niangniang, what do you think?"

"Not how?"

Empress Houtu stared at Qin Tian, ​​only staring at his scalp numb.

Lord of what land?
On the day she created the Six Paths of Reincarnation, she was already the Lord of the Earth Realm.

The underworld has long been under her command.

However, she never liked to take care of herself.

Besides, she really didn't know.

The Ten Halls of the Underworld, Yama, had long been under the hands of his Heavenly Emperor.

Does she look stupid?

Empress Houtu took a step forward and faced Qin Tian directly.

Qin Tian could even feel the breath coming from Chi Chi's beautiful face. "Your Majesty is very capable. Not only did he abolish the Six Imperial Palaces, but he also deceived all my brothers and sisters into heaven."

"Queen Houtu, this is too much."

Qin Tian called Qu Dao, "The Twelve Ancestral Witches entered the heavenly court, that's not because I took action and saved them in the past."

"Under the immeasurable catastrophe, I have paid a lot of sacrifices to hide the sky and cross the sea."

"To be honest, if they weren't your brothers and sisters, would I take action?"

When Empress Houtu heard this, her agile eyes moved slightly, and she could see her joy.

But soon, Empress Houtu looked at Qin Tian with a half-smile, and continued, "Yes, you not only helped the Twelve Ancestors, but also saved Fuxi."

"Your Majesty, the showdown is over, and this palace will be the queen of heaven."

Hearing this, Qin Tian took a deep breath.

Heavenly Queen?

I am too difficult.

He took out the list of conferred gods, and then said, "In the name of the emperor of heaven, I conferred the queen of the earth as the queen of heaven."

His words fell, and the phantom of a red hydrangea appeared.

Indistinctly, a beautiful woman with a human head and a snake body emerged, who was the backhand left by the goddess Nuwa.

Qin Tian shouted that he was going to die.

Houtu and Nuwa, I am very embarrassed.

This Houtu and Nuwa have been fighting each other since they met.

They are both friends and rivals.

Do anything better than the last time.

He is a dignified emperor, and he still needs to be caught in the middle to get angry?

Empress Houtu smiled and said, "Very good, Your Majesty, after this palace, you will be the queen of heaven."

"Then this palace will leave first. In the land of the six reincarnations, this palace can get out soon. This palace will soon enter the heavenly court, and remember that the palace of the queen of heaven will be built for this palace."

After the Tu Niangniang figure disappeared.

She also needs to sit in the six realms of reincarnation.

However, soon she will be able to get away without using the reincarnation

Qin Tian waited until Houtu left, looked at the Fengshen Bang, and said proudly.

"Houtu is the Empress of the East, and Nuwa is the Empress of the West. It's not that simple. It's too naive to want to embarrass me."

"You two should solve your own business, I still can't subdue you?"

Qin Tian put away the list of conferred gods and felt happy.

Very good, Heavenly Court is re-established, and Conferred God is restarted.

The order of the Three Realms is reopened.

In the future, these three realms are completely up to him.

Now there are only the six great heavenly saints and the Taoist ancestor Hongjun.

With his strength, the saint of heaven is no longer afraid.

However, be careful.

Wait until you get some luck and increase your strength.

In addition to the saints of the Tao of Heaven, and the Taoist ancestor Hongjun, they all suppressed them.

Still afraid of them, not obedient.

How about the saint of heaven?
What about Daozu Hongjun?
From now on, I will become his tool.

(End of this chapter)

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