I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 372 I am a descendant of Nuwa, the human race of Yongzhen

Chapter 372 I am a descendant of Nuwa, the human race of Yongzhen

"Hahahaha! Dead! Are these five immortals really dead? Who did it? What a great job!"

"These five immortals have been blocking us for so many years, and now they are finally dead. Who can stop us in the human world today?"

"My sons, enter the human world, kill all races, and start to despise our feast."

"Haha! In the human world, the human race, your end has come."

The great demon king of the demon world and the evil spirit king of the evil spirit world all ordered the demon clan and the evil spirit clan to enter the human world and slaughter the human race.

In order to invade the human world, they had already made all preparations.

It is precisely because of this that the Great Demon King of the Demon Realm and the Evil Spirit King of the Evil Spirit Realm issued an order.

The demon clan in the demon world and the evil spirit clan in the evil spirit world all came out almost instantly.

A large number of elites from the demon clan in the demon world and the evil spirit clan in the evil spirit world have already gathered around the human world, ready to kill the human world at any time.

I didn't find the opportunity before, but now the opportunity has come.

The two worlds joined forces to invade the human world with great momentum.

It can be said that this is another major event that has shaken the six realms since the demon world and the evil spirit world were repulsed by the human world a thousand years ago.

Among the six realms, battles between realms are still very rare.

And now, it involves three worlds at once.

At this time, the other strong men in the Six Realms did not make any move.

They are different from the Great Demon King of the Demon Realm and the Evil Spirit King of the Evil Spirit Realm.

They saw Liu Xiaogu's supreme cultivation and killed the four elders of Shushan with one word.

I don’t know how Liu Xiaogu did it.

At least the four elders of Shushan died in her hands.

So they were all waiting for Liu Xiaogu's reaction.

In this situation, what would this woman do?

Killed four powerful men in the human world with one word. Does this woman really have such strength?

Maybe there will be an answer soon.

And Liu Xiaogu did not disappoint them.

No, to be precise, Liu Xiaogu doesn't care at all about what everyone in this world thinks.

Liu Xiaogu moved just because she wanted to.

Liu Xiaogu will not let the demon world and evil spirit world invade the human world and massacre the human race.

One is because this is her cause and effect.

Several elders in Shushan were killed by her.

No one in the human world can stop the demon world and the evil spirit world.

This cause and effect was created by her, and now it will be ended by her.

The second, of course, is because of Liu Xiaogu's identity.

Liu Xiaogu is a demon god, but her demon god is misunderstood by the world.

What is her true identity?
She is the noble of time and a descendant of Nuwa.

The Empress Nuwa created the human race, and the descendants of Nuwa take it as their own duty to protect the human race.

Therefore, she would naturally not look down upon the demon clan in the demon world and the evil spirit clan in the evil spirit world, harming the human race.

The human race is also closely related to her, a descendant of Nuwa.

The fate of the human race in the heavens and the world is linked to the Nuwa Empress.

If the fate of the human race in the heavens and the world is strong, and the general trend of the human race is strong, then the Nuwa Empress can be strong.

To a certain extent, it can also be said that if the fate of the human race in the world is strong, the descendants of Nuwa can also be strong.

Of course, the connection between the descendants of Nuwa and the human race is not that strong.

Or to be precise, the only people connected with Nuwa's descendants by fate are the humans in their world.Among the human races in the world, the descendants of Nuwa do not yet have that kind of power.

Because only with supreme characteristics can it influence the heavens, reflect the heavens, and connect the heavens.

And if you want to reach that step, you need to be a saint and the way of heaven.

But because Empress Nuwa is powerful, she can feed back to Nuwa’s descendants.

The cause and effect between the descendants of Nuwa and the Empress Nuwa is insignificant.

It is even said that as long as Empress Nuwa wants to, she can cut off these causes and effects at any time.

Especially for Empress Nuwa who is now in the realm of heaven.

Such things as cause and effect only exist if she thinks about it.

If she didn't want to, it wouldn't exist at all.

But don’t underestimate this little bit of cause and effect that can disappear at any time.

This certain amount of cause and effect can bring supreme blessings to the descendants of Nuwa.

Empress Nuwa is powerful, and these descendants of Nuwa will also benefit immensely from it.

Not to mention, Liu Xiaogu, a descendant of Nuwa, also joined the Heavenly Court.

Liu Xiaogu is different from other descendants of Nuwa. She has not reached the highest level, reflecting the heavens and influencing all realms.

But if she joins the chat group of all heavens, now she has supreme qualities.

At least now that she has arrived in the Third Immortal World, she can influence this world.

Descendants of Nuwa are noble in the world.

The great honor you bear, the great responsibility you have to bear.

As a descendant of Nuwa, Liu Xiaogu has enjoyed the glory and benefits brought by Nuwa's descendants.

Naturally, Liu Xiaogu will take on the responsibility of protecting the human race.

Not to mention, Liu Xiaogu himself took such a path.

A descendant of Nuwa, the leader of Shushan, guarding the world.

"I am a descendant of Nuwa, and I will forever rule the world and the human race."

Liu Xiaogu's feet set foot in Shushan, reflecting the six realms.

Her voice also spread to every corner of the six realms.

But seeing her, he continued to say, "Those who invade the human race should be punished."

As she finished speaking, the shadow of the highest Shu Mountain expanded infinitely in the human world.

Then, rays of light were reflected from the highest Shu Mountain.

This is the peerless sword light from Shu Mountain.

In Shu Mountain, there are millions of supreme sword immortals fighting against heaven and earth.

Nowadays, these supreme sword immortals have not come in person.

But this is reflected by the peerless sword light that belongs to them.

Those terrifying sword lights covered the sky and the sun, covering the entire human world and the entire human race.

But this supreme sword light is not aimed at the human race, but to protect the human race.

A series of terrifying sword lights slashed at the demon clan in the demon world and the evil spirit clan in the evil spirit world.

Without any accident, all the monsters and evil spirits that invaded the human world disappeared with the wind and turned into powder under the terrifying sword light.

Under that terrifying sword light, the demon clan and the evil spirit clan were like white paper that could be easily punctured, breaking with just a touch.

On the Shu Mountain, there are swords all over the place, guarding the human race and slaying intruders.

This seemed huge, but in fact, it only took a second.

(End of this chapter)

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