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Chapter 373: The world respects her like a god

Chapter 373: The world respects her like a god
The Great Demon King of the Demon Realm and the Evil Spirit King of the Evil Spirit Realm have prepared a large number of elites to invade the human world at any time.

But now, all the elites of these demon clans and evil spirit clans have been destroyed.

In just a few seconds, these elites were all wiped out.

This is actually very easy.

With the strength of Gaoshu Mountain and the strength of Liu Xiaogu, it is that simple to suppress the Six Realms.

The realm of Daluo Jinxian is the highest and supreme existence for this world.

Daluo Jinxian has gone far beyond the nature of this world.

Even the Heavenly Dao of this world would not dare to do anything.

Moreover, because she is a descendant of Nuwa, the heaven of this world will not do anything to Liu Xiaogu, but instead welcomes her arrival.

Liu Xiaogu took action and shocked the world.

It can be said that most of the elites accumulated in the demon world and the evil spirit world over the past millennium were ruined. ,

It is even said that some evil spirits in the demon world were completely severely damaged after this battle and were no longer able to attack any world.

This elite represents about [-]% of the combat power of the demon world and evil spirit world.

Now, [-]% of the combat power is gone.

At this time, those strong men from the six realms who had been doubting finally believed it.

That woman was a peerless strong woman with amazing talents.

And everything that just happened was not an illusion, but really happened.

With one word, she killed several elders in Shushan.

In other words, the elites of the demon world and the evil spirit world will be ruined.

What a powerful existence is this?

For them, such an existence can no longer be estimated with their own thoughts.

Awe, at this moment, there is only awe.

Any doubtful thoughts are actually due to ignorance, and it is also a blasphemy against such a great existence.

But what they never imagined was that this was just the beginning.

But above the sky, Liu Xiaogu continued to speak.

"The demon world and the evil spirit world invade the human race and should be destroyed."

Liu Xiaogu's words spread to every corner of the six realms.

There is supreme height and majesty, which shines in the six realms from the nine heavens.

The creatures in the six realms have not yet understood what Liu Xiaogu’s words mean.

All the things that shocked the world have begun to happen.

Unknowable rules have descended on the world of demons and evil spirits.

The demon world and the evil spirit world were directly enveloped by a ray of light.

Then the rules came and enveloped both worlds.

The world of demons and evil spirits has turned into rays of original light in a sight that is visible to the naked eye but cannot be explained.

The demon world and the evil spirit world were directly wiped out and began to disappear.

The unknowable rules seemed to be a supreme edict, changing the way the demon world and evil spirit world operated.

Those knowable rules make these two realms the purest source of the world.

The demon world and the evil spirit world disappeared directly, turning into the purest source of light, and all of these source lights poured into the human world.

Then the human world completely absorbed the light of the world's origin from the demon world and the evil spirit world.

The human world is changing and growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In short, Liu Xiaogu wiped out the demon world and the evil spirit world with ease, and became the nourishment for the growth of the human world.

Among the six realms, the demon realm and the evil spirit realm were directly wiped out.

Since then, the six realms in this world have become four realms.

The human world absorbs the origins of the demon world and the evil spirit world, making the human world more powerful.

Gathering the power sources of the three realms, the human realm may be the most powerful realm from now on.Of course, maybe, nothing can be seen yet.

But in the future, it is at least foreseeable that the human race in the human world will be stronger and have greater potential.

Now the world of gods, immortals, and demons are all stronger than the overall strength of the human world.

But if the current momentum continues, the human world will inevitably surpass the other three realms and become the most powerful one in the future.

The human race is bound to surpass several other races and become the most powerful race.

Liu Xiaogu casually and completely eliminated the two biggest enemies of the human race.

Again, he casually brought a bright and bright future to the human race in this world.

This sounds very simple.

But for all sentient beings in the six realms, it is an unspeakable shock.

Liu Xiaogu's power has broken their cognition time and time again.

In a short period of time, Liu Xiaogu not only destroyed all the elites of the demon world and the evil spirit world.

What's even more terrifying is that the two worlds, the demon world and the evil spirit world, were directly wiped out.

Even the most powerful being in the Six Realms cannot do such a thing.

This kind of power no longer exists in theory.

Erasing two worlds casually, with their thoughts, they also know that it is very powerful.

But how strong it is is impossible to guess.

in awe?

At this moment, it was more than just pure awe.

Awe is no longer enough to describe the mood of those powerful people in this world at this moment.


The world respects her like a god.

This is something only gods can do.

It is even said that it is something that even gods cannot do.

But Liu Xiaogu did it.

Beyond the gods!

At this moment, all the sentient beings in the six realms bowed their heads in front of the stunning and beautiful woman.

This is not submission, but respect.

They didn't know where Liu Xiaogu came from.

They didn't know Liu Xiaogu's specific identity.

But there is no doubt that at this moment, everything in the six realms has become her background.

These six realms are all her stage, and everything is her foil.

Facing such power, they don't have to be afraid, but they must be in awe.

The great demon king of the demon world and the evil spirit king of the evil spirit world were confused on the spot.

Everything is obviously good, so why did it end up like this?
Isn’t this battle, the battle to invade the human race, just beginning?

As a result, all the elites of the demon clan and the evil spirit clan were directly destroyed.

In other words, this battle has just begun and is already over.


They all thought that this was a joke played on them by fate.

Just now, the great demon king of the demon world and the evil spirit king of the evil spirit world thought they were easily captured.

Now he is completely shaken to death.

Life has its ups and downs, but that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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