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Chapter 375 Only Power Is Eternal

Chapter 375 Only Power Is Eternal

After Liu Xiaogu finished speaking, he reflected on Shu Mountain and disappeared from this world.

This is Liu Xiaogu's reward for Solanum nigrum, which directly makes Solanum nigrum the sword and spirit of suppressing religion in the Supreme Shu Mountain.

For today's Solanum nigrum, this can be said to be a great blessing.

After all, Shushan now has supreme qualities.

This is equivalent to giving Nightshade another hook.

Becoming the spirit of Shushan's Zhenjiao, Long Kui's future cultivation is bound to be even faster.

It can be said that because Nightshade was pardoned and conferred as the Suppressing Spirit of Shushan, she directly passed through a weak stage.

With such blessing, Nightshade is invincible in this world.

Liu Xiaogu's Shushan may be nothing in front of the supreme heaven.

The Supreme Heavenly Court is the one that truly suppresses the heavens and governs all realms.

But among all the heavens and worlds, the highest Shu Mountain is also a great force that spans all the heavens.

In fact, the power of the group members is like this.

It's just that compared to them, Liu Xiaogu's journey is longer.

Liu Xiaogu embarked on the road to the unification of all heavens, and even gained the highest qualities.

Moreover, she has ruled Shushan for several worlds.

And Nightshade, which is now pardoned as the spirit of the Suppressing Religion, will also have such characteristics in the near future.

What is the Spirit of Suppression and Religion?

This is equivalent to the treasure of suppressing education.

In terms of status, he is the same as the head of Shushan, and of course he may not have real power.

But for nightshade, this is the best.

Enjoying the blessing of the luck of teaching, you can rest together with the teacher.

Of course, this is something that is beneficial to both parties.

However, Nightshade is relatively weak now, so she is getting more benefits now.

In the future, when Nightshade becomes stronger, she will give Shushan more feedback.

At that time, maybe Shushan would be a lot more beneficial.

All in all, this is a good thing for both parties.

Liu Xiaogu pardoned him and left this world.

Nightshade's strength was directly improved again, which was the reward from Liu Xiaogu.

This is also the blessing for her from the highest Shu Mountain.

If we say that she fought with several elders in Shushan just now, it would take some time to suppress them.

Now there is no need at all. Nightshade can suppress all those people with a flip of her palm.

The current strength of Solanum Solanum is not as strong as Liu Xiaogu.

But when it comes to discussing it, there are probably not many people in this world who can be her opponent.

Especially after receiving the blessing from the highest Shu Mountain.

But don’t forget that at this time, Nightshade has not yet joined Heaven.

She just invited Liu Xiaogu's help.

She has not joined Heavenly Court yet. When she joins Heavenly Court, that will be a real leap in strength.

Liu Xiaogu finished all this and left, but the shock to the Six Realms had just begun.

No, what we are preparing for now is a shock to the four worlds.

Liu Xiaogu has already wiped out the demon world and the evil spirit world.

In this world now, all the powerful people are thinking, who is Liu Xiaogu and where does she come from?
Of course, they also noticed the connection between Liu Xiaogu and Nightshade.

Many strong men began to test Nightshade.

"Fellow Taoist, who is that senior just now?"

"Yes, fellow Taoist, where did that senior come from? Fellow Taoist, what is your relationship with that senior?"


Perhaps every strong person has such thoughts.

Coveting for what?Of course it is the coveting of powerful power.

There has never been such a powerful existence in this world.

How did Liu Xiaogu, as a woman, cultivate to such a powerful level?

Could it be that she had an incredible opportunity?

As a strong person, everyone is proud.

They believe in themselves and do not consider themselves worse than anyone else.

As for why a more powerful existence appears?
That is naturally because the other party has received the supreme opportunity.

These strong men may not have such thoughts in their hearts.

So I covet such an opportunity.

Immortality and immortality have always been the essential pursuit of all sentient beings in the universe.

In the face of power, no one is immune.

It's just that Liu Xiaogu is too strong.

So, they may have some ideas, but these ideas only fleetingly pass by.

Greed requires strength.

But it is obvious that they do not have this strength now.

If they were asked to give up like this, they would not be willing to do so.

Now that Liu Xiaogu had left, they saw Nightshade Solanum, and they directly tried to test her.

At this time, Liu Xiaogu's remaining power was still there, and their probing was still very polite.

When Nightshade saw these people, she only felt ironic.

Regardless of whether it was the five elders of Shushan who attacked her just now.

Or that a thousand years ago, she was sealed in the Demon Suppression Tower.

Plus this scene in front of me.

This undoubtedly told her a truth.

In this world, the naked rule is that the strong are respected.

If she was strong enough, would the five elders of Shushan dare to stop her?

If she is strong enough, will she be suppressed?

And now these people dare to test her with words, isn't it because they think she, Nightshade, is weak?

In a short period of time, the strong and proud side of Nightshade's character was once again aroused.

Is she strong enough?

Maybe she is not as strong as Liu Xiaogu, but at least she is better than these people.

The strong need not pay attention to the prayers of the weak.

Nightshade said coldly, "Get out!"

The side of her now has a cold and strong personality, and she doesn't bother to play word games.

Nightshade's attitude unintentionally angered those strong men who made provocative remarks.

But most of them were afraid of Liu Xiaogu's power and didn't say anything.

But among them, there are some extremely vicious and daring people.

For beings like them, what are they afraid of?
Don't be afraid of anything.

So among them, some people couldn't help but take action against Nightshade.

"Little girl, I will teach you what it means to respect your seniors."

"Little girl, tell me about your relationship with that person, and I will spare your life."

Many extremely vicious people, claiming to be powerful, took action against Nightshade.

There was sarcasm on Nightshade's beautiful face.

"act recklessly!"

Under the sky, a rainbow pierces the sun.

Nightshade shot in all directions with one arrow, and all those who took action were destroyed without any accident.

(End of this chapter)

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