Chapter 376 Witch Wanwan
Nightshade's current strength is invincible in this world.

All those who coveted and took action against Nightshade paid the price.

Everyone who took action died tragically.

Even the most powerful being cannot escape Nightshade's fatal arrow.

Nightshade looked indifferently in all directions, invincible under the sky.

At this time, those people finally understood.

Even if Liu Xiaogu is not here, Nightshade is not someone they can offend.

Nightshade's strength may not be that strong compared to Liu Xiaogu's.

But for them, they are invincible.

In this world, many powerful people finally calmed down.

The weak have no voice, and now they seem to be the weak.

In this world, powerful beings can only block someone else's arrow.


They also want to be greedy, but unfortunately, they don't have the strength.

Without strength, it is just seeking death.

Nightshade used iron-blooded methods to kill many strong men.

Between the heaven and the earth, there was no sound.

Nightshade chuckled lightly.

People are always so ignorant.

Why bother?
The Shushan law enforcement elders are like this, and these people are still like this.

Only after seeing that powerful strength will he calm down.

Overwhelming the heavens, nothing can be relied on, but the only one who can be relied on is oneself.

Only strength can be relied upon, only strength is eternal.

At this moment, Nightshade really agreed with this sentence from the bottom of her heart.

Nightshade took a look at the powerful man who was peeping secretly, and finally left.

It's okay if these people don't take action, but if they do again, they are just looking for death.

From now on, she will only get stronger.

Everyone who stands in front of her will die.

Nightshade has completed a transformation, her souls have merged, and her strength has soared.

She began to embark on her own path to becoming a strong person.

In the world of Sword and Sword III, the conspiracy of future destiny has completely changed.

The Evil Sword Immortal, who was destined to become the villain, was killed long ago.

As for the future son of destiny, we don’t know where he is yet.

No matter what happens in the future, everything will be completely different.

What is certain is that there will be no tragedy in the future of this world.

Nightshade will control her own destiny and future, and she will not jump into the sea of ​​disaster.

And Maomao doesn't have to sacrifice himself or cut off his flesh.

Because the biggest villain is dead.

All tragedies have disappeared and changed.

From the moment Long Kui joined the Zhutian chat group, it changed not only her fate, but the fate of countless people.

Besides, in the Zhutian chat group, it seems that a lot of things have happened in this world, but for other worlds, it is actually just a moment.

Demon God Liu Xiaogu: "Thank you so much, Sister Solanum Solanum, for making my Shushan even more powerful."

Liu Xiaogu naturally gained a lot of benefits by reflecting on the world of Fairy Sword Three.

Apart from anything else, the world of Fairy Sword III and the origin of Shushan have been integrated into her Shushan.

Under normal circumstances, her Shushan wants to grow.Either merge with Shushan in other worlds, or merge with the origin of Shushan.

Integrating the origins of Shushan is actually the most beneficial way relatively speaking.

Just like this time.

In the past, Liu Xiaogu only ruled Shushan in other worlds.

The main thing is that we can't just devour Shushan in other worlds at will.

This time, this situation occurred mainly because Shushan possessed supreme characteristics.

Because of this move, Liu Xiaogu had a clearer understanding of Shushan, or in other words, she knew exactly what Shushan should do in the future.

In the past, Liu Xiaogu only had a vague idea of ​​the road to unification, and she was just groping her way.

This time, it was completely tested and an accurate understanding was formed.

And if she continues on this path, her Shushan will definitely become stronger and stronger.

Therefore, Liu Xiaogu is very grateful to Nightshade.

Of course, Shushan is getting stronger and stronger, and for the Supreme Heavenly Court, it will gain more and more luck.

The Supreme Shu Mountain and the Supreme Heaven are completely different concepts.

The highest Shu Mountain possesses nothing but supreme qualities.

The supreme heaven, which governs all heavens and suppresses all realms, is the only reality.

These two supreme concepts are completely different.

As for Shushan being so powerful that it threatens Heaven, that is simply impossible.

The Supreme Heavenly Court, with its supreme mind, rules all forces.

As for the commander's strength, I hope they are strong and will not suppress them.

Because only when they are strong can the Supreme Heaven become stronger. This is a mutually reinforcing relationship.

Demonic Sword Spirit Nightshade: "You're welcome, we're just helping each other."

For Solanum Kui, Liu Xiaogu took action to help her survive her weak period.

Of course, in fact, it is also because she is a person who is afraid of trouble.

All in all, in her opinion, this is a mutually beneficial thing, and no one takes advantage of anyone.

The emperor's daughter Su Xiaoyu said: "By the way, why is the last friend in the group silent all this time?"

There are four new members in the group this time, the white-haired demon lord who is a peerless villain, Baguio, the underworld saint, and Solanum, the spirit of the magic sword, and the third one is the witch Wanwan.

Needless to say, the Demon Lord among them.

With the Demon Lord's pride, he would not easily talk to the weak in his eyes.

This is not because he looks down on others, but because this is his character.

Therefore, you can simply ignore him.

Nightshade and Baguio have already spoken.

It is even said that Baguio has taken actions to strengthen its own strength.

Solanum niger has also begun to establish contact with the group members and ask for help from Liu Xiaogu.

Only the witch Wanwan remained silent.

Empress Da Zhou invited the moon: "Could it be that the newcomer is a shy little girl?"

The little dragon girl from the ancient tomb: "The newcomer's title is witch? Whose witch is so shy?"

The Empress of the Great Zhou Dynasty invited the moon: "In the past, I was also called the Demon Lord in the Jianghu. What about now? They call me the Empress."

Empress Dazhou Yaoyue said: "So, witches and other things cannot be trusted."

In the world of martial arts, the witch Wanwan ran away while looking at the messages in the chat group.

That's right, at this moment, Demon Lord Wanwan is not doing anything else.

She is being hunted, and she is still on the run.

(End of this chapter)

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