I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 426: The road to empress is far away

Chapter 426: The road to empress is far away

Fang Sijing walked on this barren and lifeless land. Every inch of the land was filled with extremely desperate desolation. The life that had evolved over many years was now reduced to smoke and lost all the vitality it should have.

"what do I do……"

Fang Sijing looked at the lifeless sky and scorched land in despair. She didn't know where else in this huge world could accommodate her, and now Fang Sijing was just walking forward aimlessly, moving forward.

"Perhaps there is a place that has not been affected by dark magic."

But when the power of light falls, what can stop the power of darkness?Fang Sijing walked aimlessly. Nowadays, hatred, anger, strength, and even danger are meaningless. On a lifeless planet, no matter what kind of feelings there are now, they are meaningless.

"Perhaps... I am really the last life in this world..."

Dedicated administrator: "No, you are not a new member."

Great Qin Zulong: "Perhaps your world should be destroyed."

Palace Master Yihua: "I don't believe that anything should be destroyed, but if a world has been ruled by darkness, then even if it is saved, it has no meaning."

The conscientious administrator: "Master Yihua Palace suddenly has a highlight moment!"

This sound suddenly awakened the desperate Fang Sijing. In the dead and silent planet, she had not heard a living voice for a long time, but Fang Sijing felt that this sound came from her own brain.

"Am I hallucinating?"

The conscientious administrator: "Hey! How can this place be called a hallucination? I joined the group chat and didn't even say hello. It's so rude!"

Great Qin Zulong: "Don't scare the new members."

Fang Sijing roared and waved the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sword back and forth against the dark sky. The sharp sword energy kept cutting through the dark clouds in the sky, but there was no response at all.

The conscientious administrator: "New user Fang Sijing, please try to answer our words in your mind."

Fang Sijing thought that the demon was not dead, but after hearing this, she tried to follow the instructions, and the chat group actually appeared in her mind. After she was sure that she could talk to other people in the group, Fang Sijing suddenly felt warm.

She really didn't know that the feeling of loneliness could really make people so uncomfortable.And it can really be like hell, but all of this suddenly becomes warm when communicating with others.

Fang Si sat down quietly, and suddenly found that the feeling of silence was not so bad. Maybe he could concentrate on practicing. Maybe this was the process of going from loneliness to enjoying loneliness.

Great Qin Zulong: "The new members seem to have a lot of insights, but to be honest, they are a bit too much like the witch Wanwan."

The conscientious administrator: "I sometimes regard her as the empress."

Palace Master Yihua: "Well, the empress has left... maybe this title can be given to a new member."

Fang Sijing: "Empress? Is she the witch Wanwan?"

(End of this chapter)

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