I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 427 The Road of the Empress, the New Empress

Chapter 427 The Road of the Empress, the New Empress

The conscientious administrator: "Yes... but although she did not really become the empress, she is still the empress in our eyes."

Great Qin Zulong: "But to be honest, the Empress really looks like the new member. Maybe she is more similar to the Empress."

Fang Sijing: "I don't even want to continue living in this world before I see you again... I didn't fulfill Witch Wanwan's long-cherished wish, and in the end I lied to her."

Palace Master Yihua: "Don't worry anymore. This matter is not your fault. Besides, the witch Wanwan left you with the hope of life. She definitely didn't want you to sink like this. From now on, you will inherit her empress." .”

Fang Sijing: "But... there is no life in this world now, how can I create life?"

Emperor of Heaven: "Everything comes from nothing to nothing. Nothing can destroy everything and nothing can create everything."

Palace Master Yihua: "The Emperor of Heaven is always so startled and scary, why can't he be steady?"

Dedicated administrator: "Together, together, together!"

Great Qin Zulong: "Together, together, together! +1"

Palace Master Yihua: "Together, together, together! +1"

Fang Sijing: "Together, together, together! +1"

Emperor of Heaven: "What's going on?"

Fang Sijing smiled and flew into the dry and exhausted sea while walking. Floating on the calm sea, her feet made waves. This comfortable and refreshing feeling made Fang Sijing feel very comfortable.Gradually, she actually wanted to keep this calmness forever.

Fang Sijing: "I admit...I am a selfish person."

Palace Master Yihua: "How can I say this?"

Fang Sijing: "I want to enjoy this beauty alone...I don't want new life to come here."

Dedicated administrator: "Actually, to some extent, this is not selfish. After experiencing so much noise and so much pain, anyone would think so...not just you."

Emperor of Heaven: "If there is really a new life coming, then you can't stop it. What should happen will always happen, just like you can't stop it and you can't predict the arrival of tomorrow."

Palace Master Yihua: "That's right, and there are many things we can't change. Just like a powerful person like the Emperor of Heaven, he can't change fate, let alone what has happened."

Emperor of Heaven: "The fate is the same, but there are countless endings."

Great Qin Zulong: "There are countless endings? Why is this?"

Emperor of Heaven: "Maybe you failed in this world, but you succeeded in the parallel world. There are thousands of parallel universes, and what happens at the same time is different."

Dedicated administrator: “Wow, it’s so hard to understand!”

Great Qin Zulong: "You are too stupid!"

[Ding dong!User "Da Qin Zulong" has been banned by the administrator for 10 minutes]

Palace Master Yihua: "That's right!"

[Ding dong!User "Yihua Palace Master" has been banned by the administrator for 10 minutes]

Fang Sijing: "In other words, maybe in other parallel universes, our world has not yet perished, or the witch Wanwan has not died?"

Emperor of Heaven: "Yes, that's true."

(End of this chapter)

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