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Chapter 502: Tata Planet Masters Gather

Chapter 502: Tata Planet Masters Gather

Qin Tian also asked.

"If we don't have your Tata planet, we will provide follow-up supplies for our Blue Star troops."

Dewey also followed Qin Tian and said:

"And our Blue Star Force cannot maintain it for such a long time."

"We are in a cooperative relationship. There is no savior."

"Your Tata planet has served our Blue Star Force for so many years."

Qin Tian continued to joke:

"It's reasonable for us to save your life, so you don't have to mind."

"It's just that I have something to ask for. A colonel of our Blue Star team was captured by the Weiner people and made him a prisoner."

Elder of Tata Planet, I heard something like this happened. He also stood up angrily and said:

"What? Since the Weiner people have captured your people as prisoners."

"Tell me, if you need help with anything, it's our duty on Tata Planet."

Qin Tian was also very moved after seeing the loyalty of the people on Tata Planet.

Qin Tian regards Tata Planet as his own home.

He also said it without reservation.

"Our Blue Star Force will launch an attack on the Vena people's defense system recently."

The elder of Tata Planet said after hearing the defense system of the Vena people.

"The defense system of the Vena people was set up by the Nornos people. We do not have the ability to break through it. No one in this universe has this ability."

Qin Tian knew that the people from Tata Planet would say this.

But Qin Tian still talked about his plan patiently.

"Our men have successfully infiltrated the Vena forces, but our men have been unable to break their systems."

"I just hope that there are some technicians on Tata Planet who can invade their systems. We will take this technician into the headquarters of the Veena people."

The elder of Tata Planet seemed to agree with this idea very much and said:

"This idea is very brilliant. We on Tata Planet seem to have someone who can do this job."

Qin Tian immediately asked:

"Who is it? Recommend him quickly so that our operation will go more smoothly."

The elders of Tata Planet seemed a little reluctant to give up. Why don't you give up?

Because this high-tech talent is a cosmic wanderer who was recently adopted by Tata Planet.

This cosmic wanderer is called Zhang Yang.

He wanders aimlessly in the universe.

He will learn when he encounters a planet, and after he has mastered its technology.

Then he left for the next planet to continue studying.

Over time, most of the black technology in the entire universe.

This strongman has already mastered it, so this strongman is unknown.

If you have studied with the Wieners, then this mission may be smoother with his help.

The elder clapped his hands and signaled his men to bring Zhang Yang out.

Zhang Yang was currently exploring and researching weapons in the research room of Tata Planet.

Zhang Yang didn't seem happy with Qin Tian's interview.

Because he did not settle with this Qin Tian, ​​and everything about him.

Zhang Yang seemed unwilling to know too much.

Therefore, he still walked out for the sake of Tata Planet's face.

Zhang Yang came out, wearing sunglasses and his fluffy hair was covered with dirt.

He is not very tall, he can be considered short.

He is so inconspicuous, but his mind contains the wisdom of half the universe.

It is precisely this kind of undistinguished appearance that allows Zhang Yang to study on various planets in the universe.

Because the leaders of each planet believe that Zhang Yang will not be able to learn his own technology.

(End of this chapter)

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