I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 503 First meeting Zhang Yang

Chapter 503 First meeting Zhang Yang

Become a dangerous person, and let him go and learn boldly.

It was such a fool who later destroyed the Weiner defense system.

played a vital role.

When Qin Tian saw Zhang Yang coming out, he shook hands to show respect.

Zhang Yang responded by shaking hands out of politeness.

After the two greeted each other politely, further communication began.

Qin Tian was the first to ask:

"Recently we have an idea to attack the Weiner territory."

Zhang Yang seemed to have guessed the actions of the Blue Star troops.

He continued to listen to Qin Tian's sermon:

"But our Blue Star Force correspondents don't have a full understanding of their defense system."

Zhang Yang said:

"I know the Weiner people you are talking about. Their defense system was designed by the Norno people."

Qin Tian's reaction to Zhang Yang was unexpected.

Qin Tian continued to listen to Zhang Yang’s sermon:

"I was fortunate enough to study with the Nornos family. Their technology can be said to be the most powerful in the universe."

To be honest, Qin Tian didn't take Zhang Yang seriously at first.

He thinks Zhang Yang is just a little guy.

But he never expected that Zhang Yang would actually learn technology from the Nornos family.

Now Qin Tian looks at Zhang Yang with admiration.

Qin Tian began to ask about Zhang Yang.

"If I invite you to participate in the battle against the Weiner people, will you agree?"

Zhang Yang is a technological talent who is only interested in profit.

Of course he would not refuse these requests.

But the premise is that he has a condition.

Every time Zhang Yang goes to a planet to study, he has to take a look at the planet's technological strength.

Is there something he wants to learn, if there is no such premise.

He will not go to this planet to study and cooperate.

Qin Tian already knew some of Zhang Yang's thoughts and characteristics on the way here. Qin Tian has already made plans for Zhang Yang's request.

Doesn’t this brat just want to learn technology? Our Blue Star Force is also very powerful in the universe.

With our capabilities, it would not be a problem for Zhang Yang to study for a year and a half.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian said to Zhang Yang:

"I know what you are thinking, kid. We are the Blue Star Force."

After Zhang Yang heard the four words Blue Star Troop, he was immediately surprised.

The Blue Star Force is a master in this universe, and its technology is very powerful.

Zhang Yang thought:

"If I can join the Blue Star Force, it will increase his strength and technological strength."

"It would also be a huge help."

Qin Tian said matter-of-factly.

"You kid will follow us if you complete this mission."

"Then our Blue Star Force has no restrictions on you."

In this case, there will be no obstacles for Zhang Yang to study in the Blue Star Army.

But Zhang Yang was not sure whether Qin Tian was a leader in the Blue Star Army.

Zhang Yang asked Qin Tian.

"I wonder what kind of position I am in to dare to make such bold statements."

The elder of Tata Planet quickly explained.

"Without a commander-in-chief, the planet would have been destroyed by now when we set foot on it."

After Zhang Yang learned that Qin Tian was the commander-in-chief of the Blue Star Army, he was extremely respectful to him.

But he couldn't express his thoughts directly.

After Qin Tian also saw what this kid was thinking,

"Said without thinking."

"Did you see the medal on my chest? This is the symbol of the power of the Blue Star Force."

Zhang Yang glanced at this shining medal.

(End of this chapter)

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