I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 573 Internal Conflicts

Chapter 573 Internal Conflicts
Zhang Yang looked at Qin Tian very puzzled at this time. Zhang Yang seemed to have no interest in English.

Zhang Yang said to them:

"I was not good at English since I was a child, so I could only work on mathematics so I could become a scientific researcher."

Dewey also laughed out loud at this time. He looked at these people very funny.

Dewey said:
"I was not good at English and math since I was a child, so I became a soldier."

Suddenly everyone burst into laughter, and everyone burst into laughter.

But all jokes aside, after the fun, everyone began to perform their duties.

Qin Tian and Dewey began to plan the arena competition, while the Minister of Strategy and the Minister of Logistics began to distribute supplies.

The Minister of Strategy and the Minister of Logistics went to the central square together.

The two summoned their assistants, and they summoned all the lists of supplies.

After checking, the two entered the conference room and began strict deployment.

Qin Tian and Dewey's tasks seemed to be more arduous. The two of them lobbied among the troops.

"We will have an arena competition soon. Capable Weiner personnel can be promoted to officers of the Blue Star Force through these arena competitions."

Qin Tian seemed to have deep fear in what he said, because these people did not really become Blue Star troops.

Some people also had some resistance to the command words of the Blue Star Force during the training process.

If these Wieners serve as Blue Star Force commanders, teammates will control the Blue Star Force.

Therefore, Dewey seemed to be aware of this problem. Dewey and Qin Tian came to the secret storage room and started discussing.

"So far we still can't identify their loyalty. This is a difficult problem. How should we do it?"

Facing Qin Tian's question, Dewey seemed troubled. He had never thought about this issue before, but after raising it, he seemed to be a little scared.

But after competing in the ring, the winner will be a Wiener.

Then I must conduct some questions and answers with these people.

Or we can invent some lie detectors to see whose answer is false when asked again.

This question suddenly made Qin Tian think of Zhang Yang. Today he opened his electronic screen projection and had a conversation with Zhang Yang:

"What is Zhang Yang doing?"

Zhang Yang is also urgently planning his own scientific research personnel.

After receiving Qin Tian's call, Zhang Yang quickly answered.

"Yes, Commander-in-Chief, what's the matter so late? I'm planning an arena competition for our scientific researchers."

I heard that Zhang Yang was planning the competition today, but it was already so late and I was embarrassed to bother Zhang Yang this time.

But Dewey didn't think so. As a person who only thinks about things with his muscles, he would never think of this level of human kindness.

Before Qin Tian could speak, Dewey quickly ran to Qin Tian's side. He said to Zhang Yang:

"Now, you make us a scientific instrument called a polygraph."

"We are now so suspicious of the Wiener's loyalty to our military that we need to set up a lie detector to map the mind of the joust champion."

Zhang Yang seemed to be still asking some questions, and people around him kept asking questions to Zhang Yang.

Zhang Yang also agreed casually, but Zhang Yang didn't hear clearly what they said.

(End of this chapter)

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