I, Lord of Heaven, join the chat group

Chapter 574 Scientific Research Boss

Chapter 574 Scientific Research Boss
After canceling the call, Dewey and Qin Tian continued to each dormitory and began to continue their propaganda.

The Weiner people were very excited after hearing about these competitions.

The competition has not officially started yet, and most Wieners will participate in the election.

It can be seen that this competition arena has a great impact on the Weiner people, so this lie detector will be demonstrated immediately.

Because Fang Sixian had to compete with Zhang Yang in some scientific research competitions, he had been studying systematically in his space capsule these days.

Faced with such a problem, Fang Sixian seemed confident that she could overcome it.

Therefore, Fang Sixian continued to study books when he encountered a problem.

He will solve it himself, but this is the problem he encountered tonight.

It puzzled him. Unfortunately, he had forgotten too much about his scientific research level.

He had no choice but to find Zhang Yang to solve this problem.

But when he entered Zhang Yang's space room, he couldn't handle the people coming and going.

Everyone has their own things and tasks, so they are faced with such a mixed space capsule.

Fang Sixian seemed to feel that he was the same person back then, and he was also vigorous and resolute back then.

When working under Colonel Fang Sixian, there are no unruly people.

These people are very efficient in their work. During the month without Fang Sixian, they were placed in various positions on the mothership.

It is precisely because of their capable speed and resolute efficiency that the mothership can still operate effectively without Fang Sixian's overall control.

At this time, Fang Sitian saw Zhang Yang who was working at the workbench. He was arguing with several colleagues about a problem.

When the speculation was in full swing, Zhang Yang did not notice Fang Sixian's arrival, and Wang Sixian walked to Zhang Yang's side.

Listening quietly to Zhang Yang's discussion with them, whether the space turbine should use power or solar energy. This problem is one that Fang Sitian is very familiar with. The problem of space turbines is Fang Sitian's specialty.

Fang Sitian walked to the middle of the crowd, and some people in the studio saw Fang Sitian's arrival.

They all closed their mouths, but Zhang Yang didn't see it.

He was still arguing about this issue with his comrades. Seeing that his colleagues were silent, Zhang Yang felt that he had won the argument on this issue.

He smiled and said:

"Now that everyone has surrendered to me, we will use the sun as our fuel source."

Fang Sixian knew that space turbines must be solved with power energy.

Although sunlight is a sustainable energy source, if it is too far away from the sun at critical times, it will cause insufficient turbine power.

The entire spacecraft will come to a standstill, and a major accident will occur if an emergency occurs.

Fang Sitian said softly:

“If we use solar energy as energy source, how should we solve the problem of insufficient power in an emergency or when we are too far away from the sun?”

Zhang Yang heard this familiar voice, turned around quickly, and saw Fang Sixian who had arrived behind him at some unknown time.

He stammered:

"For example, if there is insufficient energy, then we can use power energy."

Seeing that Zhang Yang seemed to be frightened by his own aura, Fang Sitian smiled and said:

"Since I have admitted to using power energy, let's abandon the issue of solar energy."

(End of this chapter)

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