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Chapter 596 Project Detailed Explanation

Chapter 596 Project Detailed Explanation
Today I saw such a sensible Dewey saying:
"It's rare that you are so sensible today, so you go ahead. Don't let me down in your mission."

After the three of them separated, Qin Tian and Fang Sixian also finished their meals quickly.

Went to the conference room. Dewey was the only one in the conference room at this time.

Dewey's table in the conference room was covered with manuscript paper.

In front of the usually lazy Dewey, Fang Sixian and the day before yesterday were also stunned.

It was the first time that they saw Dewey being so serious, so they also praised Dewey.

"Awesome Dewey, I don't usually see you working so hard."

"Dewey seems to have a serious side."

He was a little embarrassed to be praised by them, and he said shyly:
"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't been serious."

In the face of praise from others, Dewey was not proud.

After watching the two people sit down in surprise, Dewey also started his explanation.

Qin Tian also has to participate in such a mission, and practicing marksmanship is the easiest thing for him.

For Qin Tian, ​​fighting is his specialty.

Today, it is because of this good show that he has won Fang Sixian's favor.

Dewey then talked about the remaining training items, and then there was fighting.

"For grades, we only look at the accuracy of the standards."

"Shooting is mainly a competition, a competition of firearms from a hundred meters away."

This time there are a total of 5 steps for our competition in the arena.

Therefore, Qin Tian is also fully confident in this project.

The reason why he was favored by Fang Sixian was because of his superb marksmanship and agility.

Therefore, in this fight, Fang Sixian was 10% optimistic about Qin Tian.

Fang Sixian is also looking forward to seeing Qin Tian's perfect performance in tomorrow's fighting battle.

Therefore, Qin Tian felt that this was not a difficult problem, but Dewey did not think so. Dewey also passed five levels and killed six generals during the air battle on the Vena planet.

Although not as many people were killed as Qin Tian, ​​they were still far more than most people.

Therefore, under these circumstances, Dewey said to Qin Tian with some challenge.

"I will definitely win this competition."

Or maybe there was no need to fight with him the day before yesterday, but he said to him disdainfully:
"If you can win the fighting competition, I will ask Colonel Fang Sitian to find you a wife."

After hearing these words, Dewey became even more excited.

Dewey said to Qin Tian:

"I must win."

Qin Tian also smiled and said nothing. Fang Sitian cheered on Dewey and said:
"Come on, come on, I can recommend you a girl from the scientific research laboratory."

Dewey called Zhang Yang over, and Zhang Yang rushed to the conference room 10 minutes later.

As soon as Zhang Yang sat down, Dewey asked Zhang Yang:
"There is an event in our arena competition called weapon assembly."

"I hope you will be the referee when the time comes. I don't know if that's okay."

Dewey, who has always been impatient, said this in front of Zhang Yangdao.

Feeling very surprised, Zhang Yang said to Qin Tian and Fang Sixian:

"What's wrong with Dewey today? He's so polite."

Today, Fang Sitian smiled and said nothing, and Dewey became anxious.

"I've tried to be polite to you today, but if you still don't want to, you have to let me curse you. Tmd."

This Dewey still made everyone familiar, and a group of people laughed.

"I can agree to your request."

(End of this chapter)

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