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Chapter 597 Competition Discussion

Chapter 597 Competition Discussion
Seeing Zhang Yang agree to Dewey, Dewey was also very happy.

Zhang Yang said to Dewey:

"How do you want me to assemble this weapon?"

Dewey said to Zhang Yang:

"There are some weapon accessories on site for you to assemble as you wish."

"After assembly, let the soldiers quickly start looking for materials in the material pile."

"The person with the shortest time and the most complete equipment wins."

After listening to Dewey's introduction, Zhang Yang thought this was not difficult.

He gave Dewey a thumbs up.

It seems that Qin Tian is not good at the project of weapon assembly.

Therefore, Qin Tian is not prepared to participate in this project.

Faced with a project that I don’t know how to do, a project that I am not good at.

His performance would only serve to impress the public, and Qin Tian could not afford to lose such face.

After listening to Dewey's introduction, Dewey thought that Zhang Yang would also be the referee in the next project.

Dewey mentioned the name of the next project, the rapid activation of medical equipment and bandaging treatment.

For these people with good conduct, they also need the help of scientific and technical personnel.

So Zhang Yang looked at the helpless Dewey and accepted it with a smile.

The last project is long-distance travel, this project came after Qin Tian heard about it.

I immediately became interested because I competed with my assistant Li Jiahe last time.

He himself was willing to be defeated, but he was full of dissatisfaction.

So facing this competition.

Qin Tian must take revenge and avenge his previous humiliation.

Qin Tian became more and more excited when Fang Sitian noticed his details.

He asked Qin Tian with concern:

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Why are you so excited?"

These little details were also discovered today. Of course, it is impossible to tell me such embarrassing things about Fang Sixian.

So he lied to Fang Sitian. "It's okay, it's just that I was a little excited when I heard about the long journey."

"Before you recruited me to Blue Star Force, I was our planet's long-distance champion."

But Qin Tian thought of someone, who was his assistant.

The strength of his assistant is far around him.

But he wasn't sure how much potential his assistant had.

Therefore, Qin Tian was also trembling with fear when facing this challenge.

But he does have the strength, and he is not afraid when facing this challenge.

Therefore, under Fang Siqian's instigation, I also participated in this battle today.

That’s the basic itinerary, Dewey breaks down the rules of each event in detail.

This kind of rules competition is really flawless.

A perfect soldier can be seen using these 5 rules.

Therefore, this selection competition will be particularly exciting, and everyone is looking forward to the arrival of this competition.

"What do you think of my five rules? Are there any problems that you can point out to me?"

"If there is still a problem, then it's too much."

The other three people agreed with both hands, and the rules were set.

The venue at that time will be divided into the central square of the Weiner people.

A flawless plan emerged.

The game is scheduled for the afternoon three days later.

The routine of the Weiner people has been completely adjusted by the Blue Star Force.

The current Weiner people are about to be accommodated by the Blue Star Force.

After hearing this, the Weiner people were also very excited.

Participants in the competition began to gear up.

I just want to shine in the game three days later.

As long as you can excel, you can get an official title.

(End of this chapter)

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