High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 101 This is the space of the Lord God

Chapter 101 This is the space of the Lord God
Zhao Wuxia didn't dare to stay long.

For her, she was not even qualified to watch a battle of this level.

At the same time, she had a vague feeling in her heart that if she didn't leave now, she would no longer be qualified to leave when the stars completely set.

Perhaps because of her weakness, her existence itself did not attract too many people's attention.

Deliberately avoiding all fights along the way, she kept going to the lower world.

But even if you want to avoid them, you can't avoid them all. In this vast battlefield, the two tribes of lich and demons are furious.

She was inevitably affected.

Fortunately, the battlefield was too chaotic and no Taiyi Golden Immortal-level master noticed her.

After killing two golden immortals, she went all the way to the first heaven.

Everywhere she passed was filled with blood from fighting.

The corpses of those Xuanxian, Jinxian, and even Taiyi Jinxian were piled up, even as high as the stars.

It caused an unimaginable psychological shadow on her.

In addition, those ancestral witches are even more terrifying. They each appear like the true form of the Chaos Demon God, and no one can defeat them wherever they go.

Many of the demon gods ranked high in the heaven came, and each of them appeared in their original form as big as the universe, surrounding the ancestral witch and beating them up.

These demon gods are all real masters in heaven, and each of them is a Daluo, even worse than Bi Fang.

But even they could only barely stop the ancestral witch, and with mutual cooperation, they could only defend themselves.

But even these demon gods made Zhao Wuxia feel like he was facing the Tao directly. No... these existences were the Tao itself.

She couldn't understand him at all.

Until she escaped to the first heaven and escaped from the broken heaven gate, she still had lingering fears.

This battle is really terrible.

How could there be such a terrifying plane in all the worlds?

Do they really belong to the heavens?
She has no answer.

Now she just wants to leave this terrible place and leave this world.

She even felt a deep sense of frustration in her heart.

What does his cultivation in the main temple and his lifelong pursuit mean?

Compared to the monsters above, everything in her past seemed to have lost its meaning.

Seeking the Tao...what kind of Tao are you seeking?
At this moment, she really had an urge to throw down the sword in her hand and stop practicing swordplay from then on.

This thought only lasted for a moment, and her eyes became firm again.

Instead of dropping the sword, she held it tighter.

Like the frog stepping out of the well, he saw the vastness of the sea.

She was not intimidated by the vastness of the ocean, but plunged into it without hesitation.

Even if you are shattered to pieces, you will never look back.

This three-foot long sword is her way, which will remain true until death.

She left the heaven and chose a direction to escape.

Before leaving, she turned around and forgot to take a look.

In her eyes, the sky continued to break, and the entire 33 days were revealed, forming 33 boundless worlds in the wild sky.

And higher up, in the depths of the prehistoric starry sky further up the 33rd day, there are stars falling down, constantly gathering in a transcendent light that envelopes all the heavens and all realms.

Zhao Wuxia was shocked when he saw this scene.

She vaguely sensed that there might be something big going on in heaven.

She escaped from the tenth level and met many demon gods, the demon master Kunpeng, and the nine ancestral witches, but she did not see Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

Even though the Lich War has reached this level, these two emperors of the demon clan have not yet appeared.

What are they waiting for...

Zhao Wuxia didn't know, let alone guess.

All she knew was that she could escape as far away as possible now.

She set up the escape light and fled deep into the wilderness.

At this time, the ancient world was also in chaos, with fighting everywhere, becoming another battlefield for the Lich War.

But compared to the fighting in heaven, Honghuang can only be regarded as a small fight.

The real masters are not here.

Zhao Wuxia fled deep into the wilderness. She hid her figure and avoided many battlefields. She wanted to find a remote place to hide, and then find a way to return to the main temple.

After escaping for three full days, she traveled hundreds of millions of miles in the wilderness and landed in a hidden mountain.

This place is extremely remote. It is the most ordinary mountain range in the wilderness, and it is inconspicuous.

She breathed a sigh of relief after landing, sheathed the Chengying Sword, stepped on the ground paved with dead branches and walked forward.She was thinking about how to return to the main temple.

Normally, even if they had completed their mission the moment they got the Xuantian Fortune Bead, they had indeed heard the voice of the main temple.

Unfortunately, that return failed.

Now, the three-day mission time limit has passed, but there is no sound from the main temple, as if it has been completely disconnected from her.

Her body suddenly shook.

If the main temple never appears again, will I be considered free and free...

At this moment, her eyes were complicated. Her long-cherished wish and various attempts over the years, even if she became Taiyi Golden Immortal, she could not get rid of the main temple. Could it be that the connection was cut off in this way?

If I just stay in this world...

She looked towards the sky, revealing the broken first level of the sky, and the battle between the lich and the lich was still going on.

"Adam, Eve, Fenrir..."

She held the sword and was in a dilemma. If she stayed, she would have no chance to revive her teammates.

A wisp of lake breeze drifted from the front, bringing a little coolness and waking her up.

She raised her eyes and looked forward. In the middle of the forest, there was a sparkling lake. The water was so clear that she could see fish and dragons diving around.

She breathed a sigh of relief and felt much better.

Just as she was about to move forward, her steps suddenly stopped and her pupils shrank.

In her eyes, a figure appeared by the lake at some point. She was wearing a Taoist robe, her hair tied up in a bun, and a wine gourd hanging around her waist. She was standing by the lake, looking as if she were a fairy.

No, he was always there, he just noticed it.

Zhao Wuxia felt a warning sign in her heart. She saw the other party turned back and smiled at her.

Without hesitation, she turned around and ran away.

The escaping light is so fast that it can travel thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

She fled all the way, the space in front of her eyes kept changing, her spiritual thoughts kept sweeping around, and no one was seen.

She relaxed a little and slowed down.

At this time, she fled to a forest, surrounded by ancient trees.

This kind of place is extremely common in prehistoric times.

She stopped looking around and walked forward. A gust of lake wind blew, and a lake suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Her body suddenly stiffened, and a figure stood beside the lake. He turned around with her arrival and showed a smile.

She did not run away again, a trace of determination flashed in her eyes.

She drew her sword, turned the edge while the opponent watched, and pierced her heart with the sword.

Before she died, she could see a hint of shock on the other side's face.


Under the eternal light, Zhao Wuxia slowly opened his eyes in the square of the main temple.

She looked around, everything was quiet, she was the only one, Adam, Eve, and Fenrir were gone.

She was silent for a moment, sighed softly, and walked towards the big ball of light in the center of the square.

The sword was gone from her hand.

With her suicide, the fairy sword she had cherished forever remained in the wilderness forever.

But luckily I saved my life.

she thought so.

As early as when she first knew it was a prehistoric time, she exchanged all her points for the resurrection artifact.

It was originally just in case, but I didn't expect that it would actually be used.

She didn't remind Adam and them, firstly because it was a precautionary measure.

Secondly, resurrection artifacts are too expensive, especially those that can have an effect on the Supreme God.

It was also because she was a sword cultivator, and most of her strength came from hard training, that she had accumulated a deep wealth.

Even if they told Adam, they couldn't afford it.

She walked under the ball of light, and with a thought, the redemption list of the main temple appeared in front of her eyes.

Her Shadow Bearing Sword was left behind in the wild, and she had to exchange it for a new fairy sword first to use it. She didn't have many points left, and could only exchange it for a defective one, so she would use it for the time being.

At this moment, a lazy voice appeared beside her.

"Hey, this is the main god's space. Is it similar to what I imagined?"

"Oh, the exchange items are quite complete."

Her body froze.

(End of this chapter)

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