Chapter 102 The main temple is Da Luo?

The moment he heard the sound, Zhao Wuxia's body stiffened.

A deep fear accompanied by a biting coldness rose from the depths of the soul.

Just like in a horror story, you think you have escaped to the safest house, lock the door and turn around, the shadow chasing you is already waiting here.

The feeling of horror cannot be described in words.

She reacted very quickly and jumped aside as soon as the sound appeared.

He condensed the sword fingers with one hand, and the huge sword intention was condensed but not released.

The next moment, her sword intention dissipated, and she even lowered the sword finger she had just raised.

It's not that Chen Feng did anything, but that she knew it didn't make any sense.

Facing a terrifying existence that could chase him into the main god's space, all her actions were useless.

In this case, why waste your energy.

She adjusted her mentality and regained her composure.

He looked expressionlessly at a figure wearing a Taoist robe not far away from where he was standing before. He was looking at the Lord God's big ball of light with great interest.

Judging from his appearance, it seems that he has called up the exchange list of the main god and is previewing it.

"Can people who are not in the main god space also use the redemption function?"

Zhao Wuxia was shocked, then relieved.

After seeing Mr. Chen Feng's methods, she would not be surprised by anything he does.

Feeling her gaze, Chen Feng turned to look at her, then turned around and said with a smile, "Aren't you going to run away?"

Zhao Wuxia said calmly: "You can't run away."

Chen Feng showed a hint of admiration. There are not many women these days who look so determined and sober.

His smile deepened, and he raised his hand to throw something.

Zhao Wuxia subconsciously took it.

The familiar touch stunned her.

It was her Shadow Bearing Sword that was being put into its scabbard.

She looked at Chen Feng in surprise: "You won't kill me?"

Chen Feng shrugged: "When did I say I wanted to kill you?"

He chuckled and said: "I have only asked you for the Xuantian Creation Pearl from the beginning to the end, but I never said I wanted to kill you. It was you who made the first move."

Zhao Wuxia was speechless for a moment.

But then she realized something was wrong and asked doubtfully: "If that's the case, why are you chasing me here?"

It can't be just to retaliate...

She thought mockingly to herself, and suddenly realized something. She looked at Chen Feng in disbelief, and then immediately looked at the huge ball of light suspended in mid-air.

Lord God!

Chen Feng was more appreciative and said with a smile: "The insight is good. I really didn't come here for you. But I still have to thank you. If you hadn't given me the location, this thing with the light of Da Luo would be really hard to find."

He smiled and also looked at the huge ball of light.

The main god's space suddenly shook, and a transcendent light suddenly rushed out of the huge ball of light, and it was thrown to infinite heights in an instant.

Like a mouse being stared at by a cat.

Not just here, in all the parallel and independent main god spaces, a ray of light rushed up from the central light ball at the same time, and disappeared into the infinite height in the blink of an eye.

I don't know how many reincarnation teams looked at this scene blankly, at a loss.

There are also countless reincarnation teams who are doing missions in all the worlds, but at this moment they have lost contact with the main temple.

Chen Feng looked at it with a smile, gently clasped his hands and said, "Do you think you can escape?"

His figure suddenly rose and turned into a beam of transcendent light chasing towards infinite heights.

Zhao Wuxia stared at this scene in a daze, and did not come back to her senses until the huge bright ball of light was extinguished. The eternally bright square fell into darkness for the first time in her memory.

Is the Lord God escaping? …………


Chen Feng chased out, and the space in front of him suddenly changed. This was a change in dimension, which was mysterious and mysterious, and the way was unclear.

In his eyes, countless rays of transcendent light rose from the parallel Main God Square, and at the same time were cast on the main body of the main temple, which was located on a bronze throne in another dimension at an infinite height.

This throne is located at the highest point of all main god spaces. It can overlook everything, but will never be noticed by the reincarnation team.

High above, like the master of everything.

At this time, these transcendent rays of light gathered together and quickly merged on the throne, forming a figure made purely of light.

He had no facial features and was like a spiritual body composed purely of energy. When he saw Chen Feng rushing towards him, he showed a trace of panic. He left the throne without hesitation and quickly fled to all the heavens and worlds.

"Want to run?"

Chen Feng chuckled and pointed at him in the air.

In an instant, time and space became permanent, and the past and future were reduced to a singularity, turning into a cage independent of the long river of time.

Light and shadow are stagnant.

This is a common method used by Da Luo. He transcends the world and intercepts a period of nothingness in the Taiyi era to form a cage. Without Da Luo's methods, it is impossible to escape.

However, the light and shadow were only frozen for a moment. His light surged, and a mirror emitting light of transcendence appeared directly in his hand.

Endless mysterious ways evolve in the mirror, and countless universes are born in the mirror at every moment, of all shapes and sizes.

In this mirror, a true multiverse was born.

No, depending on the speed of this derivation, it might even be the super multiverse.

The next moment, a ray of light shot out of the mirror and broke through Chen Feng's Taiyi prison.

The light and shadow did not dare to stay. The light and shadow flickered and fell into the boundless sea in the distance, completely disappearing.

Chen Feng stepped on the stone steps of the bronze throne, then turned around and sat down.

He looked at the direction in which the light and shadow were escaping, with a smile on his lips.

"Innate Spiritual Treasure, Mirror of the Universe... Ha... So that's it..."

What Guangying used just now was an innate spiritual treasure, and Chen Feng knew about it.

Like the Xuantian Creation Pearl in his hand, the Great Thousand World Mirror is also an innate spiritual treasure refined by Emperor Su.

Di Su spent an unknown number of epochs in his life, killed nine times in total, and refined nine different innate spiritual treasures.

These are the continuation of his Tao and are part of Da Luo.

Chen Feng sat on the bronze throne, crossed his legs, and did not pursue him immediately.

Instead, he looked at the main god spaces below that overlapped each other and were in different dimensions and time and space.

I don’t know how many of these main god spaces there are. If each one corresponds to a reincarnation team, the number is really huge.

At first glance, you can tell that it has been accumulated for many years.

Chen Feng shook his head and tsked twice. After being taken away from his lair, the other party couldn't help but hate him.

But... he doesn't care.

Instead, he enjoyed it.

A large part of the reason why he chased me to the main god's space was that he was curious about why someone would be looking at the Xuantian Fortune Bead that I refined before God lost me.

This fortune bead is of no use, it's useless as a decoration, so it can be used as a large "battery".

Then when he entered the Lord God's space, especially the moment he saw the light and shadow, he understood everything.

Da Luo knows everything about non-Da Luo. Although the other party has the light of Da Luo and has some attributes of Da Luo, he is not a real Da Luo.

Because of this, Chen Feng already knew everything.

Therefore, his interest became more intense.

Di Su really did something interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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