High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 143 The battle reaches the beginning of the sky

Chapter 143 The battle reaches the beginning of the sky

Chen Feng floated in the air outside the door of Yuxu Palace, suffocating slightly.

His consciousness went blank for a billionth of a moment. Although the light of Daluo in his body reacted immediately and he recovered immediately, he was still affected after all.

He looked over the Yuxu Palace and curled his lips.

Was the fight very lively?

Just one billionth of a second when the red sperm was affected, the great light in Zhao Gongming's body suddenly burst out, and the cage that trapped him could no longer hold on.

His figure flashed and disappeared from the current space node.

The black light from the Yin Yang Mirror shot out, but he dodged it at the critical moment.

The next moment, Zhao Gongming's figure appeared again, but it was behind Chi Jingzhi. He pointed with his hand and saw a rope exuding the light of Da Luo flying out and bounding towards Chi Jingzhi.

Bind the dragon rope!
This is the innate spiritual treasure that Zhao Gongming refined himself. It was the first time he cut the Tao to refine the treasure when he became a great supernatural power user.

In terms of quality, it is almost the same as Master Lingbao’s Heavenly Talisman and Purple Seal Script.

But sometimes the quality of this thing is not important, the ease of use is the key.

Red sperm sensed it in his heart and turned around instantly. He was shocked when he saw a dragon-binding rope emitting the light of Da Luo coming towards him.

He recognized this innate spiritual treasure.

In the previous eras when the Battle of the Gods first started, everyone was not as familiar with each other as they are now.

Master Huanglong was once caught by Zhao Gongming with a dragon rope, which was very embarrassing.

At this distance, he had no time to react, so with a thought in his mind, an illusory river rushed in.

I don't know where it started, and I don't know where it will end.

The years are long.

The long river of turbulent years surged and swallowed him up in an instant.

Not to mention, in a blink of an eye, he transformed into Jingzhao, spreading all over the upstream and downstream of the years. His figure appeared at every time node, and every figure was his true body.

He must first escape from the lock of the dragon rope, and then return from the end of time.

Zhao Gongming laughed when he saw this, and pointed with his hand: "Do you think you can escape like this?"

When he pointed at the dragon-binding rope, the light of Da Luo became brighter, chasing into the long river of time as if it were alive.

As soon as it enters the long river, the dragon-binding rope also turns into Jingzhao strips, which are spread upstream and downstream of the long river of time. Each dragon-binding rope corresponds to a red sperm.

One person and one cable will continue to spread in the long river of time.

Just in the slightest thought, all the nodes in the long river of time will be filled, and the time will collapse.

At this time, the endless figures of the red sperm suddenly merged into one, jumped out, and escaped from the long river of time, but they did not stay in the material world for much longer.

He made another leap, leaving the current dimension of the universe and arriving at a conceptual world of complete chaos.

But it is not the beginning of Taiyi.

But Tai Chi Ji.

This era is the last of the Five Innate Epochs.

It is also the last era of chaos. Pangu opened the world and it happened in the Taiji era.

He had just arrived in this era of chaos, and the dragon-binding rope exuding the light of transcendence followed closely behind him.

But in the Tai Chi Period, time and space have not yet been born. Here, there is only the concept of Da Luo.

They don't need to follow any rules.

Therefore, the red sperm has enough "time" to respond and no longer has to be chased away.

It is not accurate to say "time", because there is no concept of time in Taiji Ji.

Facing the dragon-binding rope, he calmly took out the Yin-Yang Mirror and shined the black side at the rope.

I saw a ray of black light penetrating the chaos of Taiji Ji and falling on the dragon-binding rope.

In an instant, the light of Daluo on the dragon-binding rope dissipated, and a bit of gray appeared. In the chaos, this innate spiritual treasure stagnated.

Then the gray spread, and all the light of Daluo disappeared.

Dragon Binding Rope, heading towards death!
This is the scary thing about the Yin-Yang Mirror. The concept of "death" is not only for life, but for everything.

Even innate spiritual treasures, such extensions of the Great Luo Dao, will "die".

After all, the continuation of Da Luo Dao is not Da Luo itself.

Unable to return from the beginning of Taiyi.

Of course, this is also because the quality of the dragon-binding rope itself is too low.If it is an innate spiritual treasure of the same level as the Yin-Yang Mirror, or of higher quality, it can resist "death" by relying on the Tao contained in it.

After all everything is relative.

Just when he had just solved the dragon-binding rope, chaos arose, and Zhao Gongming, who appeared to be the virtual prince, had already chased him.

At a glance, he saw the dragon-binding rope that turned into a deathly gray color in the chaos, and was forever frozen in the Taiji Ji.

He suddenly became furious: "My spirit treasure, Red sperm, you are so brave!"

While angry, he no longer held back, raised his hands, and saw 24 light clusters emitting transcendent light appearing.

In an instant, the chaos of Tai Chi Ji was boiling.

The 24 divine beads were too terrifying, and the heavy pressure made even Da Luo change his expression.

Without any fancy, Zhao Gongming waved his hand downwards, and 24 divine beads hit the red sperm like meteors.

Chaos separated, concepts disappeared, and even the light of Daluo on the red sperm began to waver.

This is the ultimate in using strength to defeat cleverness.

There are no bells and whistles, but it is invincible and unstoppable!
Chi Jingzhi's expression changed. He knew the power of the 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls.

In every Battle of the Gods, Zhao Gongming's Dinghai Divine Pearl would pose a great obstacle to Chanjiao, which was far beyond what he, a golden immortal, could contend with.

But he also has means.

In front of the 24 divine beads, he used the white side of the yin-yang mirror to illuminate himself.

In an instant, a white light enveloped him.

Chaos is surging, the avenue is obliterated, and all elements and origins are shattered into pieces.

Even Da Luo's immortal divine light was severely smashed under the pressure of the divine bead.

The red sperm was hit 24 times in a row, unable to fight back, and kept retreating in the chaos of Tai Chi.

His great light was scattered, like a small boat in the storm.

But he is still alive.

He did not return to the beginning of Taiyi and be reborn.

The yin-yang mirror.

That is an absolutely raw concept.

Being fixed by the white light, even if he was hit by 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls in succession, he did not die.

This is setting, the highest concept.

It's like unlocking the health lock when you play the game.

It's also like when you use Barbarian King to open up when playing LOL, no matter what attack, it can't knock off the last bit of your blood skin.

After getting a chance to breathe, Chi Jing's body swayed, and the light of Da Luo converged, bursting out with bright light again.

But it has returned to its full glory.

When Zhao Gongming saw this, he was not surprised. He just pressed down with one hand, and the 24 Dinghai Divine Pearls changed again, and then they hit the red sperm hard.

Immortal, right, and blood locked, right? Then just stay here and don't move. I'll see how long you can last after being beaten.


On the other side, there was complete chaos in front of Yuxu Palace.

Zhao Gongming and Chi Jingjing fought their way to Tai Chi Ji.

Guangchengzi and Taoist Duobao are also using their own methods, and each other's great light spreads to the end of the prehistoric timeline.

Qingxu Daodezhen was driven around by Bi Xiao. The golden dragon scissors were too sharp and he did not dare to be cut.

Master Puxian was stopped by Qiong Xiao.

Daoxing Tianzun was stopped by Yunxiao.

Only the Great Master Lingbao was still standing in front of the Yuxu Palace, frowning at the chaotic scene, thinking about who to help.

Chen Feng seized the opportunity and turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Yuxu Palace.

If you don't seize this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you will be punished by God.

Yuxu Palace is the dojo of Yuanshi Tianzun. There are treasures everywhere, and any treasure you can get is stronger than Master Lingbao’s Heavenly Talisman Zi Zhuan.

(End of this chapter)

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