High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 144: Chanjiao Da Luo comes for support

Chapter 144: Chanjiao Da Luo comes for support

Chen Feng was extremely fast. He saw the right moment and turned into a great light and burrowed into Yuxu Palace.

He thought very clearly that he and others were here to fight the autumn wind.

Although Taoist Duobao, Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao and others are all great masters, they are not afraid even if the twelve golden immortals gather together.

But this is the home of Chanjiao after all.

Once a war breaks out here, all the great Luo in the current timeline will come to support.

Not to mention six of the Twelve Golden Immortals, the rest, Antarctic Changsheng Emperor, Ran Deng Taoist, and Yun Zhongzi, are all top-notch masters.

Even in Daluozhong, he is famous.

If Duobao and the others really came to support them all, even if they were covered in iron, they wouldn't be able to hammer in a few nails.

Not to mention, Yuanshi Tianzun himself may return at any time, and Chen Feng has no idea how long God Haotian can stop him.

In this case, every second counts.

First, break into Yuxu Palace and loot it to make Chanjiao lose face. When you come out, you will find an opportunity to ring the golden bell in front of the door.

Then they immediately retreated without mercy.

That's the whole plan.

Of course, Zhao Gongming and others only knew the first half, which was to let Chen Feng rush into Yuxu Palace and loot it.

As for his real purpose, ringing the golden bell of Yuxu Palace, he didn't know.

The moment Chen Feng set out, Master Lingbao had noticed him.

He was shocked and shouted: "Chen Feng, how dare you..."

Amidst the angry shouts, his figure suddenly turned into light, and he was about to block Chen Feng's way.

He stood in front of the gate of Yuxu Palace. It was easy to intercept and blocked Chen Feng from entering.

However, at the moment he started, the "Princess Xushen" who was fighting with Daoxing Tianzun glanced at him.

She still had some energy left, so she held Dao Xing Tianzun with one hand, and with a little more casualness, she saw a ray of pure immortal light take action.

Exuding a light that transcends everything, it turns into an invisible big hand, gathering all time and space, all dimensions and cognition into the palm of the hand, and grabbing it directly towards the Great Master Lingbao.

The "Princess of False God" is Yunxiao.

She is Sanxiao's eldest sister and has the deepest cultivation level. She even surpasses Zhao Gongming in terms of cultivation alone.

A Daoxing Tianzun is far from her opponent.

Shangqing's big hand rose into the air, and Master Lingbao suddenly became vigilant. His eyes suddenly focused, and all connections in the material world were cut off in an instant.

All thoughts, avenues, concepts, and even all timelines are enveloped by this palm.

He can only take it hard.

He was horrified that these methods were many times stronger than his.

He was helpless. Being delayed by this, it became a delusion to stop Chen Feng.

However, at this moment, a ray of light suddenly appeared from the end of the sky. In an instant, it jumped an unknown amount of time and space, and pierced forward with an endless force of great power.

This ray of light was equally powerful, even Da Luo Zhong was not an ordinary person, and it actually tore apart Shangqing's hand in an instant.

Master Lingbao took a glance and saw the light of Daluo disappear, revealing a wooden sword with seven-color Daluo light wrapped around it, revealing the aura of merit.

There was a thought in his heart, and he already knew who made the move, so without saying a word, he rushed towards Chen Feng faster.

Although someone came to the rescue, after this moment of obstruction, he had fallen behind Chen Feng and could only catch up with Chen Feng before he rushed into Yuxu Palace.

With a low drink, he didn't say anything nonsense. He waved the whisk in his hand and stretched it with a swish sound. A great light lit up, like a chain, trapping all the heavens and worlds.This whisk was not an innate spiritual treasure, but an ordinary whisk, but it was refined by him with the light of Da Luo every day, and it became somewhat magical as an innate spiritual treasure.

It surpasses all acquired spiritual treasures, but does not reach the innate number.

This is also the method chosen by the vast majority of Daluo who have not yet become great supernatural powers. They use their own Daluo way to warm and nourish treasures, which can be used against the enemy, which is better than using bare hands.

Of course, the Great Master Lingbao has already crossed the threshold of being a person with great supernatural powers, and can cut off Tao and refine treasures by himself.

The Tian Fu Zi Zhuan is the innate spiritual treasure that he refined himself.

It's just that he has just entered this level in this era. Refining one piece is already the limit, and more is beyond his capabilities.

Chen Feng glanced back slightly.

The fly whisk approached instantly, bound his arms with a whoosh, and then pulled him back with a force.

However, the moment the fly whisk touched him, Chen Feng's figure was blurred for a billionth of an instant.

That was a change that could only be seen clearly from Da Luo's perspective. His figure stretched out at that moment, as if countless parallel versions of him suddenly appeared, and then suddenly shrank back the next moment, and an inconspicuous Da Luo light separated from him and headed toward Yuxu. Go to the palace.

And his body was dragged by the fly whisk and headed towards Master Lingbao.

Just approaching Master Lingbao, he turned around with a smile, followed the trend, pushed his toes, and raised his body upside down. Using his feet as a sword, a sharp light of the Great Luo turned into a sword light, and struck the Master Lingbao fiercely. The head was chopped off.

The sword's light was so sharp that it cut through the heavens and cut off the years.

Even Da Luo would be cut into two pieces by this sword.

Master Lingbao just hummed. He raised one hand and a purple talisman appeared in his hand.

As soon as the talisman comes out, all kinds of extremely complicated Tao patterns spread, like the source of the heavenly talismans and the source of all kinds of Taoism.

Chen Feng's extremely sharp kick cut through the years, but it could not fall on him.

They are obviously very close, but they are in two completely different worlds.

Master Lingbao turns himself into a part of the talisman, which exists and does not exist at the same time. It is not a simple matter of being close to the end of the world or having magical powers in space.

Immediately, these Dao patterns attached to his whisk one after another. In an instant, the whisk's light shone brightly and extended again, binding Chen Feng's entire body.

With a bang and tightening, Chen Feng's entire body exploded into a ball of blood mist before the knife fell on his feet.

The Dao pattern flashed, and before the blood mist spread, it was evaporated by the light of Da Luo.

Master Lingbao did not feel the slightest joy, but instead looked into the Yuxu Palace with an ugly expression.

He has realized that this is the moment when Chen Feng was tied up, split his own timeline, leaving behind a billionth of a moment in the past, and he has entered Yuxu Palace.

Turning his hand to put away the purple seal of the heavenly talisman, he turned into light and rushed into Yuxu Palace.

No matter what, Chen Feng cannot be allowed to do whatever he wants.

If he really entered Yuxu Palace in front of a group of golden immortals from Jiejiao, he would lose all face of Chanjiao if he took away even one thing.

The chase and fight between the two only happened in an instant.

As Master Lingbao chased into Yuxu Palace, the battle outside also became fierce.

Yunxiao made a move to stop Master Lingbao but was blocked. He continued to move his hand, and with a flick of his jade hand, he flicked his finger on Dao Xing Tianzun's sword.

The sound of the sword suddenly sounded, and the pure immortal light rippled with it. Daoxing Tianzun's body shook, and he stepped back three steps in a row.

Yunxiao did not pursue him, but turned his beautiful eyes slightly and looked to the other side.

In mid-air, a Da Luo with an immortal spirit appeared there, and the aura of merit loomed.

Chan Jiao Da Luo, Yun Zhongzi!

(End of this chapter)

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