Chapter 145 The Three Pure Ones’ Ways to Each Other
The moment he saw Yun Zhongzi, Yunxiao knew that support from Chanjiao had arrived.

This was not beyond her expectation.

In fact, the moment the big Luo people took action, it was impossible to hide it.

Da Luo in the entire prehistoric current timeline will notice this scene.

Many Da Luo who explain the teaching will come to support.

Of course, not all great Luo who explain the teachings will come.

Those who are not in the prehistoric times, and those who are not in the current timeline, will not come.

A typical representative is Huang Long, who plays stand-alone.

Not to mention whether he sensed the situation in Yuxu Palace, even if he did, he would not return unless Yuxu Palace took the initiative to ask for help.

Well... to describe it simply, you and your friends are playing games, but you are playing stand-alone games and your friends are playing online games.

You can't just give up on single-player and actively join in a gang war just because your friend's online game is having a gang war.

Of course, if your friend shouts at this time, he can’t stand it anymore, brother, please call for support...

That's another story.

The signal of support is the golden bell at the entrance of Yuxu Palace.

As long as the golden bell rings, any time line, world line, the past and future of all heavens and realms will return.

If the golden bell does not ring, everyone will play their own role. Whether or not to support them is entirely up to their own free will.

Now, Yun Zhongzi is the first golden immortal to come to support.

As soon as he arrived at the scene, he noticed the chaotic situation and frowned slightly, but ignored the Void God Clan led by the First God Emperor.

Instead, he set his sights on Yunxiao.

Although the virtual gods and Taiyi Golden Immortals were fighting each other in horror, they were all NPCs killing each other and did not affect the situation.

After forcing the opponent's Da Luo back, they only need to snap their fingers to reset everything and resurrect all the dead Taiyi Golden Immortals.

"Yun Zhongzi." Yun Xiao raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and the black gold silk robe he wore fluttered gently in the wind. It was not fairy-like and ethereal, but it added a bit of mystery and magic.

Daoxing Tianzun took advantage of this moment to jump into the air and stood opposite Yun Zhongzi, faintly surrounding Yun Xiao.

He reminded: "Senior Brother Yun Zhongzi, this woman may be Yun Xiao, you have to be careful."

"Yunxiao!" Yun Zhongzi's eyes narrowed slightly, and he raised the fingers of one hand slightly. The wooden sword from before jumped and appeared beside him across the space out of thin air.

He is the Golden Immortal who teaches Fortune. He started earlier than the Twelve Golden Immortals and is very powerful.

Many epochs ago, during the first Battle of the Gods, Sanxiao set up the Nine-Bend Yellow River Formation, captured twelve Golden Immortals in a row, and used the Hunyuan Golden Fight to cut off their Great Luo Light.

The Tao of Daluo, which the Twelve Golden Immortals had practiced hard for several epochs, came to nothing.

He alone was spared.

By the way, the Hunyuan Golden Dou is a very special one among many innate spiritual treasures, it can cut off the light of Daluo.

But this treasure cannot make Da Luo fall down. No matter how much it is cut, Da Luo is still Da Luo.

But the great road you have cultivated through hard work from era to era is not protected.

In that era, the Twelve Golden Immortals were deprived of the light of Da Luo, and were once reduced to the level of Da Luo who had just attained Da Luo, extremely weak.

It was only later that they quickly recovered their strength through other methods, such as Taishang's Nine Turns Golden Pill and Yuanshi Tianzun's Xiao Zao.

It was also because of this that after that era, the four golden immortals Cihang, Manjusri, Samantabhadra, and Kuliusun went to Buddhism to open another number under the persuasion of Randen Ancient Buddha.

And by the way, I also trained the account there into the main account.

Ran Deng Taoist is not included in this list.

His trumpet was originally the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng. The Taoist monks here created it after they saw that the battle to confer gods was profitable.

Yun Xiao didn't speak, just looked at the two Da Luo with a faint smile.

She is relatively reserved and can't do anything like that.

Just don't say a word.

It is one thing for the evangelists to guess their identity, but it is another thing for them to admit it themselves.

As long as you are not caught and exposed, you can deny it afterwards.

Can Chan Jiao really go to Biyou Palace to reason?Even if they did go, it was because they were harboring evil intentions and deliberately framed him.

With a flick of her finger, she shot out a stream of pure immortal light.

This ray of light was urgent and fast, heading straight towards Yun Zhongzi.

The celestial light is bright and contains the ultimate way, which can make the avenue collapse and concepts shrink.

Yun Zhongzi did not dodge or evade. He formed a sword finger with one hand and pointed towards the immortal light. The wooden sword turned into light and came forward.

Two completely different Daluo Immortal Lights collided together.

There was a soft sound, and at the moment of contact, the pure immortal light exploded and turned into purple mist all over the sky. In a moment, the mist spread and enveloped Daoxing Tianzun in it.

not good!

Yun Zhongzi felt a warning sign in his heart.

He could see clearly that every bit of mist was clearly the extremely pure Daluo Immortal Light.

As the mist spreads, it is clear that it is a supreme formation that can trap and kill Da Luo.

If he is not careful, both he and Dao Xing Tianzun will be in danger.

As his thoughts rose, the infinite mist suddenly became extremely dangerous, and countless Da Luo fairy lights filled the mist.

These are the most dangerous final lights, containing the power to harm Da Luo.

Condensation and diffusion are superimposed, yin and yang are superimposed, future and present are superimposed, life and death are superimposed.

All timelines converge into this small mist world, and all contradictions exist simultaneously at this moment to kill the two heroes.

Yunxiao stood there, this moment was the source of all superposition states.

Each of the three Qing Dynasties has its own representative way.

Taiqing represents the foundation of existence and the origin of the great road.

Yuqing represents the cause of all effects and the beginning of the great road.

Shangqing represents the end of the end, the end of the great road.

Yun Xiao is the proud disciple of Master Tongtian. He has understood the way to the end and has gone very far on this road.

And weeded out the old and brought forth the new, and found our own way.

Yun Zhongzi gave a soft drink, and the light of his own Great Luo bloomed, showing merit in the end, and unexpectedly found life in the state of death.

Those pure lights that represented the end actually passed by his body. Everything happened naturally, as if countless fortunes were superimposed at this moment and became inevitable!
Dao Xing Tianzun did not have such "good luck" as him. Facing countless terminal lights, he could only show an acre of Qingyun, with the light of transcendence permeating it, and three golden lotuses floating in the Qingyun.

This golden lotus is both extremely illusory and extremely real. It is the collection of all causes and effects, and it itself is not involved in cause and effect.

This is the three-flower gathering on the top of the Yuqing Daluo, which is the true foundation of Daluo.

Facing Yunxiao's methods, Daoxing Tianzun could only resist with his own feet!

Let’s not mention that Yunxiao is fighting one against two.

On the main battlefield, other big Luo from Yuxu Palace also came to support.

At the end of the wilderness, a sword light suddenly appeared. This sword light contained fierce murderous intent and was beyond the scope of the sword.

This sword cut through the boundless nothingness, struck at the beginning of Taiyi when Da Luo was born, and cut off all possibilities of the past, present and future.

Fifty avenues, forty-nine Tianyan.

All things in the heavens and all realms will eventually have a glimmer of hope.

Therefore, all sentient beings living in the heavens are faced with choices all the time, and each choice will lead to completely different results.

This is possibility.

The possibilities are endless.

Even in the most desperate times, there is a slight possibility of gaining life. The only difference is whether you can grasp it.

This is the true meaning of leaving a thin line between heaven and earth.

But this sword covers all possibilities, and all vitality is destroyed under this sword.


(End of this chapter)

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