High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 19: Lend me your ancestral witch origin!

Chapter 19: Lend me your ancestral witch origin!

After making the invitation, Di Ming quietly waited for Hou Tu's reply.

He was not worried about Hou Tu's rejection this time.

According to his understanding of the prehistoric times, Houtu's transformation into reincarnation is the general trend of heaven. She also has compassion for all living beings in the prehistoric times and has almost formed an obsession with reincarnation.

Don't be afraid that she won't take the bait.

Sure enough, Hou Tu had no intention of refusing: "If there is any other way to establish reincarnation, I would naturally go there."

Then she turned to Xing Tian and said, "You stay in the tribe, Brother Feng and I will go together."

Xing Tian immediately had an objection and shouted: "No, my dear, last time you went to Jiuyou alone, you almost reincarnated yourself. For the future of the Wu clan, I will go with you."

However, he was bored and bored, and he felt that he was at a disadvantage because of his previous acting experience, so he wanted to follow him to Jiuyou to see if he could have some fun.

At least he had to see how the annoying time traveler in front of him died.

Hou Tu thought for a while and agreed.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't agree.

Da Luo has great autonomy. If he really wants to go, no one can stop him.

Hou Tu said to Di Ming: "The three of us will go to Jiuyou with you, no problem."

Di Ming showed a smile and said: "It doesn't matter, I don't know each other well with Taoist fellow Xingtian, and I feel like old friends at first sight with fellow Taoist Hou Feng."

His goal is only to follow them. As for Xing Tian and Chen Feng, it makes no difference to him whether they follow them or not.

I am not afraid of these two great witches in Honghuang, let alone Jiuyou's own territory.

The two parties reached an agreement and left the Houtu tribe without any delay, looking for a space node to go to Jiuyou.

Honghuang and Jiuyou are in different spaces. It is not easy to enter directly. You need to find the intersection of the two worlds.

It is also the so-called weak point in space. This is the only way to break through the space and step into the Nine Netherworld.

Otherwise, even if you forcefully break the space, you will only reach endless turbulence of time and space.

Of course, this problem does not exist for Chen Feng and the three big Luo. If they really want to go, they can reach there with just a thought.

But they could do it, but Di Ming, the "quasi-sage", couldn't. Considering his endurance, the three of them still looked for space nodes honestly.

Fortunately, Honghuang and Jiuyou are adjacent to each other. They have a relationship with two sides of the same body. There are many spatial connection points, and it didn't take long to find one.

Di Ming wanted to show off and took the initiative to break the space barrier, forming a stable space portal, and the four people entered one after another.

As soon as his eyesight dimmed, the high concentration of spiritual energy he had sensed in the ancient world suddenly disappeared.

The vision in front of me was gray, and the vast land was covered with mountains and mountains, filled with deathly silence.

The four of them stood in mid-air and looked around. The sky was gray, with nothing like the sun and moon. The earth was also gray in color. The souls of countless ancient creatures were wandering aimlessly in the Nine Netherlands, aimlessly and non-stop. Go forward until even your soul is gone.

Jiuyou is the place of death, and it is the home of the soul, the underworld.

Even if there is no reincarnation yet, the Nine Netherlands itself naturally attracts the souls of the dead.But it is precisely because there is no reincarnation that these souls who are attracted to Jiuyou can only wander in the endless underworld, unable to get relief, let alone reincarnation, and will eventually move towards nothingness.

However, some souls keep moving forward while wandering in the underworld, until they reach an endless sea of ​​blood.

They lost their intelligence and even the instinct of life. They knew no fear or fear, and walked into the sea of ​​blood with numb faces.

Every time at this time, waves surge in the sea of ​​blood, picking up these souls and carrying them deeper.

Finally, after being invaded by the evil spirit of the blood sea, these souls will merge with the blood sea and transform into the Shura clan.

This is also the only living clan in Jiuyou now.

Seeing this, Di Ming pretended to sigh: "Reincarnation has not yet been established, and death has no home. It is really sad and deplorable, hey."

He sighed deeply, feeling that his compassionate words would be recognized by Hou Tu and bring them closer to each other.

Although he was dissatisfied with Hou Tu for neglecting him several times, and was even angry with Hou Tu for having murderous intent on him before, and had already decided to completely imprison Hou Tu in Jiuyou, he still couldn't help but lick like this as long as he was around her. Dog Behavior.

This time he was disappointed again. Houtu had no interest in his performance. He just looked at him calmly and said: "We have come to Jiuyou. What is the method of establishing reincarnation that you mentioned?"

Di Ming gritted his teeth again, feeling like he was flirting with a blind man.

He snorted coldly in his heart, you have already reached Jiuyou and you are still ignoring yourself. This is what you asked for, and you will regret it later.

He said: "To establish reincarnation, you need to go to the previous blood sea, where the energy of the Nine Netherworlds is mixed with the evil energy of the blood sea. It is the place where the atmosphere of the underworld is the strongest, and it is most suitable for the evolution of reincarnation."

After saying that, he took the lead and flew forward.

Chen Feng glanced at Hou Tu with a questioning expression. Hou Tu smiled back at him and motioned to follow him.

The four of them flew all the way to the place where Houtu reincarnated last time. After landing, Di Ming no longer continued to please Houtu, and was not even willing to pretend. He said expressionlessly.

"This is it. The evolutionary cycle needs one of my treasures."

He moved his hand and saw a small seal that looked like a square appeared in his hand, exuding a chaotic aura, which seemed to be consistent with the great road.

Taking out the treasure, Di Ming couldn't help but show off, and said with a smile: "This object is the Chaos Reincarnation Platform. It is the first-class Chaos Treasure. It is not much worse than Pangu's Sky-Opening Axe. Relying on this object , you can evolve reincarnation in the Nine Netherlands."

He shouted softly, threw up the Chaos Reincarnation Platform in his hand, and then fired out one spell after another, hitting 12 different authentic spells in a row.

The Reincarnation Platform rotated over Jiuyou. One after another, the Nine Nether evil spirits rose into the sky and were absorbed by the Reincarnation Platform. In an instant, the whole Netherworld space was filled with evil winds, and even the blood sea was affected. The strong wind suddenly rose, setting off a stream of blood that was thousands of feet high. wave.

The reincarnation platform continued to expand and change, and finally turned into a disc-like shadow, with six rays of light hidden but not emitted.

At this time, in the roaring sea of ​​blood, an old man with white hair and beard stood tall, looking at the shadow of the chaotic reincarnation disk in the sky, and whispered to himself: "Houtu and the others, are you having a good time?"

On the shore, Di Ming saw that the reincarnation platform had been fully unfolded. He smiled at Houtu and the others and said, "This is the shadow of the six paths of reincarnation. As long as fellow Taoist Houtu lends me one more thing, the reincarnation can be erected."

"Oh? I wonder what you want to borrow?" Hou Tu asked with a smile.

Di Ming's face turned solemn at this time, and he said in a deep voice: "I'll borrow your ancestral witch origin."

(End of this chapter)

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