High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 20 I am in the Netherworld, invincible in the world!

Chapter 20 I am in the Netherworld, invincible in the world!
"Are you going to meet me so soon?"

Chen Feng looked at the indifferent Di Ming and sighed in his heart.

Fortunately, he had a little expectation before, thinking that the other party could come up with some new tricks.

He resisted the urge to yawn, his interest greatly diminished.

But for Da Luo, like Xing Tian and Hou Tu, who saw time travelers for the first time, now is the most fun stage of the game.

This time, without Chen Feng's reminder, Xing Tian's acting skills soared and he got into the zone instantly.

With an angry look on his face, he took a step forward and shouted: "How dare you speak to the Houtu Ancestral Witch like this. Do you know what the origin of the Ancestral Witch represents?"

Di Ming no longer had any worries at this time and sneered: "The origin of the ancestral witch? Of course I know what it is, but do you think you still have a chance to resist?"

He took a step forward, and the energy of the Nine Netherworlds in his body rose suddenly, causing the entire Netherworld to resonate in an instant, and the endless Netherworld power gathered on him, like the master of heaven and earth.

The Nine Nether Qi on his body has condensed into substance, and from a distance, he looks like he is wearing a coat of blue flames.

He laughed wildly: "Hahaha, it's all over now. Jiuyou is my territory. Here, I am an authentic saint. No one in the ancient world can be my opponent."

He showed a confident expression on his face, and could no longer hide the greed in his eyes. He looked at Hou Tu with fascination and said, "But don't worry, you won't die even if you lose your origin as an ancestral witch. You will just become an ordinary witch." clan.

I will keep you by my side as a carefree 'pet', hahahaha! "

He could no longer hide his joy and laughed every time he said a word.

Hou Tu looked at him, his expression still indifferent, as if he didn't care.

Chen Feng glanced at Hou Tu quietly. Others couldn't feel it, but based on his understanding of Hou Tu, he knew that Hou Tu was a little angry.

At the same time, I mourned for Di Ming in my heart, why did you ask for death? Originally, you could have died happily, but now it is difficult for you to do so.

While silently reciting Sanqing and Buddha in his heart, hoping to bless this stupid kid to die quickly, he also gloated in his heart.

Then again, even if Sanqing and Buddha were face to face, they could only give in when faced with the current Hou Tu.

An angry woman is very scary, especially this woman has been Pangu.

Xing Tian was already "furious" and shouted: "If you want the origin of the ancestral witch, then you have to look at your weight."

He took a step forward, clasped his hands, and moved forward. His aura surged, and he swung the ax in his hand. In an instant, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked. Space cracks appeared, turning into sharp blades that cut through the void.

Jiuyou is trembling, and the sea of ​​blood is raging. The aftermath of Xingtian's attack affects Jiuyou billions of miles away.

Di Ming showed a confident smile and said without fear: "You were no match for me in the prehistoric times, let alone now?"

He took a step forward, clenched one hand tightly, and punched Xing Tian's ax blade boldly.

"Within the Nine Netherworlds, I am the authentic one, invincible in the world!"

"Break it for me!"

The fists and axes intersect, the huge sound shakes Jiuyou, and the endless aftermath breaks out, enough to destroy everything.

The Nine Nether Earth cracked open, and billions of wandering souls screamed in agony. They didn't even know what was happening, but they were completely out of their minds.The Yin Mountains hundreds of millions of miles away shook, and with rumbling sounds, countless mountains began to collapse.

In the Jiuyou land, crisscrossing ravines appeared, stretching for thousands of miles, and a terrifying earthquake that affected the entire Jiuyou world was happening.

At the very center of the battle, Xing Tian groaned and his legs sank deeply into the earth.

He looked at Di Ming in shock, his eyes full of disbelief, and added his own voice: "Impossible, how could you become so strong?"

Chen Feng's eyes widened subconsciously. Why did Xing Tian's acting skills suddenly come online?
Damn it, this grandson didn’t even think about acting well before.

Di Ming had risen into the sky at this time. Seeing that Xing Tian was suppressed with just one move, he laughed even more wildly: "Hahaha, I have already said that within the Nine Nethers, I am invincible!"

"Take the move, Nine Nether Divine Thunder!"

He made a move with one hand, and he saw that the dark sky of Jiuyou was covered with dense clouds. With his finger, a green thunder that could destroy a whole world suddenly fell.

Too fast, the thunder came to the world, destroyed the netherworld, annihilated the energy, and all matter was shattered in front of this thunder.

Xing Tian shouted angrily and could only "panicly" raise the shield in his hand to block.

His weapon is Qian Qi, Qi is a giant axe, Qian is a shield.

The thunder struck, and the huge shield in his hand endured huge pressure. The body that had already sunk into the earth was pressed even harder. The ground suddenly collapsed, and the surrounding area was transformed into dust.

You know, this is Jiuyou, and the hardness of the ground is terrifying. In other worlds, even the top experts would be hard-pressed to hurt it.

However, the aftermath of this thunder caused such terrifying power that in other worlds, it would probably be unparalleled.

The thunder dissipated, and Xing Tian's figure appeared on the broken ground. The shield in his hand was half broken, and his "breath was sluggish." It seemed that he only had one breath left.

Di Ming flew in the air and praised condescendingly: "To be able to receive the Nine Nether Divine Thunder without dying, I am worthy of being the God of War of the Wu Clan who can compete with Haotian in the future. It's a pity that it only lasts until today."

Although you are not the origin of the ancestral witch, your origin is equally strong. It is beneficial to me in condensing Pangu's true body through the Dao of Lili, so I will accept it first. "

He pointed toward the sky with one hand, and saw a gray light suddenly falling from the reincarnation platform that turned into six phantoms. This light enveloped Xing Tian, ​​and a force that was tyrannical and even above the rules appeared.

Within Xingtian's body, the original power of the Wu clan turned into bits of starlight and was drawn out, gathered into a stream, and was quickly absorbed by the reincarnation platform.

Xing Tian let out a painful scream and fell into a near-death state in just three breaths.

Di Ming withdrew the light of the reincarnation platform and showed excitement. Then he looked at Hou Tu and laughed: "Okay, now it's your turn to be Hou Tu Zuwu."

As for Chen Feng, he simply ignored it.

What could a great witch whose name he had never heard of do in this situation? He couldn't even take two of his moves without looking at Xing Tian.

Hou Tu's face changed slightly, and he said coldly: "Do you think you can beat me for sure?"

Di Ming laughed loudly: "It's still tough to talk now, but I like it."

He did not use any other means, but pointed towards the reincarnation platform in the sky. He saw the phantom of reincarnation vibrating, and six rays of light fell down and rushed straight to the back of the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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