High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 201 Sister Houtu, I’ll hand in the mission

Chapter 201 Sister Houtu, I’ll hand in the mission

In the land of the netherworld, on the side of the sea of ​​blood, a beautiful lady in white is sitting on a luxurious soft chair, swinging her two smooth jade feet back and forth.

She raised one arm to hold her cheeks, and a smile gradually appeared on her originally bored face.

After the soil.

As soon as Chen Feng stepped into the Netherworld, he saw a familiar figure in the distance.

It is true that he has been reincarnated, and it is a bit inconsistent to appear in the world again.

But as long as he didn't engage in behavior similar to that of overturning the table in a certain era, no one would dare to say anything to this fiery "Pangu".

"Sister Houtu."

Chen Feng's face immediately put on a very cute smile.

He took three steps at a time and stood ten feet away from the back soil.

"Come and sit here."

Hou Tu opened her lips slightly, and with a slight hook of her fingers, an equally soft and luxurious chair suddenly appeared beside her.

Chen Feng looked at the chair, and then at the half-smiling expression on Hou Tu's face.

After resisting slightly in his heart, he still sat down obediently.

"Is it done?"

As soon as Chen Feng sat down, Houtu's slender fingers like green jade pinched his cheek.

After kneading back and forth a few times, a smile appeared on her face.

"Sister Houtu, here it is."

Her cheeks were being rubbed, but her nostrils were filled with a faint fragrance like orchid and musk.

Chen Feng felt pain and joy. He turned his palm and a piece of Huanglong's great light appeared in front of Hou Tu.

"not bad."

Hou Tu raised one hand to take Huang Long's piece of Daluo's light, and glanced at it gently.

But at this moment, she looked at Chen Feng with a smile: "You weren't the one who intercepted Da Luo's light, were you? This is a technique that ordinary Da Luo can't do."

Chen Feng's face showed a hint of embarrassment when he heard this, and he subconsciously touched his nose.

Sealing Huanglong seemed to go smoothly, but in fact [-]% of it was done by Haotian, so it was equivalent to him taking the initiative.

In fact, Haotian is not so relaxed. He has done much more than what appears on the surface.

A seal in the conventional sense is suppression, locking a person in a fixed place and preventing him from coming out.

But for Da Luo, this kind of seal is fundamentally untenable. No one can lock a Da Luo, not even "Pangu".

In a sense, the seal against Da Luo was actually an exile, shutting him out rather than inside.

After Jehovah threw the yellow dragon under the Garden of Eden, he separated the entire Nine Heavens from the multiverse where the prehistoric world existed.

A more complicated explanation is that the world of Nine Heavens, carrying Huanglong, left the current prehistoric era together.

Then, Jehovah reshaped the world of the Nine Heavens with His great light, cut out a Möbius strip, and framed the Huanglong inside.

But correspondingly, his true self, Jehovah, must also sit in the Möbius strip, otherwise Huanglong can drill a hole in the Möbius strip and escape.

To explain it simply, the Prehistoric Era is a large-scale online world. Jehovah directly unplugged Huanglong’s network cable so that he could not connect to the Internet.

And to prevent him from connecting the network cable back by himself.

He himself even watched from where the network cable was unplugged, marking him in real time.

Of course, if Huang Long is willing, he can skip the current online version and go to the beginning of the next prehistoric era.

What Jehovah cut off was the net in his old district, but it did not affect his move to the new district.

He can also continue to play single-player and create a multiverse at random and plunge into it.

But this prehistoric era definitely has nothing to do with him.Chen Feng also just realized how troublesome it is to seal a big Luo, even if it is as powerful as Haotian, it will cost you a trumpet of Jehovah.

Fortunately, he had prepared for this matter in advance. Without Haotian, it would have been difficult for Huanglong to succeed.

"Is it Haotian?"

Before Chen Feng could answer, Hou Tu had already given the answer.

After she glanced at Chen Feng, a hint of resentment appeared on her face: "As expected, we are still brothers. I, the sister, am an outsider after all."

Hou Tu's little "grievance" made Chen Feng tremble. He immediately sat upright with a well-behaved expression on his face:

"Sister Houtu, you are "Pangu", so your actions will inevitably be noticed by interested people. I am not doing this just to be sure."

Seeing Chen Feng's expression eager to explain, Hou Tu couldn't help but laugh.

She twisted her body slightly on the soft chair and found a more comfortable position to sit in. She lightly opened her lips and said, "Look, you're so scared. I still don't know this."

Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief, leaned back, took off the wine gourd hanging from his waist, raised his head and took a sip.

Huang Long's matter has come to an end, and the only thing left is to wait for the conferring of gods to begin.

At present, the human race in the ancient world is gearing up, and a big drama is about to take place.

I don’t know if Hou Tu will have a hand in the rise of the human race. According to Chen Feng’s knowledge, Hou Tu also has a trumpet in the human race’s heaven.

This trumpet is extremely famous, and is called Chengtian Imitation Houtu Huang Dizhi. The Houtu in Huangtian Houtu refers specifically to her trumpet.

As for himself, Chen Feng is still self-aware. Looking at the main characters in The Rise of the Human Race, which one is not a famous fierce man for a long time?
Just for the human race, apart from Fuxi and Pangu, Shennong Xuanyuan was also a first-rate great supernatural power user.

Get involved in these Da Luo disputes?forget it.

White clouds drifted across the sky, and birds fluttered into the forest.

Chen Feng lay in front of his cave, letting the sun shine on his body and feeling the gentle breeze blowing by, not to mention how comfortable it was.

You Ming and his party originally just went to deliver Huanglong's Great Luo Light to Hou Tu, and they could come back after delivering the things.

As a result, the things were delivered and the people were left there for a long time.

Houtu's reason for keeping him was even more bizarre, saying that the Netherworld was too scary and she was afraid of being alone.

Chen Feng didn't believe a word of this, but he was still "ravaged" by Hou Tu.

After finally finding a chance to slip out of the Netherworld, he immediately entered salted fish mode.

Bask in the sun and blow in the wind in front of your home, and occasionally let out a ray of light to see the main team in the main god space.

This is Da Luo's life, plain, comfortable, and unpretentious.

At this time, the drama of the rise of the human race has reached a small climax.

Thanks to the efforts of the sages, the overall strength of the human race has made a qualitative leap.

At least on the earth, the human race already has a pretty good territory.

Except for some of the witch tribes that survived the Lich War, at least they already had quite a say on the ground.

The human race will rise, the remnants of the Wu clan will be wiped out, and the demon clan's heaven commanded by Emperor Jun will also be overthrown.

Of course, the rise of the human race is the general trend, and the monster race and the witch race are destined to exit.

It's just that they won't lie down and let you rub against the human race. If they don't dig holes and smash black bricks, how can they be called Da Luo?

On the other hand, on the human race side, the internal voices are not particularly unified.

First of all, the position of the Human Emperor is the biggest problem.

The most powerful Human Emperor is naturally Fuxi, and he is also very willing to lead the rise of the human race and divide the greatest power of the Human Emperor.

But the great Luo of the human race didn't recognize him. He was a great man from the demon race and the human race. He only took the title of human emperor, which made everyone very unhappy!

(End of this chapter)

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