High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 202 The rise of the human race in full swing

Chapter 202 The rise of the human race in full swing

In fact, Fu Xi was not the first Daluo to pick human peaches, Li Dan was.

In the past, the human race was not the protagonist of the prehistoric era, but more of the era of the ancient gods and the era of the three tribes.

The three tribes are also ancient gods. At that time, except for some Daluo who later became enlightened and traced back to the era of the ancient gods, most of the Daluo were ancient gods.

At the beginning, the most enthusiastic thing among the big Luo people was fighting for Pangu, and they all fought alone.

It's just that Fuxi taught everyone a lesson, single-handedly attracted Nuwa, and directly took Pangu's position.

When everyone sees this, is it okay?You, Fuxi, don’t follow martial ethics!

So everyone started to form gangs, and the three tribes discussed together, and the first Daluo group appeared.

After the three clans united, they struggled for two epochs. Except for failing to wrest the position of Pangu from Fuxi and Nuwa, they became the largest force in the prehistoric times.

Pangu's strength and the power gained by the three clans also deeply stimulated other Daluo.

Taiyi and Dijun stood up, wooed powerful people, established the Monster Clan, and trampled on the other three clans.

It is worth mentioning that Fuxi did not treat the demon clan like the three clans this time.

Because Taiyi is also Pangu, in the era of single-handedly fighting in the Ancient God Era, he single-handedly defeated all competitors and monopolized Pangu's position.

Faced with such a strong opponent, Fuxi decisively pulled Nuwa and became the demon clan's "Pangu".

Then the human race came on the scene, but the human race was very weak at the time, and almost no one thought highly of them.

Because there are too few Da Luo in the human race, there are only Sui people, there are nests, Shen Nong and other few Da Luo lead the human race forward.

Under the huge pressure from various forces such as the ancient gods of the demon clan and the three tribes, the human race was once unable to even protect its own base.

It wasn't until several more great people from the human race appeared and formed the first generation of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors that the human race finally stabilized its pace.

At this time, other Daluo who wanted to participate started to open small accounts in the human race, the most famous one being Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan's original name was Emperor Hong, and he was a descendant of the Ancient Gods. During the Era of the Ancient Gods, he had a head-on fight with Pangu, the Yuanshi Heavenly King.

Although there was only one move missing in the final move, it still forced King Yuanshi to give in and made him the Lord of Central Juntian.

He became the first ancient god and emperor to rule over all the heavens and worlds, and was the only emperor of that era.

It's just that Xuanyuan is a typical party with two large accounts. The account of the Ancient God Emperor is at full level, and the account of Human Emperor Xuanyuan is also at full level.

With the addition of Xuanyuan and other big Luo, the human race is finally slowly improving, but at this time, most big Luo are still not optimistic about the human race.

The demon clan was the protagonist at that time, and even the ancient gods and the three clans had to give in.

The human race has been surviving in the cracks, and it is good to maintain its basic base.

Until a certain era, Li Dan was born.

He founded the Human Religion and preached the Tao Te Ching, completely pushing the human race onto the rise!
In that era, the human race became the biggest dark horse. Taking advantage of the situation when both the Lich and Lich races were losing, they bucked the trend and became the final winner.

As a result, Li Dan also took away the biggest fruit of the drama of the rise of the human race, and even won over Yuanshi Tianzun and Lingbao Great Tianzun, seizing the position of Pangu until now!
With the lessons learned from the past, the Daluo people followed suit, and in the following eras, the human race seemed to become a hot cake.

Fuxi was the first to set an example. He determined Bagua, Xiaoyin and Yang, and directly named himself an emperor.

Seeing the Monster Clan like this, the Wu Clan was naturally unwilling to lag behind. Zhu Rong also became the Human Emperor.

The Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the first generation were all great men of the human race, but under such a general trend, they had to abdicate their thrones in favor of talents.

Until now, the only Human Emperor who was born in the human race was probably Yan Emperor Shennong.Therefore, a considerable number of human beings are still very happy to support Shen Nong in becoming the human emperor and leading the rise of the human race.

Even if he takes [-] steps back and lets Xuanyuan be the Human Emperor, he cannot let Fuxi do it.

Although Xuanyuan is an ancient god, he is still focused on the human race.

Fuxi's two-pronged behavior made many Daluo unhappy. If he hadn't been too strong, everyone would have wanted to oust him from the human throne.

Chen Feng was lying in front of his cave, leisurely watching the warm-up scenes before the big show started.

Fuxi retired after passing down the Yin and Yang Bagua. The position of the Human Emperor was still left to Xuanyuan and Shennong to fight for.

As a great leader of the orthodox human race, Shennong naturally had many supporters, including Suiren, Youchao, Cangjie and other first-generation human emperors.

Xuanyuan also has many supporters. After he cultivated the title of Human Emperor, some of the ancient gods who originally followed him also joined the human race.

Later, he won over a group of Da Luo within the human race, led by Shaohao, Di Ku, Zhuan Xu and others, who were also a big help.

The battle between Xuanyuan and Shennong for the Emperor was actually basically unsuspicious, and Shennong won only a handful of times.

His strength is still inferior to Xuanyuan, and the Battle of Banquan is mostly just a symbolic gesture.

However, he has many supporters behind him, and even if he loses, he still maintains Yandi's base.

This is also something Xuanyuan has acquiesced to, and the face of the human race Daluo still needs to be taken care of.

He wanted to be the only human emperor, but there were too many Da Luo people supporting Emperor Yan, and the relative resistance was too great.

"There is still no movement over at Yuxu Palace."

Chen Feng turned over and sat up. He took a sip from the gourd and muttered to himself.

Ever since he returned to the ancient world, he has been setting aside a ray of light to stare at Yuxu Palace around the clock.

Although he was watching the drama of the rise of the human race, he had actually been paying attention to the developments on the Chanjiao side.

The incident in Yuxu Palace can't just be forgotten. Chantiao and Daluo are more and more vindictive.

Master Lingbao must have been thinking about how to regain his place. He has been back in the wilderness for so long, and these people may have been digging a hole for him.

Chen Feng had a headache when he thought about this problem.

After all, he was still not strong enough. Against a Huanglong, he almost overturned even when he used two high-grade innate spiritual treasures.

If the Twelve Golden Immortals surrounded them all, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to escape even if I wanted to.

Chanjiao Daluo is famous for his lack of martial ethics. The less they do, the more chilling they will feel on the back.

There were many Da Luo people who had been beaten up by the Chan Cult, the most famous of whom was Zhao Gongming.

When Chen Feng was drinking with him, he once heard him describe that Chan taught Da Luo's techniques to be very dark, and it was considered basic to hit a sap behind his back and hit black bricks.

Being thought about by such a group of people all day long, Chen Feng always felt that he might be tricked at any time.

"Would you like to go for a walk around the human race?"

Chen Feng held his chin and thought that if he wanted to improve his strength, he would have to participate in the great trend.

He originally planned to just be a spectator, but now it seems that it is necessary to participate in this show.

(End of this chapter)

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