Chapter 203 The turbulent Da Luo people
Chen Feng made a rough estimate. Excluding the innate spiritual treasures, his strength should be in the middle of ordinary Daluo.

Because Fuxi had given him a benefit before, he passed the novice stage not long after he attained enlightenment.

Based on this calculation, Huang Long's strength should be at the top of ordinary Daluo, and he is still one step away from becoming a great magical power user.

This also explains why he had so much trouble dealing with Huang Long.

As for the Lingbao Archmage who fought with him in Yuxu Palace last time, he should be considered to have just entered the ranks of those with great supernatural powers.

The strength gap between the big Luo people is quite large, and they cannot be specifically divided into realms.

The so-called ordinary Da Luo and those with great supernatural powers are just general terms.

Master Lingbao is a person with great magical powers, and God Haotian is also a person with great supernatural powers. If you want them both to take action, Master Lingbao won't even have room to resist.

The last time he had a head-on battle with Master Lingbao, he failed to deal with face, and it was also an element of trickery. His own strength must at least be equal to that of Huang Long in order not to fall behind.

In this way, coupled with the Lotus Lantern and Xuan Ni's Gate, there is even a chance to send the opponent back to the beginning of Taiyi.

Now is the beginning of the drama of the rise of the human race. If he can get a piece of the pie, then he may really be one step closer.

However, it is not easy to participate in this general trend, and you need to find a suitable opportunity.

After Chen Feng took a few sips of wine, he lay down again and once again set his sights on the wilderness.

In the Wilderness of Banquan, Xuanyuan and Shennong led their respective subordinates and ended the human civil war in a very perfunctory manner.

It is said to be a battle, but in fact the Battle of Banquan has been fought so many times that all the human beings are tired of it.

Now everyone basically expresses their attitude before the war starts and determines who will win and who loses, just for show.

Not surprisingly, this time the Human Emperor was still Xuanyuan, and Shennong took all his men and merged into the Xuanyuan tribe.

At this point, the Human Emperor was established, Xuanyuan succeeded to the throne and became the leader of the human race.

After confirming the position of the Human Emperor, the great people of the human race immediately entered into a new round of preparations.

In fact, this was something that had already been agreed upon internally. The Battle of Banquan was a civil war, and it was to establish the Emperor.

Compared with the civil war, what everyone is really paying attention to is the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan.

When the human race rises, the first target of the conquest must not be the demon race. Everything should be done step by step.

The ground has not yet been unified, and a group of great witches are still entrenched. How can they start a war with the Demon Court?
So the next scene is the battle for the deer.

After unifying the human race, Xuanyuan organized his army to prepare for war. The entire human race shared the same hatred, and the target was the Jiuli tribe led by Chi You.

After all the ancestral witches retired, the witch clan could only be led by great witches such as Chi You, Xing Tian, ​​and Jiufeng.

Especially Chi You, not only was he powerful, but he also had a role in competing with Xuanyuan for the Human Emperor.

At this moment, all the great figures in the Wu clan chose to support him.

Who says that a great witch cannot be the Human Emperor? If Chi You really defeats Xuanyuan, the position of Human Emperor will really fall into the hands of the Wu clan.

At that time, Chi You will be the co-leader of the Witch Clan and the Human Clan. If the Witch Clan and the Human Clan are merged together, it is not impossible for the Human Clan and the Human Clan to join forces to conquer the sky and overthrow the Monster Clan!
In the scene of the battle for the deer, all the wizards were very interested.

They have now united together to form the Jiuli tribe, and elected Chi You as the leader of the Jiuli tribe.

In the past, this was already the last scene of their bleak exit.

But since the ancestral witch Qiang Liang was exposed, and the ancestral witch Zhulong and Tai were married, the ancestral witches have left the scene one after another.The trend of the prehistoric era has undergone intriguing changes, and it has become ambiguous who is the enemy and who is the friend.

Under such circumstances, no one can say whether the Wu clan will have a chance to coexist with the human race.

In the wilderness of chasing deer, on the vast battlefield with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

The armies of the human race and the witch race have stationed troops on both sides, and the numbers on both sides are beyond imagination.

On the battlefield, the combatants are like stars in the sky, and they must be measured in hundreds of millions.

Following the Lich War, this was another such a large-scale war in the wilderness.

In this battle, both sides came out in full force and devoted all their strength.

For the creatures under Daluo, this battle is a battle of clan destiny. Only the winner can have the qualification to become the master of the earth!
On the side of the Witch Clan, powerful men with astonishing strength were glaring at the human race.

Some of these witch clans have experienced the Lich War. Their ferocious aura soared into the sky, and there was an astonishing blood-red evil aura hovering above their heads!

Even the younger generation of witches who have not experienced a lich war still have murderous intent in their eyes.

In their view, the human race is trying to kill them all and take away their last piece of territory that they rely on for survival.

This is already a blood feud and needs to be washed away with blood!
On the other side, the human race is fighting.

Since Fuxi spread the Eight Diagrams, generations of sages have spread the seeds of wisdom.

The human race has completely stood up from the weak state where it could only be reduced to the blood food of the Lich and Lich races.

At this time, each of the powerful human Qigong practitioners also looked in the direction of the Witch Clan with hostile eyes.

In the past, the two Lich clans bullied the human race wantonly. Now that the human race has finally become stronger, it is time to make them pay the price!
They must uphold the legacy of their forefathers, respect the orders of the contemporary emperor, unify the land, purify the world, and completely sweep the two races of lich and demons off the stage of prehistoric times!
The Witch Clan is just the beginning. Once they are wiped out, it will be the time for the Human Clan to conquer the sky.

As if sensing the terrifying murderous intent emanating from the Zhulu battlefield, most of the primitive creatures became silent at this moment and tried their best to hide in safer places.

This is the natural warning mechanism of living things. When facing some big disasters, this mechanism can often save their lives.

Compared with the silence in the ancient land, the exclusive channel belonging to Da Luo is now lively.

As soon as Chen Feng opened the Daluo channel, a burst of discussion immediately came to his ears.

"Brothers, which scene are we at? I didn't miss the highlight, did I?"

"No, the battle for the deer is about to start. I'm thinking about forming a team to go for a wave."

"I've bought it now. If you win against the human race in the battle of deer, you'll pay ten for one, and if the wizard wins, you'll lose one for ten. The odds are super high, so you can't miss this opportunity!"

"It's you, the dog dealer again. You tricked me into using an innate spiritual treasure last time. Get it to me quickly!"

"This fellow Taoist, how can you accuse someone of innocence out of thin air?"

"Bah! How can Dog Village be innocent?"

In Da Luo's exclusive channel, many Da Luo who had nothing to do appeared, and the whole channel became very lively for a while.

The battle of chasing deer is the first major event in the rise of the human race. In addition, the trend of the prehistoric era has changed a lot, and some big Luo who are playing stand-alone outside can't help but join in.

(End of this chapter)

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