High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 204: Competing with Robben, waiting online

Chapter 204: Competing with Robben, waiting online
"The great Robben is second-rate and first-class. He has a lot of power and output. If you give him a hard control, you will never be able to go back to the beginning of the Great Era!"

"The leasing of Lingbao has begun. It collects the merits of Great Luo. Three rays are used once. No credit will be owed."

"Bah, why don't you grab the one above!"

"Hey, fellow Taoist, what you said is wrong. How can you rob so fast?"

"Whoever wants to impose control, the three eras of professional control of the Wu Clan, come uninvited!"

"Get lost! Our human race doesn't want the Wu race to be an undercover agent!"

"Bah, what are you so proud of, human dog? Believe it or not, grandpa will blow your dog's head off right now!"

"Oh, you Wu Clan pig, are you worthy of shouting? Do you dare to make a date, and I'll punch out the pig's brains for you!"

"The two above, please give the pigs and dogs the most basic demon rights, otherwise we, the demon clan, will not agree."

There was a hustle and bustle in Daluo's channel. Chen Feng rubbed the center of his brows, this group of second-rate Daluo.

Although I have known about their second-hand nature for a long time, I still can't bear to look at them every time I see them.

Especially every time something big happens in the prehistoric times, the attributes of this group of giants will even double.

On the battlefield.

The armies of the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan faced each other millions of miles apart.

On the human side, there is a platform hundreds of feet high and thousands of feet wide.

The platform stood in front of the Chinese army. At this moment, Xuanyuan was standing upright on the platform, holding the Human Emperor Sword.

The human army is huge in number, and there are hundreds of millions of Chinese troops beside Xuanyuan alone.

On both wings of the central army, Yi Yinglong, Li Mu, and Chang Xian waited for Da Luo, who were under Xuanyuan, to lead their respective regiments to defend.

In addition, there are Yan Emperor, Chi Songzi, Cang Jie and other human tribe's great Luo troops scattered around.

Almost every human race leader commanded this side's countless military formations.

That is to say, the Zhulu battlefield is large enough, otherwise it would be difficult for only the military formation of the human race to deploy on the battlefield.

As for the Wu Clan, their numbers are no less than those of the Human Clan.

At this time, under the leadership of Chi You, the Wu clan's battle array was lined up on the other side of Zhulu.

But their battle formation was surrounded by countless black fog at the moment, making it impossible to see what was going on inside.

These black mist are the means used by Da Luo of the Wu Clan, so even if Da Luo from the human race wants to explore, they will face great resistance.

Both sides set up their positions on the battlefield, but at this moment, no one took the lead.

There are too many stakes in this war, and both sides are very careful lest they fall into a trap.

On the surface, the Battle of Zhulu appears to be a battle between the Wu Clan and the Human Race, but in essence it is still a battle between the two giants.

All the big Luo people are black when cut open. So many people end up at the same time. Not only are they always thinking about shading others, but they are also always wary of others shading themselves.

On the Witch Clan side, there were Da Luo who used their methods to cover them with black mist, but on the Human Clan side, there were actually many Da Luo who didn't show up at all.

Both sides know it well, and each other is holding back their strength, waiting for the right opportunity to deceive the other party's big Luo back to the beginning of the disaster.

Da Luo cannot be killed. If he is forced to return to the beginning of Taiyi, he will automatically be counted dead.

As long as we can trap a few more enemy Da Luo, the balance of the battle will naturally tilt.

Chen Feng stood up and sat in front of his cave, but he began to make some calculations in his mind.

If he wanted to get some benefits in the battle, there was no need to think about it, the human race was the only choice.Regardless of the reason why he was originally from the human race, no matter what the final result is, the rise of the human race is inevitable.

What we need to consider now is how to participate. If we want the benefits to be great enough, the level of participation must not be low.

Regardless of how powerful those idiots in Daluo's channel are, they are actually just making small fuss, gaining marginal experience at best.

If you really want to reap the benefits, you obviously have to play enough roles. It's not just about forming a team and facing off against a big player.

This is the "potential" that belongs to the ancient times, and it is the general framework set by the Daluo people at the opening of the meeting.

In any great drama since ancient times, as long as the participation is high enough and the influence is great enough, the benefits will be correspondingly greater.

This is where the Da Luo merits that Da Luo was clamoring about before came from. Participating in the drama in the prehistoric times, Da Luo people will get the corresponding Da Luo merits according to the degree of participation.

In Chen Feng's understanding, this thing is the experience that Da Luo uses to upgrade. The more he advances the plot, the more experience he will gain.

The so-called basic base of the Daluo people is actually because they are strong enough, and they forcefully obtain plot tasks from everyone during the opening meeting.

Fuxi is a typical example. He is considered Pangu of the demon race and the human emperor of the human race, but both the demon race and the human race have to hold their noses to recognize him.

There is no way, he is strong, the so-called general trend is actually very simple, whoever has the bigger fist sets the rules, which is the general trend.

The Daluo family in the human camp is the dominant one, so in recent prehistoric times, the human race has always been the protagonist of the world.

Even if Chi You defeated Xuanyuan, the general trend of the rise of the human race would not change.

The Witch Clan can continue to exist by relying on the Human Clan.But it must not overwhelm the guest.

If you ask him to try to lead the rise of the witch clan after defeating Xuanyuan, the human race will come out in minutes to stage a wave of secondary attacks on witches.

Of course, if Chi You does not go against the general trend and still leads the rise of the human race as the Human Emperor, then he will definitely receive a huge amount of Daluo merit.

After all, this is tantamount to giving Xuanyuan's basic position to Lian Guo. Otherwise, how could he be so concerned about it again and again and fight Xuanyuan to the death in every era?

Chen Feng rubbed his head, feeling a little at a loss as to what to do.

The human race's pits and carrots are basically filled. Even if he is a big Luo from the human race, it will be difficult to find a place to stay.

And he didn't want to stand out, so it was best to quietly gain experience in the battle.

This is a very difficult thing, so he has been silent.

Leaning against the bluestone in front of the cave again, Chen Feng squinted his eyes and fell into a state of sleep.

The battle of chasing deer cannot be completed in a short time. There is still time to wait and see, so you can wait a little longer.

Although he closed his eyes, everything on the battlefield was within his sight.

Daluo people have a dispensable attitude towards the concept of time.

As soon as Chen Feng closed his eyes, several days had passed.

In the past few days, the Wu clan and the human clan had not made any big moves, and some teams led by Taiyi Jinxian had tested each other.

This is not within Chen Feng's concern. The creatures under Da Luo will not play any role in this war.

Now both sides are very calm, at least that's what it seems for now.

But on this day, Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes without any warning, turned his head and looked at the position only two feet away from him.

Nothing unusual happened on the deer-chasing battlefield. What made him suddenly open his eyes was a stunning figure wearing colorful feathers and looking at him with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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