High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 205 Let’s go, sister will take you to fight

Chapter 205 Let’s go, sister will take you to fight
"Hey, what kind of wind has brought Sister Xuan here?"

Chen Feng suddenly became alert and a bright smile instantly appeared on his face.

This figure wearing colorful feathers is none other than the head of the female immortals under the Queen Mother of the West, the Nine Heavens Xuannv!

As early as when Chen Feng first became enlightened, he had already become familiar with Jiutian Xuannv.

And she doesn't just have this nickname. The last time she dealt with Di Jun's matter, it was her nickname Qingluan who took Chen Feng to Wa Palace.

Jiutian Xuannv is very powerful, otherwise it would be impossible to work as both Nuwa and Queen Mother of the West at the same time.

There are many people in Da Luo who work two jobs at the same time, and many people have double or even triple trumpets.

Of course, the prerequisite for this is that you must be strong enough to be recognized by others.

Chen Feng was a little surprised by her sudden visit, but he also had a faint suspicion in his heart.

In the plot of the rise of the human race, the role of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl is very important.

If she came to see him at this time, she would definitely not come to visit him.

"Why, brother Feng doesn't welcome sister? If so, sister will be sad."

A breeze blew by, and the feather coat on Jiutian Xuannv's body swayed gently with the breeze.

She blinked her moving, glancing eyes and looked very hurt.

"Look what Sister Xuan said. You can come to me. It's too late for me to be happy. Please sit inside quickly."

Chen Feng's face was full of smiles and he made a gesture of invitation to Jiutian Xuannv.

Although this female Daluo's strength is still lagging behind that of Nuwa Houtu, she can still be regarded as a first-class master among the great supernatural powers.

The most important thing is that, like Nuwa Houtu, she is particularly interested in kneading Chen Feng's cheeks.

Chen Feng once did not dare to meet these powerful women, and wanted to run away every time he saw them.

"Brother Feng's mouth is still so sweet."

Jiutian Xuannv naturally pinched Chen Feng's cheek, kneaded it a few times and smiled.

Chen Feng wanted to hide but didn't. He was very helpless and let her pinch her a few times before the two of them sat down in the cave.

It is said to be a cave, but it is actually built exactly like the high-end villa in the previous life.

Although he has become Daluo, he still has to enjoy life.

Jiutian Xuannv and Chen Feng were sitting on a soft and spacious sofa.

After taking the glass of fairy wine that Chen Feng handed over casually, Jiutian Xuannv let go of his cheek.

"Sister Xuan's visit this time is not just to see me, right?"

Chen Feng adjusted his sitting posture, and then tentatively asked Jiutian Xuannv.

Since she took the call at this time, she was obviously going for the battle, but she didn't know why she came to find him.

"Aren't you interested in a deer-chasing battle?"

Jiutian Xuannu picked up the wine glass and took a sip, then smiled lightly at Chen Feng.

She did not directly answer Chen Feng's question, but mentioned the prehistoric plot of the rise of the human race.

"Well, of course there is interest. It's just that there are too many people involved in this drama, and it's really not going to end well."

Chen Feng's heart moved slightly, and he secretly thought that it was true.

Jiutian Xuannv used her current identity to find herself, and it was indeed related to the rise of the human race.

And from what she said, it seemed that she wanted to drag her along to participate in the battle.

But why would she want to drag him there?
You know, with Jiutian Xuannv's participation in this drama, if you can follow her, you can earn a lot of great merits by just wandering around.

Chen Feng would usually subconsciously consider things like this that clearly provide benefits.Jiutian Xuannv is the head of the female immortals under the Queen Mother of the West. When she comes to find him, there is definitely the shadow of the Queen Mother of the West behind her.

And if Nuwa didn't know about this, he wouldn't believe it even if he killed Chen Feng.

Don’t forget, Jiutian Xuannv’s trumpet Qingluan is also Nuwa’s.

Of course, Nuwa is more likely to be doing favors, and the Queen Mother of the West is more likely to be planning this matter.

She has always been Haotian's solid ally, and the two of them rule the human heaven together.

Even later, the two even practiced the titles of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother together.

Haotian has made it clear that he will give up the Jade Emperor to himself in the next era, and the Queen Mother of the West must know about this.

So this is her way of telling herself that everyone is already an ally and giving herself some benefits in advance.

Of course, the Queen Mother of the West may not have used this battle to examine herself.

After all, no one wants their ally to be a scammer. If she doesn't show certain methods, her subsequent attitude may be uncertain.

"What's the problem? My sister is going to help Xuanyuan on the orders of the Queen Mother of the West. Why don't we just bring Brother Feng with us?"

Jiutian Xuannv saw the gleaming light in Chen Feng's eyes. She smiled softly and took over the matter with a wave of her jade hand.

Seeing this, Chen Feng confirmed his suspicion. It seemed that this matter was indeed the Queen Mother of the West's intention.

But Haotian must also know about this, and he even arranged for the Queen Mother of the West to give it to him.

"Then thank you Sister Xuannu. Sister Xuannu knows how to love my brother and me."

Chen Feng said to Jiutian Xuannv with a smile on his face. He had been waiting for the opportunity to participate in the rise of the human race, and now the opportunity came to his door.

Don't give up the benefits that are delivered to your door, even if they are sugar-coated bullets from the Queen Mother of the West, the old rule is, accept the sugar-coating, but don't give up the bullets.

"Just your sweet mouth."

Jiutian Xuannv seemed to like Chen Feng's words, and pinched his cheek with a smile.

Then she stood up and put the wine glass in her hand on the table: "Then let's set off now. Xuanyuan should be waiting in a hurry."

"It's all up to Sister Xuan."

Chen Feng also stood up. With Jiutian Xuannv, the boss, lying down with him, he only needed to shout "Boss 666" from the side.

At that time, a lot of great merits will naturally arrive in your account, and it will be fun to think about this kind of thing.

. . . . . .

The vast area of ​​​​the prehistoric world is so vast that hundreds of millions of miles away is only a small area.

The Zhulu battlefield is extremely far away from Chen Feng's cave, but to the two Da Luo, the distance is just a unit of measurement.

Jiutian Xuannv and Chen Feng were still in his cave one moment, and the next moment they were in the human army formation.

The two slowly settled down in a place similar to a school ground. Chen Feng looked around and saw many Da Luo figures here.

"Brother Feng, please wait for sister here for a while. Sister will go to Xuanyuan first and ask for your identity."

Jiutian Xuannv wants to see Xuanyuan, and although Chen Feng is a human being, he still needs an identity on the human side.

In fact, this identity is similar to the camp logo in large-scale online games. Xuanyuan is the leader of the human race. Only with the identity logo issued by him can he participate in the storyline of the deer competition.

"Sister Xuannu, you go first, I can just go around by myself."

Chen Feng smiled and said that he had already seen some familiar figures. This school field should be specially provided for Da Luo.

There are many Da Luo here now, so he naturally will not give up such a great opportunity to become familiar with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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