High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 206 Isn’t this fellow Taoist Guangchengzi?

Chapter 206 Isn’t this fellow Taoist Guangchengzi?

"Isn't this Fellow Taoist Chisongzi? I have admired you for a long time."

After Jiutian Xuannv left, Chen Feng immediately walked towards a middle-aged Taoist not far away who was wearing Taoist robes and had a beautiful beard and white face.

This middle-aged Taoist named Chi Songzi is a serious human being.

When the human race was just starting out, he had already followed Shennong.

Therefore, his status in the human race is really not low. Although Chen Feng has never met him, he has heard of this great Luo.

"It turns out to be Fellow Taoist Chen Feng. Ping Dao has also been a close friend of Fellow Daoist Chen for a long time."

Chi Songzi was talking with several other Da Luo at the moment. After hearing Chen Feng's greeting, he immediately cast a kind look.

He is a pure human being, so he naturally has a good impression of Chen Feng, who is also from the human race.

Several Daluo standing with him also smiled and nodded at Chen Feng.

These are Da Luo who led the rise of the human race together with Suiren, Youchao, Shennong and other first-generation human emperors.

There is also Xiaoshantou on the human side, and Chisongzi and the others are all die-hard supporters of Shennong.

"Fellow Taoist Hou Qing, I heard that Taoist Taoist always takes the lead in every battle. He is really the most powerful general in our human race."

After chatting with Chisongzi and others for a few words, Chen Feng saw another burly general wearing battle armor.

This great Luo was named Hou Qing, and he was a general under Xuanyuan.

He is different from Ying Long and others. He is not Da Luo who followed from the Ancient God Heavenly Court, but Xuanyuan is under the command of the human race.

When Xuanyuan first became the Human Emperor, Houqing was just a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Later, on the battlefield of Zhulu, Hou Qing died in a fierce battle. His resentment lingered in his body and he transformed into the first zombie in the world.

However, he also got a blessing in disguise, and he actually realized Daluo in the form of a zombie.

Xuanyuan also gained an extremely fierce general in battle.

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Chen is so complimentary. Fellow Daoist has come to help me, so I would like to thank you in advance."

After hearing this, Hou Qing clasped his fists at Chen Feng and laughed with a slightly rough throat.

He had heard about Chen Feng's destruction of Yuxu Palace, and this style of behavior suited him very well.

"you are welcome."

Chen Feng and Hou Qing chatted for a while, and soon came to an acquaintance again.

"Hahaha, fellow Taoist Fenghou, long time no see."

Fenghou was also a great human being, but he was still one of Fuxi's supporters in the human race.

The Daluo people he was talking to at this time were all from Fuxi's side.

Fuxi's basic base in the human race is no less than Xuanyuan's.

Not only is he strong enough, but he is also extremely skillful. The human race Daluo is more helpless towards him.

After Chen Feng became a Taoist, he met Feng Hou. Although it was only a casual encounter, he acted as if he had met an old friend.

"Chen Daoyou is safe and sound."

Feng Hou smiled back at Chen Feng, with a hint of kindness in her eyes.

He has an impression of Chen Feng and is very interested in him, the new Daluo who has attained enlightenment in this era.

Chen Feng walked around a lot here and became familiar with many Da Luo.

There are many people with great supernatural powers among these big people, and there are endless benefits to getting closer to them.

At the same time, Chen Feng also discovered a very interesting problem.In addition to those Daluo who came to join in, there are also many hills within the human race.

The Fuxi sect, the Xuanyuan sect and the Shennong sect were at odds with each other, and there were even some neutral parties.

These big Luo gathered together in twos and formed small circles one after another.

When Chen Feng was chatting with them, these big guys would try to woo him a few times.

However, he is no longer the same as when he first became enlightened. He has already learned how to deal with these things.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and even the big guys are no exception.

Chen Feng shook his head. He was too lazy to get involved in these troubles. He just came to gain experience with Jiutian Xuannv.

"Chen Feng? Stop for Pindao!"

As soon as Chen Feng said goodbye to a big man, he heard a voice that he least wanted to hear.

He slowly looked back and saw a middle-aged Taoist man blowing his beard and staring at him.

The Taoist wore a golden robe with flying cloud patterns and a high bun on his head.

There were a few strands of beard floating under his chin, his eyes were wide and round, and he was pointing at Chen Feng with the dust in his hand.

The first of the Twelve Golden Immortals, the Bell Ringing Daluo of Yuxu Palace!
Chen Feng covered his forehead and thought to himself that it was bad luck.

How could it be such a coincidence that I met this difficult person.

Guangchengzi is not the Great Master of Lingbao. His strength is definitely unique among the Twelve Golden Immortals.

There is a saying in the golden bell in front of Yuxu Palace that no one can ring it except those with extraordinary strength.

I just came here to gain experience in a battle, so I could meet Guangchengzi. It was really a narrow road for enemies.

"Hey, isn't this Fellow Taoist Guangchengzi? Long time no see. Why is he so popular?"

Chen Feng turned back and said with a grin, it was unfortunate to meet Guang Chengzi, but this is the human race and Xuanyuan's territory.

He is here to help the human race. If Guangchengzi takes action against him, it will not be a loss of his own face, but a loss of Xuanyuan's face.

Furthermore, there is another past incident between Guangchengzi and Xuanyuan that must be mentioned, and this past incident is also related to Yuanshi Tianzun.

When Di Hong was first reincarnated into the human race and established his name, Yuanshi Tianzun personally took a trick on him, blocking his light of the Great Luo and causing him to experience the confusion in the womb.

Then Guangchengzi was arranged to appear, take in the young Xuanyuan, and become the emperor's master later.

Although the Emperor Hong clan had fought with the Yuanshi Heavenly King for Pangu during the Ancient God Era, Yuanshi Heavenly Lord's skills were too good.

He asked his apprentice to accept Xuanyuan as his disciple, and Di Hong became his disciple in disguise.

This made Di Hong very sick. After he reawakened the light of Da Luo, he almost sent Guang Chengzi back to the beginning of Taiyi.

Although the plot setting that Guangchengzi was the master of the human emperor was only performed in that era, Guangchengzi also gained some practical benefits.

Since then, Guangchengzi has never mentioned that he was once the master of the human emperor, and Xuanyuan also acquiesced in his participation in the rise of the human race.

Therefore, Xuanyuan may not like Guangcheng Zi very much. Chen Feng thinks that he should be self-aware and will most likely not take action here.

"Don't be so cute! I have nothing to say to you, but Fu Chen in my hand wants to talk some sense into you!"

Guangchengzi snorted coldly, saying that the incident in Yuxu Palace had been stuck in his heart.

Yuanshi Tianzun asked them to wait until they were conferred as gods, so he did not take the initiative to find Chen Feng.

He originally came to participate in the scene of the rise of the human race, but he didn't expect to meet Chen Feng by such a coincidence.

If he doesn't do something about Chen Feng today, then he won't have the nerve to continue to hold the position of head of the Twelve Golden Immortals in Yuxu Palace!
(End of this chapter)

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