High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 207 The Heaven-shaking Seal that Becomes Your Own Way

Chapter 207 The Heaven-shaking Seal that Becomes Your Own Way
"Brothers, there's going to be a fight ahead, hurry up and watch!"

"Where? Who was fighting with whom?"

"Guang Chengzi and Chen Feng, these two were enemies of each other and met in the human race."

"Wuhu, it's so exciting. I like it. Let me bring a melon seed bench to grab the front row."

"Wait for me, I didn't expect that before the competition started, something good would already happen."

As soon as Chen Feng and Guang Chengzi showed signs of becoming tense, a group of nefarious people took action.

The battle for the deer has not yet begun, and this is the time when these people have stomachaches.

"Fellow Taoist is too angry. We are all old friends, so there is no need to be so enthusiastic."

Chen Feng smiled at Guang Chengzi, not paying attention to Guang Chengzi's eyes that were almost on fire.

Not to mention whether taking action here would cause Xuanyuan to be dissatisfied. Even if Guangchengzi did take action, he would not be without the slightest ability to fight back.

He gently held a lotus lantern with his hand tucked inside his sleeve. Even if he couldn't defeat Guangchengzi, he should be able to run away without any problem.

It is common sense among big Luo people to fight each other and run away if they can't beat them.

"Guangchengzi, what are you waiting for? Why don't you do something?"

"That's right, Chen Feng even destroyed your Yuxu Palace. If you don't roll up your sleeves, what are you waiting for?"

"It's boring. Guangchengzi is scared. This show is not interesting. Let's leave."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, there's the Golden Immortal who rings the bell in Yuxu Palace, that's it?"

A row of black lines hung on Chen Feng's forehead. He originally wanted to flirt with Guang Chengzi for a while, but tried not to do anything if possible.

But this group of big Luo people who were watching the excitement were really geniuses. With just a few words, they directly pushed Guang Chengzi into the corner.

"Stop talking nonsense, I will definitely send you, the unworthy son of a human being, back to the beginning of Taiyi today!"

The anger in Guang Chengzi's heart was instantly ignited. Just as Chen Feng thought before, he was indeed worried about Xuanyuan's attitude.

So when preparing to use words to provoke, it is best to let Chen Feng take action first, so that he will be very calm when he counterattacks.

These big guys don't hold back any virtue. If they say that, what will happen if they don't take action?

So what if this is the territory of the Human Emperor Xuanyuan?
A disciple of Tangtang Chanjiao, a great bell-ringer in Yuxu Palace, where do you need to look at other people's eyes to take action?
Amidst the expectant eyes of many people watching Da Luo, Guangchengzi took action.

I saw the floating dust in his hand stretched instantly, turned into a dazzling sword light exuding the aura of the avenue, and crashed into Chen Feng!
There was jade fairy light flying in this sword light, and the avenues of the heavens were tumbling, and as soon as it appeared, it locked all dimensions around Chen Feng.

As soon as Guangchengzi took action, he immediately showed his abilities as a great supernatural power user.

Under the light of the floating sword, all the heavens and worlds stood still for an instant, and the infinite multiverse fell directly into a freeze.

All avenues that could escape or dodge the sword light attack were ineffective at this moment.

He blocked all Chen Feng's escape routes, leaving him with no choice but to take the sword light.

Everyone under Yuqing's sect has a different path, and Guang Chengzi's Yuqing path is even more domineering.

His sword light has completely reached the terrifying level of obliterating Daluo's true form in the material world.

If this sword falls within the multiverse, it will directly turn everything into chaos, reset Yin and Yang, and open up the world again!

Yuqing Avenue was passed down by Yuanshi Tianzun. This "Pangu" left the way to "open the sky" in Yuqing Avenue!
Facing such a terrifying sword, if Chen Feng could not catch it, he would be instantly sent back to the beginning of Taiyi to be resurrected.Chi!
With his left hand still in the cuff, Chen Feng stretched out his right hand very naturally and gently raised his sword fingers!
He did not activate the lotus lantern held in his left hand, because Guangchengzi had never used the magic weapon.

Facing Guangchengzi's sword that could open up the world, he chose to resist it with the sword too!


Chen Feng lightly touched his face with his fingers from bottom to top, and a bright sword light suddenly appeared in front of Guang Chengzi's dusty sword light!

It is worth mentioning that this sword light also contains a touch of epoch-making aura!

As soon as Chen Feng's sword light emerged, a leisurely and vast Taoist charm slowly overflowed from the sword light.

In this sword light, you can see Taiyi Taichu, you can see the differentiation of Yin and Yang, and you can even see the birth of all things.

Universes from far and wide emerged in the light of the sword, and the prototypes of the worlds bloomed like flowers!

If Guangchengzi's sword light is extremely aggressive, it is very domineering and overthrows everything.

Then Chen Feng's sword was like spring rain, silent and full of vitality.

Both are the way to open the sky, but they are very different. The former is domineering and the latter is gentle. This is also in line with the two extremes of yin and yang in the great road.

Destruction and rebirth are never opposites, but complementary to each other.

Two sword lights containing completely different ideas of the Great Way of Open Heaven collided.

Guangchengzi's sword was so powerful that it was like a world-destroying lightning explosion, and the infinite multiverse seemed to have returned to chaos in the sword light.

But Chen Feng's sword made this infinite multiverse reborn from destruction, and it was once again full of vitality!
In the end, the two opening sword lights returned to nothingness, and everything remained unchanged, as if the two swords had never appeared again!
In terms of pure strength, Chen Feng is much worse than Guang Chengzi.

But he attained Daluo by listening to Taoist’s sermons. The Tao taught by Taoist is all-encompassing, including the three thousand great ways!

The Yuqing Kaitian Dao that Guangchengzi understood was certainly overbearing, but Chen Feng found another way to resolve it with the gentleness of the Dao sword.

Although his move was tricky, it still made all the onlookers marvel in admiration.

"Fellow Taoist Chen Feng has something, can Guang Chengzi do it?"

"I think fellow Taoist Chen Feng may not be very strong, but Guang Chengzi must be very good."

"Plus one above, if I were Guangchengzi, I would have killed myself with a piece of tofu by now."

"Yuxu Palace is only good at fighting in groups, but it wilts immediately when fighting alone. It can't even defeat a newly promoted Daluo. Can you believe that he is the leader of the Twelve Golden Immortals?"

Guangchengzi frowned slightly, and the light of Da Luo automatically blocked the complaints of these second-rate Da Luo.

Chen Feng was able to take his sword, which really surprised him, but it was just a casual blow. His strongest method was never the way of the sword!


He snorted coldly, raised his right hand gently, and immediately a small mark appeared in his palm.

This small seal is shining with golden light, and there are various inscriptions of the avenue flying on it. As it rotates, there are terrifying auras that seem to be able to destroy everything!

Guangchengzi's famous innate spiritual treasure was sent back to the beginning of Taiyi by this spiritual treasure in the Battle of the Gods. There were not a few Da Luo.

This is an extremely domineering high-grade innate spiritual treasure. In terms of pure lethality, it is definitely top-notch!
(End of this chapter)

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