High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 209 Xuanyuan’s first general, Yinglong!

Chapter 209 Xuanyuan’s number one general, Yinglong!
The moment the cool voice appeared, the original rules that were constantly squeezing and shrinking around him immediately stopped.

The Sky-turning Seal, which was slowly falling, stopped abruptly and stopped its downward movement.

Chen Feng's brows relaxed slightly, and with a flip of his wrist, the light blooming on the lotus lamp slowly calmed down.

"Guangchengzi, what do you mean?"

Looking towards the place where the sound came from, Jiutian Xuannv was looking at Guangchengzi with a cold expression.

Her voice was slightly cold, and she gently held it up with a jade hand, so that the Heaven-turning Seal could no longer fall.

Guang Chengzi frowned: "I would like to ask what Xuannv means? When did Chen Feng become yours?"

He was a little depressed. Chen Feng was about to be sent back to the beginning of Taiyi, but a nosy suddenly appeared.

It just so happens that the nosy person is Jiutian Xuannv. This woman is notoriously difficult to mess with.

Not to mention him, even Taoist Ran Deng and Immortal King Yu Qing wanted to give her three points.

Jiutian Xuannv raised her eyebrows and said coldly: "Why do I need to explain to you my actions?"

She held the Heavenly Seal with one hand and pointed at the opening of Guangchengzi's nose with the other hand.

This scene made Chen Feng secretly click his tongue and couldn't help but stick out a thumb.

She is worthy of being a woman who has just surpassed Chi You. These words are so domineering!

In the distance, Chi Songzi looked at Chen Feng with a smile, and a look of contemplation flashed across his face.

Jiutian Xuannv stood up for Chen Feng so strongly, the relationship between the two must be profound.

Like him, Hou Qing, Feng Hou and other great people from the human race were also thoughtful.

In the battle of chasing deer, the Nine Heavens Mysterious Girl plays a very important role. It seems that Chen Feng has a lot to do.

Hearing Jiutian Xuannv's unceremonious answer, Guang Chengzi suddenly became angry.

It's okay for this woman to be unreasonable. The most annoying thing is that he can't beat her.

His face was turning green at the moment, and the few strands of beard under his chin trembled again and again, but in the end he couldn't hold back a single word.

"Brother Feng, are you okay?"

Ignoring Guang Chengzi's extremely ugly face, Jiutian Xuannv turned her head and looked at Chen Feng.

At this moment, the coldness in her eyes had disappeared, and her gaze became very soft.

A smile immediately appeared on Chen Feng's face: "I'm fine. My sister is really powerful. She didn't even use Lingbao, and she blocked the Heaven-turning Seal with just one hand."

He naturally stood beside Jiutian Xuannv and flattered her calmly.

When Jiutian Xuannv heard this, her branches trembled with joy. She pinched Chen Feng's cheek and said, "My brother's mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter."

The two of them chatted with each other, completely treating Guangchengzi beside him as an airhead.

His face was getting uglier and uglier. If he hadn't known that he couldn't beat Jiutian Xuannv, he would have taken action long ago.

Resisting the urge to smash the Heaven-turning Seal, Guang Chengzi took back his innate spiritual treasure.

He looked at Chen Feng, his beard trembling a few times, obviously wanting to say something harsh.

However, when he saw the dangerous look in Jiutian Xuannv's eyes, he still swallowed back the harsh words he was about to blurt out.

With a cold snort, he turned and left.

Chen Feng said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Guangchengzi, walk slowly. Let's have a drink together next time when we have time."

Guangchengzi's steps froze, his face became more and more gloomy, and he finally left the place without turning around without saying a word.

Seeing Guang Chengzi leave, Jiutian Xuannv turned to Chen Feng and smiled: "Brother Feng, let's go too and take you to see my sister's territory."

Chen Feng nodded, and the two flew into the sky together on the clouds.

Looking down, there are countless military tents and camps below, and the border cannot be seen at a glance.

The troops on the human side were arranged according to the Bagua. The Chinese army commanded by Xuanyuan was in the center of the Bagua, while Yinglong and other Daluo led their troops scattered around in the shape of stars over the moon.Among them, Yinglong's camp was right in front of the Chinese army. As Xuanyuan's top general, he took the lead in every battle.

Jiutian Xuannv took Chen Feng to the camp adjacent to Yinglong.

There are no less than hundreds of millions of soldiers in this camp, and there are countless Taiyi Golden Immortal-level human Qi practitioners.

Among them, there are even more powerful people who have opened up more than ten thousand worlds in their bodies. Under Daluo, these people are already top masters.

"I have seen the mysterious lady."

There were two female Qi practitioners in silver-white armor standing at the entrance of the camp. When they saw Jiutian Xuannv, they immediately greeted her and at the same time, they also secretly glanced at Chen Feng curiously.


Jiutian Xuannv nodded very indifferently, then turned to look at Chen Feng.

She waved her hand and said, "Brother Feng, this is my sister's territory. How about it? It's not bad, right?"

Chen Feng immediately replied with a smile: "Sister Xuannv's camp is indeed extraordinary."

He's not just flattering.

Jiutian Xuannv played a very important role in the battle of the deer, and the camp she commanded must be one of the main forces of the human race!

There are so many masters here, but the two female Qi practitioners guarding the gate are both at the level of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Of course, the people under Da Luo are just tools to enrich the battle. Da Luo is the one who really decides the outcome of the battle.

Jiutian Xuannv smiled helpfully and said, "Come on, let's go in."

Chen Feng nodded and entered the camp under the curious eyes of the two female human Qi practitioners.

After a while, the two arrived at the largest military tent in the camp.

After the two sat down, Jiutian Xuannv said: "Brother Feng, your human identity has been arranged by my sister. You will be my sister's person from now on."

Jiutian Xuannv pinched Chen Feng's cheek, her beautiful eyes filled with smiles.

"From now on, my brother will be completely protected by Sister Xuan."

Chen Feng immediately understood that the so-called human identity was just a symbol, which meant that he could participate in the storyline.

Hearing this, Jiutian Xuannv directly arranged for him to be with her.

This is great. The closer it is to the thigh, the safer it is and the easier it is to reap the benefits.

As expected, Jiutian Xuannv then spoke again: "Now there is a small opportunity to make a small fortune, are you interested?"

Chen Feng's spirit suddenly shook.

He patted his chest and said, "Sister Xuannv, no matter what your orders, my brother will never frown!"

Jiutian Xuannv smiled: "Come on, sister doesn't know you yet? You are more cunning than anyone else when something goes wrong."

Chen Feng smiled and did not argue.

The benefits must be reaped, but if there are real pitfalls, he will never take a step forward.

Jiutian Xuannu glanced at Chen Feng and continued: "But this matter is quite suitable for you. If someone takes the lead, you can just follow along."

"Which human being is it?" Chen Feng asked.

Jiutian Xuannu shook her head slightly: "There is more than one person, and the one who is leading the charge is Ying Long."

"Yinglong?" Chen Feng said thoughtfully.

As the top general under Xuanyuan, if he takes action, it will definitely not be a small move.

Moreover, Ying Long is leading other Daluo, so this might be a big-Luo melee.

Chen Feng was a little hesitant. It was okay to reap the benefits, but if he was involved, it would be a lot of fun.

(End of this chapter)

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