High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 210 Da Luo active on the battlefield

Chapter 210 Da Luo active on the battlefield

Seeing a trace of hesitation on Chen Feng's face, Jiutian Xuannu spoke again: "The human race and the Wu race have been in a stalemate for too long. Xuanyuan doesn't want to continue to confront Chi You, so he plans to let Ying Long attack the Wu race's camp as a test. , their target this time is Feng Bo or Rain Master."

Do you call this a temptation?
Chen Feng curled his lips. He had also been paying attention to the battlefield.

There has never been any major conflict between the human race and the Wu race.

That is to say, the small groups of people under the two sides fought against each other.

Even if there was a fight between Da Luo during this period, it was just a point-and-click competition among the Da Luo who came to compete in Qiu Feng.

Ying Long wanted to lead people to kill Chi You's Feng Boyu Master.

I am afraid that if I am not careful, this trial will become a full-scale showdown between the Witch Clan and the Human Clan!

Chen Feng was making plans at the moment and did not refuse immediately.

This matter seems very risky, but it is not as dangerous as imagined.

Yinglong's attack on the camp is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Maybe Yinglong himself is the bait, and Xuanyuan wants to use him to attract the big fish from the Wu clan!
The rise of the human race requires the defeat of the two races of lich.

This time the Lich Tribulation demon clan has retained its strength and is much more difficult to deal with than before.

If the human race consumes too much strength in dealing with the witch clan, it will be even more difficult to attack the demon clan in the future.

So Chen Feng made a very bold guess at this moment.

Xuanyuan may want to directly lure Chi You out and implement a beheading plan against the Wu clan.

Once Chi You is eliminated, the Wu Clan will definitely be swept away by the Human Race in a short time, so that the Human Race can maintain its strength to the maximum extent!

And if you want to lure out Chi You, Yinglong is undoubtedly the most delicious bait!
He was Xuanyuan's number one general. Sending him away would be like cutting off Xuanyuan's arm, and Chi You would probably be tempted to take action.

After a little calculation, Chen Feng immediately discovered that the advantages of this matter outweighed the disadvantages for him.

If he participates and the Wu clan is really sent away by Xuanyuan Yibo, he will definitely receive a huge amount of Daluo merit.

Taking a step back, even if Feng Boyu Master is only sent back to the beginning of Taiyi, it will give a big boost to the plot of the Battle of the Deer.

This sale is totally doable!
He immediately said: "Sister Xuannu, what do I need to do?"

Jiutian Xuannv looked at him and smiled: "Why, as soon as you see that the benefits are great enough, you can't help it anymore?"

She knew that with Chen Feng's careful thinking, it only took one click to understand the stakes in this matter.

Benefits always coexist with risks, and great merits will not come to you while you are waiting.

Chen Feng had a serious look on his face: "Look at what my sister said, what my sister ordered me to do, even if it is dangerous to my brother, I must do it without any hesitation."

He would not think that asking him to reap the benefits was for nothing. She must have reached some agreement with Yinglong or even Xuanyuan.

There is nothing fair between the big Luo people. After all, every one of them is black when cut open.

Jiutian Xuannu covered her mouth and smiled: "You don't have to do anything. When the time comes, I will take you to see Yinglong."


Chen Feng nodded. Yinglong's attack on the camp was definitely not something he could just do. He needed to wait for the opportunity and even more careful planning.

This just happened to be what he wanted. He was too lazy to participate in this. Anyway, he just had experience, so he could just follow it when the time came.

. . . . . .

In the following time, the Wu clan and the human clan army still faced each other across the Zhulu battlefield.

But both sides are actually very active secretly.

Of course, it is only Da Luo who is active.

From the perspective of the human race under Da Luo, they are now at war with the Wu tribe, and both sides are holding back their energy, waiting for the war to begin.

This war is a battle of family fate for them, and the losing side may be driven out and killed.But the big Luo people have no such pressure at all. At this time, they are more interested in finding ways to trick people or recruit people into their gangs.

When Chen Feng was bored in Jiutian Xuannv's camp, he would go to other Da Luo camps to chat.

For example, right now, he was sitting in a military tent, drinking and talking with Chi Songzi.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, you are also from my human race. After this battle, you might as well stay in the human race." Chisongzi twisted his beard and said with a smile. He had been drinking with Chen Feng a lot during these days, and the two of them had already become familiar with each other.

Chen Feng waved his hands when he heard this and said: "Hey, this can't be done. I still have errands arranged by Daozu. I can't just give up, right?"

These days, he has been wandering around the human race with nothing to do, and mingled with many Da Luo.

Chisongzi was not the first Da Luo to invite him, and he rejected everyone for the same reason.

Using Taozu as a shield always works every time.

He felt that his choice to take over the class of the Four Sacred Beasts was the wisest decision.

Chisongzi still smiled and said: "It's a pity. Although the old Taoist is not the strongest, he still has some respect in the human race. If my fellow Taoist comes to the human race, it will not be difficult to give him a good background."

He was not surprised that Chen Feng would refuse, just like he was not really trying to win Chen Feng into the group.

He said these words to show his attitude and to establish a good relationship.

Chen Feng chuckled: "Fellow Taoist Chisongzi is too humble. His strength is among the best in Daluo, and he is also a sage of the human race. Who doesn't respect him?"

He has found the secret to chatting with these big guys, and he is now using it with great proficiency.

As expected, Chisongzi laughed heartily when he heard this: "Hahaha, chatting with Taoist Fellow Chen is really fun, it suddenly dawned on me."

Chen Feng raised his wine glass and raised his hand at Chi Songzi: "Have you seen any disciples of the Chan Cult in recent days?"

Ever since that day when Jiutian Xuannu defeated Guang Chengzi, Chen Feng had never seen him again.

The disciples of Chan Cult hold grudges very much, and I don’t know where this guy is hiding in, ready to cause mischief.

During this period of time, Chen Feng was not really wandering around, he paid a lot of attention to him overtly and covertly.

However, Guangchengzi seemed to be really focused on waiting for the battle to start, and basically never showed up.

Chi Songzi lowered his voice: "To be honest with Taoist Chen, the old Taoist has indeed seen the figure of a golden immortal from Yuxu Palace in the past few days. Fellow Taoist, you should be careful."

Chen Feng's heart moved slightly when he heard this, and Chanjiao Da Luo was indeed here.

It seems that you need to be more careful, otherwise you may fall into their trap.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Feng raised his glass to Chisongzi: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, for reminding me."

This is the territory of the human race, and with Jiutian Xuannv also here, Guangchengzi is discouraged and will not attack him directly again.

There is a high probability that they will trick themselves on the battlefield. As long as they are careful on the battlefield, there is no need to worry too much.

Da Luo never counts time when drinking.

When Chen Feng came out from Chisongzi, several months had passed.

At this time, his steps were a little frivolous, and there was a hint of drunkenness in his eyes.

Da Luo did whatever he wanted. In order to enjoy the pleasure of drinking, he blocked the relevant abilities.

From an ordinary person's perspective, a few months may be a long time.

But to the human and witch clans facing each other on the Zhulu battlefield, it was nothing.

Before Chen Feng wandered back to Jiutian Xuannv's camp, a human female Qi practitioner guarding the camp gate immediately stepped forward.

She said respectfully to Chen Feng, "Master Feng, Empress Xuannu is in Master Yinglong's camp. Please come over, Master Feng."

Master Feng is what these human Qi practitioners call him. His human identity is the number one general under Jiutian Xuannv.

(End of this chapter)

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