High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 211 Chen Daoyou, let’s work together for great things

Chapter 211 Chen Daoyou, let’s work together for great things
"Well, I see, you go down."

Chen Feng was shocked when he heard this, and his drunkenness disappeared without a trace in an instant.

He calmly waved his hand to the human female Qi practitioner, but immediately turned around and rushed towards the Yinglong camp.

After preparing for so long, Yinglong is finally taking action!
As Chen Feng walked towards Yinglong Camp, he began to make plans in his mind.

The risk of raiding a camp is high, and the rewards are equally astonishing.

Although he is only there to gain experience, it would be great to have more experience.

You just have to be more careful, if Chanjiao tries to trick you on the battlefield, it will be a lot of fun.

But this possibility is unlikely. After all, Yinglong is standing there, and he is the real owner of this matter.

Of course, we do not rule out the possibility that Guangchengzi suddenly had a seizure and would not hesitate to offend Yinglong but also make life difficult for him.

Therefore, everything is based on caution. It is best to get greater benefits without standing too far forward.

Chen Feng thought as he walked, and within a moment he came to the gate of a large camp.

He looked up and saw two burly human Qi practitioners standing on both sides of the gate.

Around the camp, a dragon with wings on its back was printed on the flags that moved in the wind.

"Master Feng, please invite Master Long."

One of the Qi practitioners spoke loudly, looking at Chen Feng with eyes full of respect.

This place is Yinglong Camp, very close to Jiutian Xuannv's camp. Most of the human Qi practitioners here know Chen Feng and know his identity.

Chen Feng said calmly: "I understand, lead the way."

Although he could use Da Luo's magical power to find Ying Long's tent instantly and move it there.

But this is Yinglong's territory after all, so it would be rude to move there directly.

"Master Feng, please."

Upon hearing this, the human qi practitioner immediately stepped forward and led the way in front of him respectfully.

Chen Feng followed him through the Yinglong camp, and soon came to a large tent.

The human qi practitioner was about to open his mouth to report to the tent, but there was already a sound coming from the tent.

"Brother Feng, come in directly."

As the sound rang out, three figures came out of the tent.

One of them is naturally Jiutian Xuannv, and the other two figures are someone Chen Feng knows.

This person was none other than Hou Qing, who had witnessed the truth in the form of a zombie. The two had met before and had a few chats.

Chen Feng did not look at Xi Qing for the first time, but fell on the armored man next to him.

This man was wearing black armor, tall and tall, with light yellow pupils in his eyes. If you look closely, you can see that they have vertical pupils.

This should be Ying Long, and Chen Feng felt the light of his Da Luo, surging like a mighty sun.

When Chen Feng observed Ying Long, Ying Long also looked at him.

He smiled at Chen Feng and said: "This must be Fellow Taoist Chen Feng. Although Fellow Taoist has attained enlightenment in this era, I have heard of the name of Fellow Taoist for a long time. In Nao Yuxu Palace, Master Dou Lingbao, I heard that some time ago Guangchengzi can't help Taoist friends for a while, but if Taoist friends take action, we will be even more powerful."

Chen Feng's expression suddenly became serious when he heard this. This person is also a big trap.

He immediately said humbly: "What the hell, fellow Taoist Yinglong is making false praises. These are just rumors in the public and should not be taken seriously. Fellow Taoist Yinglong is the light of the human race. Master Feng Boyu is just interfering in front of fellow Taoist." The one who sells the best."

As expected, everything is black when the big luo is cut, and Yinglong is not an honest person either.

Hearing Ying Long boast about himself, Chen Feng got goosebumps all over his body.Good guy, Da Luo is indeed full of evil thoughts.

If someone who didn't know how to deal with this was exposed to Ying Long's nonsense, he would have immediately become so arrogant that he would go straight to the Wu clan and kill him.

That is to say, I was smart enough to blow it back immediately.

Jiutian Xuannu listened to Chen Feng and Ying Long exchanging blows, and her eyes immediately narrowed into crescent moons.

On the other hand, Hou Qing didn't pay much attention to such polite words.

He said: "This is not the place to talk. We should go inside to discuss."

Upon hearing this, Ying Long gently raised his hand to Chen Feng and made a gesture of invitation.

He smiled and said: "What Taoist Fellow Houqing said is absolutely true. Please come in and see Fellow Taoist Chen." "

"Fellow Taoist Ying Long, please go first."

Chen Feng stood beside Jiutian Xuannv, and he was extremely vigilant towards Ying Long.

Yinglong couldn't help laughing when he saw this, and walked into the military tent first.

The four people walked into the big tent one after another.

At a glance, except for a huge sand table placed in the center of the large tent, the other displays were very simple.

Chen Feng's eyes fell on the sand table.

It is said to be a sand table, but in fact it is a complete microcosm of the deer-fighting battlefield.

Every detail of the entire battlefield is perfectly presented on the sand table.

The layout of the human race is clearly visible, but most of the Wu clan's side is covered in fog, with only a few places marked in red.

Chen Feng noticed that there was an area marked in red that was particularly conspicuous, and a red cross was highlighted on it.

After the four people sat down on one side of the sand table, Yinglong came to the front of the sand table.

He signaled to Hou Qing: "Fellow Taoist Chen has just arrived and doesn't understand the situation yet. Let Taoist Hou Qing introduce it to you first."

Chen Feng immediately looked at Hou Qing, who was sitting opposite him.

He said: "This is a tentative attack by our side. The target is Master Feng Boyu. Before this, I have already found out that the camp of Commander Feng Boyu is at this location!"

Hou Qing said, pointing to the specially marked red area on the sand table.

He continued: "But they are actually our second intention. Our real intention is to find out how much power the Wu clan has hidden. Therefore, they are just a breakthrough. If you can kill them, they will be killed. If you can't kill, it doesn't matter. Big picture.”

Hou Qing briefly introduced the general direction of this test. After he finished speaking, Chen Feng's heart moved slightly.

It seems that his previous guess was indeed correct, Ying Long really wanted to use his body as bait!
After thinking for a while, he said: "How to allocate specific actions?"

What Ying Long does is his business. Chen Feng wants to know what kind of role he has arranged for himself.

Hearing Chen Feng speak, Ying Long showed a smile.

He said: "Don't worry, Fellow Daoist Chen, you are here to help, so I won't trick you."

Chen Feng didn't believe a word of what Ying Long said. Da Luo said he wouldn't cheat you, and hiding his lines would be a sure way to cheat you.

He continued: "Originally we planned to target one of the Feng Boyu divisions, but now that both are here, we have to change our strategy. Let Hou Qing sneak attack the Feng Boyu division camp, and we will ambush behind them and wait for them to show up. Behind me, the Queen will stop one, I will kill the other, and Fellow Daoist Chen will be responsible for holding down the formation to prevent the Wu Clan Daluo from coming to rescue."

After Ying Long said that, Chen Feng was instantly furious. Does that mean I won't cheat you?

If you want to kill Feng Boyu Master, the person from the Wu Clan will definitely not be an ordinary Da Luo, and there will probably be more than one. Ying Long really thinks highly of himself!

(End of this chapter)

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