High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 212: Da Luo also attacks the camp?Do you want face?

Chapter 212: Da Luo also attacks the camp?Do you want face?
After Ying Long finished speaking, he looked at Chen Feng and said, "Fellow Daoist Chen, what do you think of doing this?"

Chen Feng pondered slightly, this business is a bit difficult to do.

On the surface, it looks like he just occupies a soy sauce position.

In fact, it is very likely that he will directly become the target of the Wu Clan Daluo.

When dealing with these big guys, you will step into a trap if you are not careful.

This time, there were three Daluos including myself in the trial.

Needless to say, Ying Long, no one can take his place.

As for Hou Qing, he is capable of raiding the Wu clan, but if he really does it, Hou Tu will not be able to pass the test.

It's just a matter of gaining experience by being around. She doesn't know what to say. If she really dares to take the lead in charging, she will definitely be furious.

And Xing Tian, ​​that fool, I plan to get him to join the Heavenly Court.

If he is offended this time, what will he do if he attacks me in the future?
So I have no choice at all, unless I don't participate.

Chen Feng's eyes moved slightly, and his eyes fell on Jiutian Xuannv who was smiling and saying nothing.

Jiutian Xuannv saw him looking over and blinked at him.

I almost forgot about my thighs!

At the moment, it seems that this test is completely a game between the mantis and the oriole.

The Wu Clan Da Luo will take action, but the Human Clan Da Luo will sit back and watch!

A smile appeared in Chen Feng's eyes, this deal can be done.

He said, "I'm just helping. Fellow Taoist Yinglong will arrange everything."

"Okay, then it's settled."

Ying Long smiled when he heard this and immediately agreed.

But Chen Feng asked again: "I wonder when we will take action?"

"You have to ask fellow Daoist Hou Qing about this. He is the main force in attacking the camp."

Ying Long pouted at Hou Qing. Although he was the core figure of this operation, it was Hou Qing who really led the army.

Feeling Chen Feng's eyes on her, Hou Qing raised his head slightly.

He chuckled and said, "Don't be impatient, Fellow Daoist Chen. Tonight is the best time."

Chen Feng nodded. It turned out that he was going to take action tonight, but he didn't have to wait too long.

. . . . . .

As the great sun hanging in the prehistoric sky sets, night falls quietly.

On the battlefield of the deer competition, lights for lighting were lit in the camps of both humans and witches.

The stalemate has been going on for so long, and there has been no major movement. The soldiers on both sides have become a little tired.

Somewhere outside the Wu Clan's military formation, there is a stone mountain.

This stone mountain is only a few thousand feet high. Compared with the huge peaks in the ancient world that can easily reach hundreds of thousands of feet, this is just a hill at best.

It's just that although this rocky mountain is not high, it has a huge area and the terrain is relatively flat.

This kind of terrain is undoubtedly very suitable for garrisoning. It can be condescending and have an unobstructed view of the surroundings.

Naturally, the Wu Clan would not give up such a good place. Master Feng Boyu’s camp is right here!

To the northwest of Stone Mountain, tens of thousands of miles away, three figures that looked like they were walking in the void were rushing towards this direction in a hurry.

"This spiritual treasure, Fellow Daoist Yinglong, is really good."

Chen Feng was among these three people. Needless to say, the other two could be someone other than Ying Long Houqing.

When setting off, Yinglong used an innate spiritual treasure to cover the three people's Da Luo light.Now their Daluo Light is almost undetectable. Not to mention Feng Boyu Master, even if Yinglong is so close to Chen Feng, he can hardly detect Yinglong's Daluo Light.

Ying Long waved his hand, and an illusory sword shadow floated above his head.

This sword shadow is golden in color, with mountains, rivers, vegetation and stars engraved on it.

This sword is the Xuanyuan Sword, the most precious treasure of the Xuanyuan Sword Dao. It has the Dao of the Human Emperor on it!
Because of this, it can block the light of the Great Luo of Chen Feng and the other three. Although it can be replaced by a weaker spiritual treasure, it can still block it, but it is not as complete as the Xuanyuan Sword.

With it, there is no need to worry about being noticed by the Witch Clan unless they are face to face.

He said: "This is not mine. It was borrowed from the Human Emperor. I have to return it after use."

Chen Feng smiled. The appearance of Xuanyuan Sword made him more sure that Xuanyuan had a deep conspiracy.

This human emperor may not have the idea of ​​​​accomplishing his achievements in one battle.

The distance of tens of thousands of miles is just one step for them. If they were not worried about being alerted by the Wu Clan Daluo, they would already be in the camp of Feng Boyu Master.

He glanced at the Queen, who said he was commanding the army to attack the camp, but he still hadn't seen where the human army was.

Although they did not use Da Luo's magical power, with the speed of the three of them, they still quickly approached the Wu Clan camp.

When he was less than a thousand miles away from the stone mountain, Yinglong's figure suddenly stopped.

He opened his mouth and said: "Fellow Daoist Chen, we can't go any further, otherwise, even with the Xuanyuan Sword covering us, the Wu Clan Daluo will most likely discover us."

Chen Feng nodded, Ying Long's caution was not unreasonable.

Although the human holy sword is strong enough, the Wu clan also has Da Luo who can compete with Xuanyuan, such as Chi You.

A few hundred miles away was enough. After Hou Qing took action, he and Ying Long happened to ambush here.

Hou Qing also nodded: "Leave it to me next."

As soon as the words fell, Hou Qing's figure suddenly blurred and disappeared in front of Chen Feng and Ying Long.

The moon is extraordinarily round tonight, and the hazy moonlight shines on the earth, turning everything into a silvery white.

In Feng Boyu Master's camp, the Wu warriors drank happily around piles of blazing bonfires.

The men of the Wu clan have a bold personality, so the two sides never started a war, and everyone could only pass the time with fine wine.

At the gate of the camp, a Wu warrior came over carrying a jar of wine.

He said to another shaman who was guarding the door: "Brother, would you like to have an altar?"

The gatekeeper wizard shook his head: "Forget it, we have to keep vigil all night, no more drinking."

The wine-carrying shaman said with a smile: "Haha, what's there to defend? Our army camp is located high up, with a clear view of the surrounding area. Look, there's not even a shadow of a ghost!"

He walked outside the camp, raised his hand and pointed around, his face full of indifference.

"Back... behind!"

The gatekeeper wizard was about to speak with a smile, but the smile on his face disappeared instantly and was replaced by endless fear.

He pointed at his companion outside the gate of the camp, his lips muttered, but he could not utter a complete sentence.

The Wu Clan carrying the wine jar was very puzzled by his appearance. He turned his head suspiciously and his eyes suddenly opened wide!

There was a figure standing behind him. This figure's face was bloodless, its joints were stiff, but two fangs several inches long were exposed at the corners of its mouth.

Although the appearance of the Witch Clan is a bit strange, this figure is obviously not a Witch Clan!

Because there was endless death energy permeating his body, and his eyes were as dark as abyss, as if he had just crawled out of hell!
The wine jar fell from the hands of this Witch Clan warrior to the ground. Just as he was about to open his mouth, two fangs pierced his throat!
The gatekeeper witch clan was stunned, and he didn't fully react until he saw his clansman shriveled up quickly under the bite of the strange figure.

"Enemy attack!"

He tried his best to warn his companions in the camp, but it was already too late.

Outside the camp, under the moonlight, a demon-like figure stood suspended in the air.

And under his feet, endless stiff figures appeared, rushing towards the camp crazily!
(End of this chapter)

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