High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 213 Do you think I don’t know that you know?

Chapter 213 Do you think I don’t know that you know?

"No wonder we chose tonight to do it."

Looking at Hou Qing standing in the sky under the moonlight, Chen Feng's eyes showed a hint of understanding.

Zombies are born out of the resentment of heaven and earth and are not among the six living beings.

Hou Qing was the first zombie to attain enlightenment in the ancient world, and could be called the ancestor of zombies. It didn't take a minute to create a large group of zombie babies.

Zombies can absorb moonlight to increase their strength. Under the moonlight, their combat power will also increase greatly.

The zombies that attacked the Witch Clan's camp were all made of copper skin and iron bones, flying into the sky and escaping to the ground, and all had at least the immortal level combat power.

With such an increase, their ferocity becomes even greater. Even if the Witch Clan is known for its physical strength, it is difficult for them to gain the upper hand in a one-on-one situation.

If the human race were to fight against the wizard clan, they would often need to besieged. One wizard clan could even replace several human clan masters of the same level.

And Hou Qing's zombie cub has amazing strength and is completely unafraid of death. It is simply invulnerable.

That is to say, the real decisive battle of the battle depends on Da Luo, otherwise the Hou Qing alone can wipe out the entire Wu Clan army.

"Hmph! Does anyone really dare to attack the camp? Leave them all behind!"

There was a sound coming from the camp, and shocking breaths pierced the sky, making people unable to help but tremble.

The Witch Clan is also prepared!

Chen Feng squinted his eyes and looked over. The Witch Clan hidden in the camp was very strong, and their blood energy soared into the sky.

They are also considered the best among the Taiyi Golden Immortals, and judging from their lack of panic, these people should have been on guard!

"Huh? They are all zombies! Let's form a battle formation and don't be wasted needlessly!"

The masters of the Wu clan in the camp reacted very quickly. If the human clan invaded, they would definitely fight with all their might.

But now the camp is full of undead zombies, and there is no point in fighting them to the death.

Under the orderly arrangements of the masters of the Wu clan, a battle formation of the Wu clan appeared in the camp.

Each side of the battle formation is supported by millions of witch clans. The powerful blood energy of so many witch clans blend together to form a terrifying red cloud of blood energy.

However, the zombie army summoned by Hou Qing was even more terrifying. When they launched a sudden attack, they had already killed countless witches.

Now even facing the Witch Clan battle formation, these flying zombies are still fierce.

And as they absorb the blood of the people of the Witch Clan, their strength becomes stronger.

The most unexplainable thing is that soon after the witches killed by them fall to the ground, they will transform into zombies and get up to join them!
"No, there are too many zombies. We can't resist them. We need to find a way quickly!"

The masters of the witch clan soon discovered this. Even if zombies are not afraid of death, the slain witch clan will still be transformed.

Under this situation, the Wu clan will only become more and more passive.

Don't look at the hundreds of millions of witch clan troops in the camp. If you don't find a way, they will probably be exhausted!
Several masters of the Wu clan who were in charge looked at the whole place and noticed the Queen standing outside the camp under the moonlight.

A master of the Wu clan immediately said: "These zombies were summoned by that person. If you deal with him, there will be no zombies!"

"Then what are you waiting for? I'll kill him right away!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone was about to take action, but was held back by his companion.

The master of the witch clan couldn't help but give his companion a questioning look.

But he saw the witch who held him had a serious look on his face: "This person is Xuanyuan's general Hou Qing! He is extremely powerful, we are definitely no match for him!"

"Queen? It's actually him?"

"This matter is no longer something we can decide. Please go and ask Uncle Feng and Master Yu immediately!"

Everyone was suddenly shocked. Hou Qing was a human master who was competing against Feng Boyu Master.

No matter how much they expanded, they would never think they could surround and kill him.

So some people immediately went to invite their own coach, but before they could leave, two bursts of laughter came from the camp.

"It's great to have guests from far away. My dear friend, we have been waiting for a long time." Laughter spread, and two figures walked out slowly, hanging in the air.

One of them looked like an old man, with white beard and hair, holding a wheel fan in his hand.

Another man was dressed as a middle-aged scholar. As he walked, misty water vapor rose up.

Fengbo Yushi.

The commander-in-chief of this witch clan camp.

Of course, this is their identity in the eyes of all sentient beings. These two are both Da Luo!

How long have you been waiting?
Hundreds of miles away, Chen Feng had a panoramic view of everything in the Wu Clan camp.

It was Uncle Feng who spoke, and his words of "wait for a long time" revealed a lot of information.

The Wu Clan was indeed prepared, they were catching fish from the Human Clan.

Chen Feng glanced at Ying Long, but saw Ying Long looking at him with a smile.

The two smiled tacitly, and then turned their attention to the Wu Clan camp.

It turns out that both sides are throwing bait.

The Wu Clan used Feng Boyu Master as bait, and the Human Clan asked Ying Long to use his plan.

The matryoshka doll play has begun again, and it is unknown who will be the final winner this time.

But at this time, Hou Qing, as the bait thrown by Ying Long, had already started his performance.

Seeing Master Feng Boyu appear, Hou Qing's eyes flashed slightly.

He paused and said, "Oh? Could it be that the two fellow Taoists want to keep me here?"

His steps moved slightly, and he was ready to retreat.

Feng Bo gently waved the wheel fan in his hand, half-smiling, while Rain Master calmly pulled away, and he and Feng Bo were at each other's horns.

Feng Bo said: "Since Taoist Fellow Hou Qing is here, we and I should be happy to entertain you. Why do you need to leave in a hurry?"

After he said these words, he gently swung the wheel fan in his hand, and a strong wind suddenly blew up in the camp below.

The zombies that were frantically attacking the Witch Clan's camp were blown away by the strong wind, and immediately turned into wisps of resentment and dispersed.

Hou Qing didn't even move his eyelids and allowed the countless zombies below to dissipate.

These are all zombies that he transformed into the form of the resentment of the world. They have no cost themselves, and the loss is a loss.

He looked at Uncle Feng with a smile on his face: "Uncle Feng, do you think you can keep me with Master Yu?"

"Why not?"

Feng Bo gently shook his wheel fan, while Rain Master smiled and said nothing.


Suddenly there was a chill between the sky and the earth, and a raindrop appeared without warning.

At some point, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and the moonlight that originally shone on the earth was now gone.

When the first raindrop fell on the earth, everything between heaven and earth disappeared in an instant.

The Wu Clan’s camp, the deer fighting battlefield, and even the entire prehistoric era disappeared without a trace!

Only the vast raindrops, like broken pearls and jade, submerged Hou Qing's figure in it.

A raindrop freezes, with earth, water, wind and fire surging inside it, and the aura of creation permeating the sky. As the singularity explodes, the outline of a multiverse suddenly becomes clear.

A multiverse was born from the raindrops!
This is not a false illusion, it is the true creation and destruction of the world!

(End of this chapter)

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