High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 214 The opportunity in Da Luo’s eyes

Chapter 214 The opportunity in Da Luo’s eyes

Daluo's methods are unimaginable. Even a speck of dust can perform all the great ways of the heavens!

The raindrops continued to fall, but the multiverse within them seemed to accelerate time countless times.

The raindrops manifested and the universe was born.

When it falls, that universe has already turned from prosperity to decline.

And when it landed at the end and exploded into a tiny splash of water, this multiverse also came to an end!
Raindrops falling from a high place represent the evolution from life to death.

When a raindrop explodes, it means the destruction of a multiverse. Countless raindrops fall, and Hou Qing has been enveloped in this terrifying concept of destruction!
There is vitality in the rain that revives all things, and it also has the power of destruction that can wipe out the heavens.

When it is gentle, it moisturizes things silently; when it is angry, it can wear away even the material form of Da Luo!

This is the Great Way of the Rain Master!
Chen Feng ignored the strange phenomena on the battlefield and directly saw the essence of this battle.

The Rain Master's Tao of Da Luo is extraordinary, and this is a killer for the Queen.

But before Feng Bo takes action, it is really possible for the two of them to join forces and send Hou Qing back to the beginning of Taiyi.

Ying Long didn't make any move, probably because he felt that the time had not come yet.

Hou Qing, who had been overtaken by the Rain Master, still looked calm.

Hou Qing was the first zombie in the world to attain enlightenment. In fact, Chen Feng also particularly wanted to know what his Tao of Da Luo was.

A drop of rain hit Hou Qing, and the concept of destruction in it sizzled, and it was about to melt Hou Qing's Da Luo himself.

Hou Qing did not stop him. This was Master Yu's way of Da Luo. Even if he was a Da Luo, he could not stop it from destroying his own body.

Unless the empress can discern and analyze the Rain Master's Daluo way like Huang Long did that day, then this concept can be rewritten.


Hou Qing didn't move, but a terrifying scream came from the void that could shake the entire prehistoric world.

This voice is like a demon. If Da Luo hears it, his scalp will go numb. If Da Luo hears it, he is afraid that he will die suddenly!
The roar appeared, and Hou Qing instantly turned into a demonic shadow, with his eyes like two blood moons across the sky!
In addition, a pair of terrifying fangs that were like fairy swords poked out of his mouth!
When Chen Feng saw this scene, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

To fight against the Rain Master, who is also a Da Luo, if Hou Qing doesn't use his own Da Luo way or innate spiritual treasure, why is he manifesting his true body here?
Yes, this ten thousand-foot-long demonic figure is the true form of Hou Qing's Zombie Ancestor. With the appearance of this true form, the resentment of the world in the ancient world suddenly boiled.

Perhaps seeing the confusion in Chen Feng's eyes, Ying Long turned his head.

He smiled and said: "The Queen's way of Daluo is very interesting. Fellow Daoist Chen will understand it after you read it."

After hearing this, Chen Feng put aside his doubts and focused his attention on the battlefield.

After Hou Qing revealed his true form, his body became countless times bigger.

Those raindrops that contained the concept of destruction were like a rain of arrows from the sky, falling crazily towards him.

Chen Feng did not see Hou Qing make any moves, nor did he see him use any Daluo methods.

But the raindrops that could corrode his body before fell on him now, but they could only make a splash!

Chen Feng observed carefully and found that it was not that the concept of destruction in those raindrops disappeared, but that Hou Qing had a power that ignored this concept.

He suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Yinglong: "This is the true form of fellow Taoist Houqing?"

With a smile on his face, Ying Long said, "Yes, the real body of Hou Qing is his Tao of Da Luo."

Chen Feng immediately looked at Hou Qing again.

His Tao of Daluo is indeed special. The Tao of other Daluo is similar to concepts and rules, and is a non-material form that is transcendent of everything.

Hou Qing, on the other hand, did the opposite and transformed the Tao of Daluo into material form.The advantage of this is that he may not be the best player, but he is definitely the one who is least afraid of being beaten.

The entire prehistoric era is not as strong as his true body. To be honest, it is a bit difficult to send him back to the beginning of Taiyi.

No wonder Hou Qing dared to rush in front alone, and it was no exaggeration to call him the most frightened person in the world.

Hou Qing's demonic body shook, and a gap was torn open in the bead curtain formed by the vast raindrops.

Without any pause, he stepped directly towards the gap.

From the time the Rain Master took action to the time he revealed his true form, the two events almost happened simultaneously.

Da Luo Dou Fa has no concept of time, and it is so short that it cannot be described in a moment.

Seeing that Hou Qing was about to step out of the rain curtain blockade, Feng Bo, who had been silent until now, moved.

He smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist Queen, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved the wheel fan gently in his hand, and the breeze suddenly started to rise under the vast rain curtain!

Hou Qing frowned slightly, and the torn rain curtain in front of him was swept away by the breeze and returned to its original state.

He snorted coldly, raised his two thick arms and pushed forward.

The rain curtain was torn apart again, but almost instantly, a breeze blew by and the rain curtain merged again.

At the same time, wisps of breeze appeared in the rain curtain, but when it blew on Hou Qing, it turned into an ecstasy and bone-eroding evil wind!

Hou Qing raised his brows. In this seemingly harmless breeze, there was the great way of Uncle Feng.

This is the way of Xunfeng, which can erode the body of Daluo. It has the same effect as the previous rain curtain.

There are similarities between wind and rain, both have yin and yang sides.

The two heroes, Feng Boyu Master, were inseparable most of the time.

If there is only one person, there is really nothing that can be done against the Queen, after all, his frankness lies there.

Unless he remained motionless and allowed Feng Bo or Yu Master to attack him, it would be very difficult for him to break the Zongzu's true form.

But when these two Ronaldo take action together, it's not just as simple as the sum of two directions.

Even the true form of Hou Qing's Zongzu was feeling great pressure at this moment.

Moreover, the two of them have not really joined forces at this time, they just made one move each.

Hou Qing stepped back again, stepped out with his ten thousand-foot-long demonic body, and two terrifying fangs tore a ferocious crack into the rain curtain and breeze in front of him.

Feng Bo smiled calmly when he saw this, looked at each other with Rain Master, and took out the wheel fan in his hand again.

At the same time, the rain master also raised his hand and tapped lightly in the void, and the rain curtain in the sky suddenly shrank.

This time, the rain curtain was no longer a breeze blowing over the hills, but turned into a hurricane that destroyed the world!
Dark tornadoes appeared out of thin air. In the tornadoes, countless universes were turned into ashes, and all the heavens and worlds were reduced to nothingness!
That is a vision, and it is also true. The tornado destroys the world. This is the manifestation of the great road. At this moment, countless universes are decaying and perishing!
The rain curtain shrank, and countless raindrops condensed, locking Hou Qing in place!
In the raindrops, the avenue of destruction still exists. When the black tornado appears, the rain curtain suddenly turns into a terrifying meat grinder targeting the queen!

Hou Qing is an old rival of the Wu clan, and Master Feng Boyu naturally knows how to deal with him, and this killing move was prepared for him.

The rain curtain cage was formed in an instant, and the black tornado also appeared at the same time as Feng Bo waved his wheel fan.

At this moment, the wheel fan in Uncle Feng's hand has not yet been completely swung down, and Master Yu's fingers have just landed in the void, and both of them are focusing on Hou Qing.

At this moment, a golden fairy sword engraved with rivers, mountains, vegetation, insects and birds suddenly appeared!
It came without any warning, and at the billionth moment of its appearance, it aimed directly at Feng Bo and slashed at it without any fancy!

(End of this chapter)

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