High-end prehistoric: Kill the time traveler at the beginning

Chapter 215 Da Luo only talks about interests and not about ethics

Chapter 215 Da Luo only cares about interests, not moral integrity

This sword appeared without warning, and Feng Bo had no time to dodge.

But Da Luo is very human. Even under such circumstances, he still discovered the crisis.

On the golden fairy sword, the vegetation and stars glowed, the mountains and rivers surged, and an indescribable Dao of Da Luo filled the air!

The sun, moon, mountains and rivers obey my orders, and the grass, trees, mountains and rivers are all my subjects!
This is the Human Emperor's Avenue, one of the several powers second only to "Pangu" in the ancient world.

Feng Bo had no time to turn around, and there was a solemn look in his eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "Xuanyuan Sword? Huangdi is here in person?"

Before he finished speaking, the golden fairy sword had already fallen, and it was chopped down without any fancy.

With this sword, the sky and the earth were dimmed, the sun and the moon were dimmed, and endless light burst out from the ancient land.

The human emperor wields a sword to kill Feng Bo, and all creatures in the ancient world respect his orders.

At this moment, it seems that it is not Xuanyuan Sword that is slashing at Feng Bo, but the entire Great Desolate World!

This is the power of the Human Emperor!
Just a sword can mobilize the power of humanity!
Feng Bo's expression was gloomy. The timing of this sword's appearance was too tricky, and he would definitely not be able to dodge it.

He didn't hide, he fanned lightly with the wheel fan in his hand, and his figure suddenly became ethereal.

The avenue of wind, the breeze of willows.

At this moment, Uncle Feng seemed to have turned into a breeze.

No matter how powerful the Xuanyuan Sword was, it was still just a hair away from him.

He forced him to be strong, and the breeze was blowing on the hills.

He couldn't take the Xuanyuan Sword, but why should he?

But just as he transformed into the breeze and followed the Xuanyuan Sword, a cold snort suddenly came out.

Ying Long held the Xuanyuan Sword in one hand and continued to cut it down, and lightly tapped Feng Bo with the other hand!
An illusory dragon tail as thick as a mountain suddenly appeared. With a sweep, a big river suddenly appeared around Feng Bo!
Divide the land into rivers!

However, this river is not a river in the conventional sense, but a prison, a prison that blocks Feng Bo's retreat!
This connection from end to end forms a perfect closed loop in the river. What is rushing is not the river water, but Yinglong's Daluo Way!
As an old rival, Yinglong had already calculated everything.

Although Feng Bo was slightly stronger than Yu Shi, he still chose to attack Feng Bo.

Because the Rain Master's Daluo Way is somewhat similar to his, the means that can trap Feng Bo may not be fully effective against him.

On the other hand, Feng Bo, from the moment Ying Long took action, he was caught in a decisive attack!

At this time, he was blocked by Ying Long's Great Luo Dao, and his figure instantly stopped.

The Xuanyuan Sword exploded into the golden Human Emperor Avenue, slashing down diagonally with an absolutely fierce and domineering attitude!

"Yinglong, how dare you!"

Rain Master's face was slightly condensed, Ying Long's attack came without any warning, even Feng Bo himself couldn't avoid it, and he was even more unable to react in time.

At this time, Feng Bo was in a critical situation, and of course he couldn't just sit back and watch.

However, along with the sound of tearing cloth, the rain curtain tornado that killed Hou Qing was suddenly torn open.

Hou Qing took a step forward, his eyes were like blood moons in the sky, and he instantly stopped in front of the Rain Master!
Chen Feng was standing not far from Ying Long at the moment.

He had already appeared when Ying Long took action.

Houqing is indeed a very qualified tank.

From the moment he knocked on the door to the time He Feng Boyu Master took action, the battlefield had already moved away from the Wu Clan camp unconsciously.

In other words, Rain Master was stopped by Hou Qing, and now no one can save Feng Bo.

Such a decisive blow, even if the Wu Clan Daluo wanted to save him, it would be too late!
Feng Bo is in danger!

"Fellow Daoist Uncle Feng, please go slowly without seeing me off!"

Ying Long chuckled and slashed down with the Xuanyuan Sword. Feng Bo's Great Luo light had become dim.

This trial has been considered a great success so far.

Killing a big figure from the Wu Clan was another great addition to his list of achievements.

Just when Ying Long smiled and said goodbye to Feng Bo, who looked livid, a crisp sound suddenly appeared.A pair of fingers appeared under the Xuanyuan Sword without any warning. With two fingers raised, the Golden Fairy Sword immediately let out a sword cry!
Ying Long's eyes suddenly trembled, and he shouted: "Who is taking action?"

After the words fell, a figure dressed as a witch clan slowly appeared.

His face was full of teasing, and he said with a smile: "Great witch Kunpeng, I have met fellow Taoist Yinglong."

Ying Long was obviously stunned, and then his eyes almost burst out with fire.

He gritted his teeth and said, "Demon Master Kunpeng!"

He recognized who the person was at a glance. Who else could it be if it wasn't Kunpeng?
The Monster Clan actually got mixed up with the Witch Clan!
However, Kunpeng shook his head slightly: "Fellow Taoist, you called me wrong. I am the great witch Kunpeng."

Ying Long's face suddenly turned green. He was such a powerful witch. Kunpeng really had no shame at all.

You don't even need to change your name, but you dare to pretend to be a witch just by changing your clothes!
He didn't speak again because Kunpeng had already taken action.

After catching the Xuanyuan Sword, Kunpeng flicked his sleeves, and one Peng and one Kun suddenly appeared.

There is a fish in Beiming, its name is Kun, Kun is so big, I don't know how many thousands of miles it is.

It turns into a bird, its name is Peng, and the back of Peng does not know how many thousands of miles away it is.

Kun jumped up from the abyss, and the water vapor filled the sky, filling the entire ancient wilderness.

The wing struck the sky, soared ninety thousand miles, and the huge wind blew up, tearing apart countless multiverses.

This is Kunpeng's Tao of Daluo, one yin and one yang, endless changes and endless life.

This was a great supernatural power user in Da Luo. As soon as he made a move, a trace of solemnity appeared on Ying Long's face.

Demon Clan Daluo?

Beside Ying Long, Chen Feng's eyes widened instantly.

Infernal Affairs didn't dare to play like this, and the dignified demon master suddenly turned into a great witch.

No wonder Di Jun is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, Kunpeng has come to the Witch Clan, and the two Lich Clan may have already joined forces!
"I knew this trip would be dangerous!"

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng already rubbed oil on the soles of his feet the moment he saw Kunpeng.

The Witch Clan and the Human Clan are nesting dolls in each other's nest, both trying to trap and kill each other.

As a result, after a lot of tricks, a big witch named Kunpeng was finally tricked out.

I can't afford it, I slipped away.

He took one step forward and was about to return to the human camp, but as soon as he lifted his steps, his expression suddenly changed.

It turned out that a layer of light black mist had spread around the area at some point. This mist was obviously the same as the black mist that enveloped the entire Wu Clan battle formation.

This thing is so powerful that it can even stop Da Luo's methods.

Although he could still see the deer-chasing battlefield clearly through the mist at this time, it was already impossible to return to the human camp.

Yes, the retreat has been cut off. This wave of the Wu Clan is in the atmosphere.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly, he made a big loss on this business trip.

He looked towards Ying Long. When Kunpeng made his move, two more balls of light appeared.

"Great witch Bifang!"

"Great Witch Nine Infants!"

The people who appeared were also dressed as witches, and they were all demon clans.

Demon God Jiuying and Demon God Bifang!
The appearance of these two people made Ying Long almost unable to stop cursing.

It’s the demon clan Daluo who just changed their clothes and came here to pretend to be a great witch. How shameless are they?

"Fellow Taoist Yinglong, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Bi Fang and Jiu Ying appeared right after Kunpeng, and the three of them took action almost at the same time.

At this moment, Yinglong was fighting three Da Luo alone. No, it should be four. Feng Bo, who had escaped the decisive blow, also joined the battle group!
(End of this chapter)

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