Chapter 217
Chen Feng and Ji Meng kept fighting, but his eyes were always on Ying Long.

If Ying Long falls, the human race will be in serious trouble this time.

The most important thing is that he can't leave now, and he might get experience from Kunpeng and others together with Yinglong.

Under his gaze, a huge golden dragon with two wings on its back appeared in the middle of the battlefield.

The dragon's eyes were full of anger, its scales were broken in several places, and golden blood was splattered.

Facing the joint efforts of Kunpeng Bifang and Jiuying, although Yinglong had the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, he was still unable to hold on.

In desperation, he transformed into his own Ying Long.

At this moment, around him, the shadows of three ferocious beasts with strong auras were staring at them, and Kunpeng and others also showed their true bodies!

Yinglong's body was already injured, and his breath was gradually weakening.

Kunpeng and others used all their strength to almost completely suppress his Great Luo Light.

All this happened in an instant. Faced with the siege of Da Luo, who was also a powerful person, Ying Long could not withstand it no matter how strong he was.

His blood bar was rapidly bottoming out, and his scales were in pieces. If it weren't for the Xuanyuan Sword, he would have reported back to the beginning of Taiyi at this moment.

Although Ying Long was covered in blood, his eyes were still sharp.

He found an opportunity and almost struck Uncle Feng with a sword. Even though Uncle Feng reacted in time, he still suffered a loss.

Although Feng Bo is also considered a person with great supernatural powers, the strength of those with great supernatural powers also varies greatly.

Among the four great Luo who besieged Yinglong, he was obviously the one at the bottom.

Kunpeng's thoughts changed slightly when he saw that Yinglong's defeated image had been revealed.

He said to everyone in a deep voice: "Ying Long is very insidious. He will definitely not be willing to be sent back to the beginning of Taiyi by us. This is just to support someone, fellow Taoists, be careful!"

After saying this, Kunpeng turned directly to look at Feng Bo.

Bi Fang instantly understood Kunpeng's thoughts and said, "Fellow Taoist Feng Bo is injured, and Ying Long is afraid that he will do harm to fellow Taoist."

Jiu Ying nodded again and again, and also cooperated: "Fellow Taoist, why don't you go and take down Houqing with fellow Taoist Master Yu first, and leave Yinglong to me."

Facing Kunpeng and the others, they cooperated so tacitly.

Uncle Feng's face was obviously condensed, and he was already cursing secretly in his heart.

This group of monsters are really black from head to toe, and their consciences have been snatched away by dogs!
Seeing that Ying Long was about to be drained of his health bar, he actually wanted to take him away?

He also pretended to be kind and asked him to take the head of Hou Qing. Can the experience of killing Hou Qing be the same as killing Yinglong?

Rain Master and I really believed in Xie before we agreed to be bait for catching the big human fish!

At this time, Feng Bo was like a boss who was about to be killed, but was invited out of the team by his teammates, not to mention how much he wanted to curse.

But as Bi Fang said, if Ying Long wants to support him, he will definitely come to him. He is the weakest among the four.

And look at the neat movements of the three of them taking a step back quietly.

This was obviously preparing to make way for Yinglong and let him use the Xuanyuan Sword to kill him.

You know that these monsters never have good intentions, especially Kunpeng, who is full of bad intentions!
Feng Bo had already scolded Kunpeng in his heart, but he didn't stop.
He turned around and waved the wheel fan in his hand at Hou Qing, pouring all his anger on Hou Qing.

"Yinglong can't hold on any longer!"

Chen Feng had a clear view of all this, Hou Qing didn't have to worry at this time, he could resist the beating very well.Yinglong, on the other hand, was besieged by Kunpeng, Bifang and three other demon clans and demon gods, and his health bar was about to bottom out!
Although his eyes are still sharp now, his breath has changed sharply.

Chen Feng was secretly anxious. Although Ying Long was besieged in an instant, it was time for the human race Da Luo to take action, right? !
"Kunpeng, you are so brave!"

As soon as Chen Feng had this idea, a majestic voice came into everyone's ears.

The voice sounded, and a big hand reached out from the human camp, instantly crossing the deer-chasing battlefield and reaching the Wu clan's side!

The black mist that had previously blocked Chen Feng from leaving was instantly torn apart by the big hand. Without any pause, it grabbed directly towards Kunpeng and the others!

The big hand is entwined with the rich destiny of the human race, and the path of the human emperor is constantly surging in it!

The moment this hand appeared, the Xuanyuan Sword in Yinglong's hand shook.

Until this moment, Ying Long's eyes were still calm, as if he knew this big hand was coming.

The next moment, this holy sword of humanity was held by a big hand, and at this moment, the battlefield of Zhulu was shaken!
Human Emperor!Xuanyuan!
All the races under Da Luo felt the urge to bow their heads and worship!

This impulse is irresistible, it seems to be imprinted in the bone marrow, and it will not change with the changes of eras!
No matter what they were doing at this moment, they put aside what they were doing, chanted the name of the Human Emperor, knelt on the ground and began to worship.

The battleground, the human camp.

Countless human warriors walked out of the tent. They looked at the big hand holding the Xuanyuan Sword, their eyes filled with indescribable fanaticism!

Seeing the big hand holding the Xuanyuan Sword, Kunpeng's eyes immediately froze.

From the moment his big hand reached out, he already knew that Xuanyuan had taken action himself.

He knew only too well how strong Xuanyuan was.

In the usual plot of "The Rise of the Human Race", he killed countless giants of the Lich and Lich clans.

Now that Ying Long was almost killed by someone under his control, Xuanyuan took action out of anger. This was no joke.

He immediately said to Bi Fang and Jiu Ying: "The idea is so thorny that it slipped away!"

Upon hearing this, Bi Fang immediately gave up taking action against the dragon and followed Kunpeng to retreat.

However, Jiuying was obviously unwilling.

Yinglong has been severely injured at this moment, and his health bar is empty. As long as the three of them attack again, they will send him back to the beginning of Taiyi in minutes.

He hurriedly said: "Why don't you kill Yinglong and then escape?"

Kunpeng turned around and left without saying a word, but he still said: "This work is left to the Wu clan, why should we fight with Xuanyuan."

The Human Emperor was originally one of the top powers under Pangu in the ancient world, and Xuanyuan's other large emperor, the Hong family, had even served as the lord of Central Juntian.

This is a ruthless man who competed with Yuanshi Tianzun for Pangu!
He just used the Xuanyuan Sword to kill people, and he still won't leave?They are here to help, not to fight with the human race.

Before Kunpeng finished speaking, his body was already weak. Bi Fang followed closely behind, and the two of them gave up killing Yinglong without any hesitation.

When Jiuying saw this, he immediately put away his hesitation and chased after the two of them to leave.

Kunpeng's reaction was not unpleasant, he was about to run away the moment Xuanyuan took action.

However, it was still too late. The big hand holding the Xuanyuan Sword shook slightly and slashed at the disappearing figures of Kunpeng and the others!
Immediately afterwards, a voice without any emotion slowly sounded: "You're already here, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

(End of this chapter)

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