Chapter 218
Xuanyuan's emotionless voice echoed throughout the heavens, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand slashed down with a bang!

As soon as the sword came out, the vegetation, stars, mountains and rivers reflected the void above the Xuanyuan Sword.

The path of the Human Emperor descended gloriously. At this moment, all the heavens, worlds, and multiverses became transparent, and the essence of the material world was clearly revealed in front of people.

They are lines between existence and non-existence, and every material world is outlined by these lines.

When the human race's holy sword fell, these lines collapsed at the touch, and could not be stopped even for a billionth of an instant!

This was a natural fluctuation when Xuanyuan dropped his sword, and he did not make any unnecessary movements.

But when he slashed down with his sword, almost everyone present, including Chen Feng, felt a strong and breathless feeling of oppression!

Daluo and Daluo are indeed different!

Although he was already used to it, Chen Feng couldn't help but complain in his heart.

The Xuanyuan Sword was about to be cut down, but at this moment a pair of indifferent eyes opened in the black mist that filled the Wu Clan camp!

Before the voice could be heard, a red long sword suddenly slashed out, heading straight for the big hand holding the Xuanyuan Sword.

There is a ferocious war tiger phantom roaring on the long sword, and the sound echoes throughout the heavens.

The evil spirit of this sword was billowing, and the ferocious aura rising into the sky dyed the entire deer-fighting battlefield red.

Tiger Sword!

On the battlefield, everyone knows this sword.

The Tiger Soul Sword appears, and the identity of the person who spoke is about to be revealed!
Chi You, the leader of the Wu clan and the leader of the army!
Chen Feng looked towards the indifferent eyes in the black mist.

The Zhulu battlefield is the battlefield between the Wu clan and the human clan, and it is also the battle between Chi You and Xuanyuan as the human emperor.

Xuanyuan took action, how could Chi You just sit back and watch?

Before the Tiger Soul Saber landed on Xuanyuan's big hand, a long and cold cry suddenly sounded.

On the battlefield, nine colors of mysterious light were scattered, and the seven-colored luan bird spread its wings and sang leisurely in the mysterious light.

At the same time, a jade-like hand appeared in the air and stopped directly in front of the Tiger Soul Sword!
Nine Heavens Xuannv!

Seeing this jade hand, Kunpeng frowned slightly, with a look of helplessness on his face.

The Tiger Soul Sword was blocked, and the Xuanyuan Sword slashed towards him without any hesitation.

Facing the Human Emperor's attack, Kunpeng did not panic.


He flicked his sleeves, and a sea of ​​northern darkness emerged leisurely in the void.

A kun fish jumped out of it, setting off huge waves in the North Underworld.

Then, Kunyu turned from bottom to top and turned into a roc.

The wings of this roc waved like clouds hanging from the sky. With a slight flap, it soared upwards and directly faced the Xuanyuan Sword!
There is a fish in Dark North, and its name is Kun!
Kun leaped through the nine heavens and transformed into a roc!
Kunpeng's way is extremely extraordinary, and the fact that he can accept the name of Demon Master and take the third position in the Demon Court speaks volumes.

Unlike Jiuying Bifang and others, Kunpeng was not from the demon clan at the beginning.

He is the great Luo whom Emperor Jun has won over to the Demon Clan, and with his strength, even Emperor Jun will turn his attention!
The golden sword energy flew across the sky, and Xuanyuan Sword slashed down.

At this moment, all the heavens and worlds were dimmed, and it seemed that only this sword was left in the center of the universe.

Kunpeng's expression remained unchanged, and the bird representing his great path spread its wings and hit the sky, colliding with the Xuanyuan Sword!
The Human Emperor's Avenue on the Xuanyuan Sword was boiling, and just the breath of it made Chen Feng and others feel palpitations.

The Peng bird, representing the Kunpeng Avenue, screamed and constantly clashed with the Xuanyuan Sword.

Two completely different avenues collided with each other, shaking the endless multiverse.

The confrontation between the two great Luos crushed all rules and ignored time and space.

This process can last in an instant or last forever. Their simple confrontation can even extend to endless eras.

But that's just an ordinary person's perspective. From the Daluo's perspective, Kunpeng and Xuanyuan fought against each other in an instant, and then separated in an instant.Kunpeng's avenue was destroyed by the Human Emperor's Avenue, but the Human Emperor's Avenue no longer had the energy to continue cutting down.

Kunpeng was very decisive. After blocking Xuanyuan's sword, he took Bifang and Jiuying and fled into the void.

The eyelids of Master Feng Boyu, who was not far away, twitched.

The two looked at each other, immediately gave up besieging Hou Qing, and jumped aside.

Chi You was stopped by Jiutian Xuannv, and Kunpeng's soles were greased again, so why didn't Xuanyuan vent his anger on them?

Phew, no near miss.

Chen Feng took a breath and put the lotus lantern away.

As for his opponent Ji Meng, he was one step earlier than Kunpeng.

As soon as Xuanyuan and Jiutian Xuannv arrived, the group of monsters scurried away in a hurry.

They are obviously here to do the work but not put any effort into it, and put profit first.

But they did get some benefits, although not many.

He looked at Ying Long and saw that his scales were broken, blood flowed across his body, and his health bar was almost empty.

Kunpeng and others failed to kill Yinglong, but they still gained some plot experience.

According to the rules of the game among the big Luo people, Yinglong's injury cannot be recovered in a short time, and the human race will suffer a big loss.

Kunpeng retreated, and Jiutian Xuannu and Chi You also fought on the other side.

Jiutian Xuannv used a jade hand to face the Tiger Soul Sword, and the two collided, making a loud noise that echoed throughout the heavens and the world!

The living beings under Da Luo cannot hear this sound, only Da Luo can hear it clearly.

This is a collision between Da Luo Dao, without any fancy manifestations, it is the most essential duel!
Kunpeng disappeared and grabbed Yinglong with his big hand without any hesitation.

Chen Feng understood that Xuanyuan wanted to bring Yinglong back from the beginning.

Without any hesitation, he followed the big hand.

Hou Qing was not slow, and the two of them walked in sync, retreating towards the human camp.

Their speed was so fast, they had almost returned to the camp the moment they had this idea.

But just as they were about to retreat, the black mist covering the Wu clan's battle formation suddenly boiled!
At the same time, formation flags that soared to the sky suddenly appeared in the void.

These formation flags were spread out in all directions, with different figures appearing on the broad flags.

Jumang, Gonggong, Zhurong, Qiangliang.

There are a total of twelve formation flags, each manifesting the twelve ancestral shaman dharma bodies.

The ancestral witch body on the formation flag exudes the unique evil spirit of the witch clan. When the flag flutters, there are completely different Daluo ways that are uncertain.

The most powerful ones are undoubtedly the two sides, one of which is hazy with mist, and only a pair of eyes like the sun and moon hanging in the sky can be seen clearly.

Chen Feng knew the figure on the other side, it was Hou Tu who had already transformed into reincarnation!
All the gods are in a big formation!

Seeing the formation flag appear, Chen Feng and Hou Qing's eyes darkened at the same time.

Although all the ancestral witches have withdrawn, the Dutian Shensha Formation has not disappeared.

These twelve formation flags are the base of the formation!

Each formation flag belongs to an ancestral witch and is a spiritual treasure refined by them.

The combination of twelve formation flags makes it difficult for even those with great supernatural powers to resist.

Because they were refined by all the ancestral witches, and they included the two Pangu, Zhulong Houtu!

(End of this chapter)

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